The Monsanto company is the largest seed company, with sales of more than $11.5 billion (Ferrell and Hartline, 2014). 90 percent of the world’s genetically modified seeds are sold by Monsanto or by companies that use Monsanto genes. They also hold 70 to 100 percent market share on certain crops (Ferrell and Hartline, 2014). But, Monsanto has been criticized by stakeholders as diverse as governments, farmers, activists, and advocacy groups. The critics accused the multinational giant Monsanto
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On Exploiting Agent Technology in the design of Peer-to-Peer Applications Steven Willmott, Josep M. Pujol and Ulises Cort´s e Universitat Polit`cnica de Catalunya e a Llenguatges i Sistemes Inform`tics Campus Nord, M´dul C5-C6, C/Jordi Girona 1-3, Barcelona (08034), Spain o {steve, jmpujol, ia} Abstract. Peer-to-peer (P2P) architectures exhibit attractive properties for a wide range of real world systems. As a result they are increasingly being applied in the design of applications
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[pic] As far as memory goes, traffic congestion and pollution have become the major challenges to be overcome by local governments. Whilst some people think that these problems may be only solved through a fuel cost increase, the counterpart believes that more effective strategies should be taken instead. In this essay, it will be argued why the fuel cost increasing proposal is unfeasible as well as showing some more adequate solutions. To begin with, a possible approach by reducing the aforementioned
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Trade: Uncertainty Avoidance* Gert Jan Hofstede Wageningen University Catholijn M. Jonker Delft University of Technology Tim Verwaart LEI Wageningen UR Keywords: trade, culture, agents, uncertainty avoidance, negotiation Abstract A model is presented of the way that our cultural attitude towards the unknown influences the decisions we make in trade. Uncertainty avoidance is one of Hofstede’s five cultural dimensions. The paper presents
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& Technology University Road Karachi-75300, Pakistan ABSTRACT Due to the increase in the number of vehicles day by day, traffic congestions and traffic jams are very common. One method to overcome the traffic problem is to develop an intelligent traffic control system which is based on the measurement of traffic density on the road using real time video and image processing techniques. The theme is to control the traffic by determining the traffic density on each side of the road and
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Intelligent Traffic Control and Pedestrian Crossing System C.H.W. Jayawardane Faculty of Information Technology, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka Abstract - This paper proposes an intelligent traffic light and pedestrian crossing system that can be used to address traffic congestion in a four way junction. The approach is primarily focused on creating a system which dynamically responds to traffic conditions and road users. The system makes use of sensors to detect the presence of a vehicle.
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TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING Introduction · Desires of the people to move Need for goods: demand for Transportation. Transportation affects everyone on earth, on a daily basis. People, countries, governments, business, whole economy rely on effective, reliable transportation in one form or another. Major Transportation Systems Highways Car, Bus, Truck, non- motorized ..etc Railways Passenger and Goods Airways Aviation and freight carrier Waterways Ships, boats… Continuous
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汽車電子產業 一、汽車電子產業發展背景 受石油危機與地球溫暖化等因素影響,節能與環境保護的議題 受到全球矚目,且為因應經濟成長趨緩、汽車保有量成長比例逐漸 下降與隨著高齡化社會的到來、因應高齡人口及交通擁擠問題,藉 由改善交通安全及運輸效率,達到環保、節能、舒適、安全、減輕 環境負擔的交通環境,使車輛朝智慧化、數位化、電子控制化、人 性化發展,進而達到產業創新與活化經濟目的。 全球汽車市場需求已朝向多樣化、客製化發展,傳統的機械方 式已不能滿足人們對於擁有一輛具有安全、環保、舒適性能汽車的 渴望,於是整合汽車(Automotive)與電子(Electronics)控制技術,藉 由各式感測器、微電腦控制器(Micro Controller Unit,MCU)、影像 與顯示器(Camera & Display)、車載機器(On Board Unit,OBU)、衛 星定位、無線通訊、半導體、功率元件(Power Devices)甚至是與車 輛作無線連結的可攜式裝置等與客服中心連線,提供車輛及人員有 關潔淨、低污染、舒適、主動與被動安全、保全、緊急救援、道路 指 引 等 功 能 或 服 務
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TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEMS 1 Combating Congestion Utilizing Adaptive Traffic Signal Systems Gregory Blazina University of St Francis MBAD 656 – Transportation Management & Economics Donald Maier PH.D. August 10, 2007 TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEMS 2 Abstract Traffic congestion is an inescapable problem in large and growing metropolitan
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TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM: A SOLUTION TO TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT IN THE ERA OF CLIMATE CHANGE CONCIOUSNESS V.RENU S.SARANYA,JAYAM COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY INTRODUCTION Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) is the application of computer and communications technologies to transport problems. Intelligent Transportation Systems is the integration of existing information and communication technologies to make transport system more sustainable, which means efficient, clean, safe and seamless.
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