Money Market Development In Bangladesh

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    Teletalk an Analysis

    | 13 | MARKET MIX ANALYSIS | 14 | Product strategy | 14 | Pricing strategy | 15 | Distribution strategy | 16 | Promotion strategy | 17 | CONCLUSION | 22 | APPENDIX | 23 | EXECUTIVE SUMMERY Faster development of telecommunications network coupled with improved quality of service in line with the national development is a must for the fulfillment of the vision and aspiration of Bangladesh and also

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    Assess the Economy of Bangladesh as a Destination of Foreign Investment

    Introduction 1 2. Bangladesh: An Emerging Destination For Foreign Economy 1-10 3. Foreign Investment Opportunities 10-13 4. Current Situation Of Foreign Investment In Bangladesh: 13-19 5. Foreign Investment Trends In Bangladesh 20-34 6. Why Should Foreign Investors Invest In Bangladesh 35-39 7. How Can Our Government Come Forward To Attract Foreign Investors 39-46 8. Recommendation 47 9. Conclusion 48 10 References 48 INTRODUCTION: Bangladesh is now trying to establish

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    Roles of Technology in Developing Marketing Strategies for Robi Axiata Limited

    1. Introduction Robi formerly known as Aktel is the third largest mobile phone operator in Bangladesh in terms of revenue and subscribers. Robi is a dynamic and leading countrywide GSM communication solutions provider and is a joint venture company between Axiata and NTT DoCoMo of Japan. The company commenced operations under the Aktel brand on 15 November 1997 and embarked on a new journey with the brand name of Robi on 28 March 2010. Robi attained its first million customer base in 2004, followed

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    The Banking Sector Suffers from Discipline Deficit

    The banking system of Bangladesh at independence consisted of two branch offices of the former State Bank of Pakistan and seventeen large commercial banks, two of which were controlled by Bangladeshi interests and three by foreigners other than West Pakistanis with fourteen smaller commercial banks. The newly independent government immediately designated the Dhaka branch of the State Bank of Pakistan as the central bank and renamed it the Bangladesh Bank. The Bangladesh government initially nationalized

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    Compension Management

    electronic commerce (e-commerce). E-commerce entails the use of the Internet in the marketing, identification, payment and delivery of goods and services. This paper highlights the status, statutes, potential and constraints to e-commerce development in Bangladesh. Both the statutory laws as well as the challenges in implementing them are discussed. Major legal, regulatory and institutional constraints to e-commerce are identified. The paper also lists specific policy changes aimed at bringing improvements

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    Financial Statements Analysis Between Heidelbergcement Bangladesh Ltd & Lafarge Surma

    Term Paper On Financial Statements Analysis Between HeidelbergCement Bangladesh Ltd & Lafarge Surma Cement Submitted To Dr. Sujit Saha Former Professor & Director Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management Submitted by SL. No Name ID 1 Md.Rashedul Imam EMBA 2013-2-91-022 2 Md.Monzurul Alam EMBA 2013-2-91-023 3 Md. Kazi Mashiur Rahman EMBA 2013-2-91-038 4 Md. Asaduzzaman EMBA 2013-2-91-019 Course Code : EMBA_561 Course Title

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    E Bannking System

    Nowadays e-commerce, e-business and financial services industry have increasingly become a necessary component of business strategy and a strong catalyst for economic development. E –banking can provide speedier, faster, and reliable service to the customer for which relatively happy. As a third world developing country, Bangladesh is far behind to reach the expected level in global banking system. So it is our urgent need to upgrade its banking system. This study has been done mainly based on primary

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    Impact of Globalization

    GLOBALIZATION AND ITS IMPACT ON BANGLADESH ECONOMY “Globalization was supposed to bring unprecedented benefits to all. Yet, curiously, it has come to vilified both in the developed and developing world”—Joseph E Stiglitz, Making Globalization Work, 2006. - PROF. DR. M A JALIL State University of Bangladesh ABSTRACT Today all the modern and developed and developing countries are more or less within the fold of globalization. Bangladesh with its expanding sway of exports and imports is no exception

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    Comperative Study of Corporate Social Activities of Bank and Non Bank Financial Institute

    institutions which are performing CSR. It is the continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and society at large. It would be give strategic, longer run competitive advantage for banks and non-banking financial institutions in Bangladesh to embrace CSR in their management approaches and operations, with initiatives chosen in broad-based, extensive stakeholder

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    Green Marketing

    "Environmental Marketing" appear frequently in the popular press. Bangladesh is a developing country going through transition within consumers, product and service industries. Due to increased educational opportunity throughout the country people now are more conscious about the less environment friendly products and continuously pushing forward product quality and its environmental friendliness. The Government of Bangladesh is creating new regulations to ensue various environmental policies through

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