Fin de Siècle begrip fin de siècle: cultuurperiode rond de eeuwwisseling: 1875 – 1914 pessimistische geestesgesteldheid: naar het gevoel van de kunstenaars, niet van de burgerij rond deze tijd was de industriële revolutie: grote technische ontwikkelingen, grote verschillen tussen arm en rijk. Arbeider ten opzichte van de rijke burger. De rijke burgerij was trots op ‘hun maatschappij’, ze waren arrogant, de kunstenaars reageerden op de rijke, arrogante burgerij. Ze wilden waarschuwen dat de maatschappij
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Caso: Limiano Miguel Pereira Questionário: 1. “Analyze the actual cheese market environment in Portugal and the role of Limiano” O segmento de mercado em que se insere o queijo Limiano é o do queijo Flamengo, um queijo tradicional consumido pelas famílias portuguesas à longos anos. Os principais concorrentes da marca de queijo Limiano são o queijo Terra Nostra (que pertence à mesma empresa que o queijo Limiano), o queijo Agros e os queijos das “Private Labels”. O queijo
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Censorship in Books Ever since they’ve been published, books like “Brave New World”, “To Kill a Mockingbird”, and many other classics have been loved and greatly appreciated for being such incredible works of literature. Along with a loveable plot, they also have a deeper meaning that is portrayed through their word choice. Some people wish to have these and many other books “censored” or “sanitized.” Specific censorship should not take place because not only would it be taking away from the beauty
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classic literature is under threat of the need to make everything inoffensive. This need is probably created by good intentions, but is at the same time leaning against an extreme controlling society. Like Salman Rushdie points out in his article “On Censorship” from The New Yorker; “Great art, or, let’s just say, more modestly, original art is never created in the safe middle ground, but always at the edge.” Is it not the purpose of classic literature, and art in general, to touch the reader at some
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Estudo de Caso Juca, sofreu Acidente vascular encefálico no hemisfério esquerdo, na avaliação clínica apresentou dificuldade na falar, na visão e dificuldade para realizar os movimentos do membro superior direito. a) quais regiões funcionais corticais foram lesionadas e onde se encontram? b) quais artérias cerebrais foram comprometidas? c) qual lado do corpo apresenta déficit motor? É importante primeiramente saber exatamente a extensão da lesão decorrente do AVE, e isso não pode ocorrer
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Introdução à Gestão Professor Dr. Luís Mira Amaral Licenciatura em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial Marketing O Caso da © Diana Rodrigues (76362) | Dinis Santos (76438) | Inês Pinho (76518) | Tiago Reganha (76430) 12 de Janeiro de 2013 Marketing – O Caso da Coca-Cola Company Índice 1. 2. 3. 4. Sumário Executivo .............................................................................................. 4 Definição de Marketing ..................................................
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Gestão de Pessoas Primeira Semana Problemas: Falta de qualificação Atração e retenção de profissionais Motivação Downsing Ambiente organizacional, ética, cultura organizacional Diversidade (?!) Altos encargos sociais no Brasil Justiça do trabalho: formas de contrato (vínculo empregatício) e assédio moral no trabalho Comunicação Terceirização: responsabilidade com as empresas contratadas, o tomador de serviço precisa zelar pela empresa terceirizada Quarteirização: Terceirização do terceirizado, o
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Overbreadth Doctrine and First Amendment The overbreadth doctrine is best described as the principle that invalidates a law that violates the constitutional First Amendment right. The First Amendment provides the safeguard for freedom of speech and expression from government intrusion in the United States (Staff, 2007). If those freedoms are felt to be violated the overbreadth doctrine may be applied to nullify that law and possibly overturn court ruling against a defendant. “The excessive intrusion
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Songwriters have the same freedom of speech as anyone else who is trying to express themselves. Freedom of speech allows citizens to express themselves and state their opinions free of government restrictions. Composers and songwriters therefore have the right to express themselves freely without being at fault for the corruption of young people who come across their work. There is no need to censor music in order to protect children, or else they will spend their lives protected from what really
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The crucible would be against the book Percy Jackson and the Lightning Bolt Thief due to the fact it involves law abiding citizens, no respect for authority, and involves the supernatural. The crucible would not be for the book Percy Jackson because of the fact it involves law abiding citizens. In the crucible it's all about following the rules.If someone were to break the rules there would be consequences. Children were not allowed to look at adults unless they were being talked to. Kids had to
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