from previous MSE/STS notes & Google so don’t worry if you can’t find it in your 6P/RR ** PROBLEM 1 Services Producing Industries: * Wholesale and Retail Trade * Transport and Storage * Accommodation and F&B Services * Information and Communications * Finance & Insurance * Business Services * Other services industries Business Excellence Framework and Awards: Companies known for service excellence: E.g. MacDonalds, Ritz Carlton, CPF, NLB, OCBC
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Contents 02 08 10 12 16 20 24 30 54 02 10 Milestones Group Financial Highlights At a Glance Chairman’s Message Board of Directors Senior Management Organisational Structure Group Structure Corporate Information Corporate Directory Corporate Governance Key Dynamics & Risk Management Corporate Social Responsibility Highlights 25 1.0% Grassroots 26 27 30 47 54 64 0.3% Education 56.1% Corporate Giving in FY2012 86 76 Social Services Operating & Financial Review Fare
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Introduction to Islamic Insurance K. M. Mortuza Ali 1 K. M. Mortuza Ali Managing Director Prime Islami Life Insurance Limited 29 Dilkusha C/A Raj Bhaban (6th Floor) Dhaka – 1000 Phone – 9560889, 9570729 (Off) 8353552 (Res) Mobile – 019-366617 Fax – 880-2-9564390 Email – 2 Chapter (I) Basic ideas about Risk & Insurance 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. What is Risk? How do we distinguish between pure risk and speculative risk ? How risk is handled
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also found that 7 per cent of interviewees had invested in either unit trusts or mutual funds, with 22 per cent of this group having between 2-4 investments. The top three companies for both life and medical insurance were AIA, Prudential and NTUC Income. And being young hasn't stopped Singaporeans from owning credit cards either. According to the survey, 29 per cent of those interviewed were either primary or supplementary card holders. 'Credit cards are a way of life these days, and it gives
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All information contained in this publication is copyrighted in the name of Business Monitor International, and as such no part of this publication may be reproduced, repackaged, redistributed, resold in whole or in any part, or used in any form or by any means graphic, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by information storage or retrieval, or by any other means, without the express written consent of the publisher. DISCLAIMER All information contained
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planning academics and practitioners in describing some strategic places in the world economy. Pioneer researchers in this area define global cities as basing points of capital in a world economy (Friedmann, 1986: 71); production centres of specialized information services such as financial services, media services, educational and health services, and centres of tourism (Hall, 1998: 24); and centres for servicing and financing international trade, investment and headquarters operations (Sassen, 2004: 171)
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2013 Brand Audit: Casuarina Curry By Ashwin Joseph Ashwin Zenev Jerome Balaji Balakrishnan Madhumita Srinivasan 12772487 12774782 12770282 12772343 Submitted To : Dr. Lisa Tombalabkian EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Extant branding literature holds that, strong brands evoke brand associations that are differentiated readily from direct competitors. Additionally, brand theory asserts that the most powerful and enduring consumer-based brand associations deal with the intangible or abstract characteristics
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Our Vision and Mission Our Mobile Reach What Differentiates Us Our Strategy An Exciting Year Chairman's Statement GCEO Review 01 02 04 05 06 08 10 12 buSineSS review insight into each of our business units SuSTainabiliTy and governance information on our organisation structure, management team, corporate governance, risk management and sustainability efforts 16 24 30 36 Board of Directors Organisation Structure Management Committee Senior Management Sustainability and Governance Philosophy
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shaped by culture and individual personality * Demands: humans wants that are backed by buying power * Conduct consumer research and analyse the large amount of data * Marketing offerings * Combination of products, services, information or experiences offered to a market to satisfy a need or want * Marketing myopia: mistake of sellers paying more attention to the specific products offered by a company rather than to the benefits and experiences produced by these products
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in InvestmentLinked Life Insurance. The book may look ominously thick but please bear in mind that the market out there, both, the product producers and clients market has undergone tremendous changes in the last 15 years. The sudden deluge of information found here as compared to the earlier version is to provide a slightly higher level of understanding amongst agents, so that they can be better prepared when facing a client. The objective of this course is to provide basic fundamental knowledge
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