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    Science/ Physic

    NAME: _______________________ PHYSICS 2110 – EXAMINATION 3 FALL SEMESTER 2012 DIRECTIONS: Show your work for each of the problems numbered 1-4. Credit will NOT be given to correct answers without the appropriate work shown. Do NOT turn in additional pages, all work to be graded must be on these exam pages. Do NOT detach any of these exam pages. Be sure to clearly indicate your answers by CIRCLING them. Work need not be shown for the multiple choice problems. There is only one correct

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    Mars * Mars is the fourth planet from the sun and the second smallest planet in the Solar System, after Mercury. * Distance to Earth: 140,000,000 miles. * Gravity: 3.711 m/s * Radius: 2,106 miles * Surface area: 55.91 million sq. miles * Moons: Phobos and Deimos * Mass: 639E21 kg Mercury * Mercury is the smallest and closest to the sun of the eight planets in the Solar System, with an orbital period of about 88 earth days. * Distance from Sun: 35,980,000 miles *

    Words: 252 - Pages: 2

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    1. Theme – Understanding the environment of Mars Abstract Recent success of 'Mangalyan' (Mars Orbitor Mission) has made all of us proud of our scientists and engineers. The study of Mars' environment will help us in understanding more about our own environment. This text gives inputs on environment of Mars which can be correlated to the concepts learned by the students in class IX Science. The students are not supposed to memorize the facts and figures mentioned in the text, rather study the facts

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    No Mission to Mars

    Discussion Board NO MISSION TO MARS                 Many points could be made about benefitting from a human mission to Mars and back, but I believe this type of mission would be a waste of valuable money.   With our country already facing so many financial problems, it is in my mind, one of the least logical decisions to keep pumping money into this program.  Besides discovering another life form or valuable resource, what would we have to gain from a human mission to Mars.  Yes, of course there would

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    Idk Rlly

    Living on Mars project By Jason Abraham Mr Selmanoski 04.01.2016 In my Living on Mars project on sketchup, I have included the basic requirements needed for a family of four to be able to live on Mars. I have included all of the mandatory rooms needed and I have added a separate space shuttle landing bay. For my renewable energy source, I have used solar panels on top of the shuttle. Since there is not that much atmosphere on Mars, more of the Suns radiation will come onto Mars so by using solar

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    Dragon Battle From The Hero's Journey Compare And Contrast

    Imagine that you are six years old and someone came to your house and told you that you they were going to take you into space to train you to become a great commander. It sounded cool at the time, so you go with them. However, you soon find out that you are destined to save the human race from a race of aliens that threaten Earth. That is a lot of responsibility for one small child the age of six, welcome to Ender Wiggin’s world. He was tested and was found to be the world’s best chance at avoiding

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    Armstronaut Persuasive Speech

    On October 10 , 2015 the Space exploratory in Maui Hawaii found that on October 30, a “Halloween” asteroid would fly by. It is said that it is not a threat but it is the closest and asteroid has come to earth since 1999.It will still be 300,000 miles away from earth however and it will be following and orbit similar to the moons. The asteroid’s official name is TB145 but many just call it “The Great Pumpkin”. NASA is also now tracking the asteroid and studying it and are planning to use many instruments

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    Solar Storm Eruptions

    The air on Mars — what there is of it — is leaking away, about half a pound a second sputtering into space, scientists announced on Thursday. The planet’s early atmosphere is thought to have been as thick as or thicker than Earth’s today, and even over the 4.5-billion-year history of the solar system, that slow leak would not explain how it atrophied to its current wisps. But new readings from NASA’s Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution mission — Maven, for short — show that when Mars is hit by

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    Road To Mars Research Paper

    Natalie Johnson ESS 102 Road to Mars Today was the ninety ninth day of the ESS Enterprises’ three year mission to Mars. Lieutenant Kimberly Janeway was bored. She had been floating about the cabin checking her hourly logs on various instrument panels. With seven of nine panels to go, she was running out of motivation. It was hard to keep going, performing the same tasks day in and day out, looking at the same people over and over. She liked her crew members well enough, they had become like family

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    Human Condition On Venus Research Paper

    Many scientists believe it would be possible to maintain a permanent human presence on Mars or the Moon. On the other hand, conditions on Venus are so extreme and inhospitable that maintaining a human presence there would be impossible. First, atmospheric pressure at Venus' surface is at least 90 times greater than the pressure at Earth’s surface. This means that a force of 100 kilograms is pressing down on every square centimeter of surface. All spacecraft that have landed on Venus have been crushed

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