tool in the teaching process. As our world evolves, the technology is also evolving and we can’t deny the fact that it is happening also to education. One of the examples is the modern technologies used by some of the teachers as their instructional materials. (Richards) Before, children were taught in a rigid and stereotyped way. Teachers used authentic or created materials as their tool in teaching the learners. Nowadays, there are lots of instructional materials to be used in teaching. There are
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“shared beliefs, meanings, and understanding” (Morgan, 1986, p. 134). Cultures are composed of patterns of belief, which can be fragmented or consolidated; they tend to be reinforced by a plethora of standards and customs, all of which exert a pivotal influence on an organization's ability to deal with everyday activities. Of the many traits that can characterize an organization’s “social reality”, some are organizational structure, rules and policies, targeted objectives, missions, and everyday procedures
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CHAPTER 1 PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction In current time, the number of student was increasing. It is a good sign of the gradual development of education here in the Philippines, this improvement was achieved with the help of different organizations (DepEd, CHED, TESDA and DOST) implemented and founded by the government. The government pays attention and gives support in education matters for the reason that they believed it will help the country in the near future, to be more competitive
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(Unpublished master’s thesis). Trinity College of Quezon City, Quezon City. - This study was conducted to determine the relationship between job stress and teaching performance among one hundred-fifteen (115) grade school teachers of Xavier School. Specifically, it delved on the sources of stressors in the organization such as school environment, organizational climate, organizational health, organizational communication and organizational leadership. cademic Performance of Elementary Pupils in Relation
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School is a special environment, where certain qualities of life and certain types of activities and occupations arc provided with the object of child's development. School is a mini society, where all types of faith, creeds, religions, secular values etc. are developed and school plays an important role in a democratic social set up. Students of today are the citizen of tomorrow. It is said that such in a societal system schools arc the backbone of the society. We can say school is a mini society
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quality education program and improve the influence of OSU in the whole Oregon, no matter in education or in the business realm. Meanwhile, we must admit that there are several potential risks we will face in implementing the practical program. There is more specific information and analysis as follow. Risk Identification Through the analysis of the whole parts of the new program, we identify the following risks: competition risk, financial problem, teaching quality and reputation impairment. OSU
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But if parents want to install those notions in their children, they need to place them in a surrounding that encourages a positive type of behavior. Inspite of all the positive influence from the behalf of the teaching staff, the children may still end up taking a sideway in life if they are exposed to detrimental influence from the behalf of poorly behaved children with whom they spend a significant portion of their time. When away from the family cradle, children seek to recreate the removed sense
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successfully at all education levels and environments throughout the nation. 1. Active Learning 2. After-School Opportunities 3. Alternative Schooling 4. Career and Technology Education (CTE) 5. Early Childhood Education 6. Early Literacy Development 7. Educational Technology 8. Family Engagement 9. Individualized Instruction 10. Mentoring/Tutoring 11. Professional Development 12. Safe Learning Environments 13. School-Community Collaboration
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University EDA 529 Dr. Tony Elmer July 21, 2009 School Culture Analysis The term school culture describes the environment that affects the behavior of the entire school community. School culture can be defined as the quality and character of school life. It is based on patterns of school life experiences and reflects norms, goals, values, relationships, teaching, leadership practices and the structure of the organization. Several studies have concurred that student performance is directly
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Everline Inc 1 Teaching Notes Synopsis Everline is a one-product company with two employees. The product is synthetic and is used as a replacement for, for example, playing lines in baseball, soccer and football fields. There are other potential uses. Because of familial restrictions, the Canadian market is off-limits to Everline. The company has been in existence for three years and has suffered substantial losses in each of those years. The President is concerned because as she says “we have our
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