Moral Relativism

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    Principales FilóSofos

    Platón - el bien del hombre y su felicidad se alcanza por la practoca de la virtud - quienes actuan mal lo hacen pensando que eligen bien, pero en realidad es por ignorancia= falta de virtud - virtud= conocimiento de la verdad, del BIEN - el ser humano debe trascender  la apriencia y buscar mas alla. - la virtud mas importante es la prudencia: la capacidad de reconocer a traves de la razon, lo que verdaderamente es bueno pra el hombre y los medios que dispone para alcanzarlo. - otras virtudes

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    Jimmy Valentine Quotes

    After getting out of jail, Jimmy fell in love and changed his name to Ralph Spencer. Ralph is a nice, morally good man who is the opposite of his true self. Jimmy Valentine was trying to live a moral life because of Jimmy’s sacrifice, honesty and determination. Jimmy Valentine was trying to live a moral life because of his sacrifices. First, Jimmy sacrifices his true identity by opening a safe in front of people that know him as Ralph. “In a minute Jimmy’s pet drill was biting smoothly into the

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    Ethical Conflicts at Enron: Moral Responsibility in Corporate Capitalism

    INSTITUTO TECNOLÓGICO Y DE ESTUDIOS SUPERIORES DE MONTERREY MAESTRÍA EN ADMINISTRACIÓN EMPRESARIAL (MGN) Materia: ECONOMÍA PARA LA TOMA DE DECISIONES Caso: Ethical Conflicts at Enron: Moral Responsibility in Corporate Capitalism Pregunta 1: En el caso de Enron y las acciones que llevaron a su colapso, ¿podría decirse que se trató de problemas de agencia? Justifique su respuesta a partir de los conceptos de principal/agent y la información proporcionada en el caso. Respuesta:

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    Dangers of Technology

    reanimation there are serious consequences for advancing technology both on an individual, moral level and for society as a whole. When someone decides to make advancements in science it typically comes at the cost of human relationships. New technology drives people away from each other. New technology is always hotly debated in the news. In the end a society has to decide whether or not a new technology is moral or not. Advancing technology also advances power, which is the most dangerous thing of

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    An Analysis of Foreknowledge in Das Nibelungenlied

    foreknowledge into the historical story of the Burgundians in such a creative manner that facilitates its purpose of being a “profoundly moral poem” (Raffel 338). By focusing on the narrative’s two main characters, analyzing how foreknowledge effects their characterizations presents an understanding as to how this supernatural element facilitates the conveyance of moral messages. In form of Krimhild’s dream, foreknowledge appears comparatively early in the narrative. During her protected childhood,

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    Is Synthetic Biology Terrifying or Exciting

    Is ‘Synthetic Biology’ Exciting or Terrifying? Synthetic biology is often referred to as being a combination of engineering, chemistry and biology. Synthetic biology is defined as being either the design and construction of new biological parts, devices and systems or the re-design of existing, natural biological systems. This means that a wide range of experimental and tested techniques are used to alter existing biological systems or create new ones. This could mean altering the DNA of a bacterium

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    Ethics El concepto y la percepción de las acciones éticas, al igual que el ser humano, ha evolucionado. En el presente se considera ético el comportamiento y acciones de un individuo u organización en base a los valores, la moral, la responsabilidad social y otros factores que componen el evolutivo concepto. Pero no siempre fue así, en otros tiempos el concepto de lo ético se percibía en el plano social, donde había diferentes protocolos éticos. Por ejemplo, habían unas normas establecidas

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    Tortoise and the Hare

    about a hare and a tortoise who were good friends. The hare would boast of his speed and the tortoise one day challenged his friend in a race. The confident hare took it easy, but the tortoise ran steadily, and he won the race (Saloni, 2012) The moral of this story is that even if it seems that you are not the quickest or the best at a particular task that may not be the case. If you do your best from the beginning to the end and you will know where you stand. It may prove that someone who seems

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    Ethical and Moral Issues in Business

    Ethical and Moral Issues in Business Lenny L. Ocasio Reyes MGT/216 Organizational Ethics and Social Responsibility 3 de abril de 2012 Prof. Evelyn Muñoz Figueroa Ethical and Moral Issues in Business A pesar de que la moral y la ética se relacionan comúnmente con carácter individual, la ética y la moral se aplican también a los negocios. De acuerdo con la definición de la ética, la ética en los negocios centra más en la conducta a través de las expectativas, los principios y normas que rigen un

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    Caso 1 En un intento por incrementar las ganancias, un fabricante de bebidas ha solicitado a sus vendedores hacer un esfuerzo adicional para convencer a sus clientes de que compren toda la línea de productos, donde se incluyen bebidas de baja rotación para muchos de los abarroteros. La diferencia entre los productos de alta y baja rotación es poco apreciable por el consumidor. A pesar de ello, al vendedor se le ha instruido para que le informe al cliente que es importante que tenga toda la línea

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