......................................................................... 1 Introduction................................................................................................................................................ 5 Review of Literature ................................................................................................................................... 6 Institutional Factors.........................................................................................
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Significance and scope of the study ................................................................................... 3 Key Literature Review ........................................................................................................... 3 Key Words ......................................................................................................................... 3 Literature .................................................................................................................
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. ReseaRching and WRiting a disseRtation a guidebook foR business students Colin Fisher second edition . Researching and Writing a Dissertation: A Guidebook for Business Students . We work with leading authors to develop the strongest educational materials in management, bringing cutting-edge thinking and best learning practice to a global market. Under a range of well-known imprints, including Financial Times Prentice Hall, we craft high-quality print and electronic publications
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INCOME TAX ADMINISTRATION AND PERFORMANCE OF SMALL SCALE ENTERPRISES IN UGANDA ACASE STUDY OF GULU MUNICIPALITY BY HENRY EGYEYU ABSTRACT The research study was aimed at establishing effect of Income Tax Administration on the performance of small Scale Enterprises. Using Gulu Municipality as a case, in all Small Scale Businesses which were selected were analyzed and supplementary data was got from the respondents. The objectives of the study were
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certain ambiguousness in meaning and indeed, interchange between use of ‘enterprise’ as adjective and noun. This largely goes unqualified in the literature, which focuses on enterprise education, enterprise schemes, and enterprise skills with ensuing discussions that consider the best approach in terms of addressing these needs. In much of the literature, cultivating the ability to generate business and profit, be that as an entrepreneur or employee, are the focus
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THE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG Department of Social Work and Social Administration COURSE OUTLINE template Academic Year: 2014 /2015 1. Basic Course Information: Course Code: SOWK 1009 Course Title: Existing New Course: to be implemented in Semester 1 / 2 / S Reflective Practitioner 2. Course Instructor / Course Co-ordinator: Name Office Debbie Lam C0549 Kurtee Chu C0550 Grace Leung Chan Ki CO553 C0553 phone 3917-2082 3917-1153 3917-2090 3917-7145 email debbie@hku.hk kurteec@hku.hk gsmleung@hku
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that it aims educating youngster that are going to work in companies that use advanced Information Technologies and endeavor promoting continuous organizational changes. Those changes require constant attention and continuous adaptation from both academics and practitioners. To succeed, a neophyte has to be prepared on how to deal with these changes. It means not only receiving the necessary knowledge but also the abilities to adapt himself. In general, it is accepted that if a Course provides the
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high school can increase dropout rates and reduce on-time graduation (Princiotta & Ryan, 2009). Recent studies show that most ninth graders that enter nonselective urban high schools enter with academic skills that are several years below grade level, and that students that dropped out had severe academic problems in the ninth grade (Kemple et al, 2005). Therefore it is very important to establish drop out prevention during the critical time. The Talent Development High School is a reform model
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Stochastic frontier analysis of the efficiency of Nigerian banks Abstract Using the Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) the efficiency of Nigerian banks was analysed. The result of the study proved that there is inefficiency in the Nigerian banking system and that the level of inefficiency ranged from 0 to 19 per cent of total cost. The study was able to derive the individual bank's level of inefficiency. Put differently, the study was able to derive the individual bank's level of efficiency
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Technology-Based Firms ABSTRACT In the new global economy, the importance of inward foreign investment towards a country’s economic growth has become a central issue, especially amongst developing countries. Nevertheless, there is a paucity of literature addressing the implications of foreign investment towards the sustainability of business amongst Malaysian Bumiputera (Indigenous) new technology-based firms (NTBFs). Utilizing Weick’s (1989) conceptual theory building approach, this study provides
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