Past successes: I recently partook in 2 music examination session, both practical and theory exams. Having never written any form of music exam, it makes me proud that I managed to pass my first music exams with a distinction. These passes make me qualified to join the KZN Youth Orchestra, which is a standard I set for myself to achieve before reaching the end of high school. I have also been selected to lead my fellow school mates, in the position of a prefect and SRC member for the past 4 years
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Tamika Akins Gail Kerzner English 1010 10/8/2015 My mother, Evelyn, is your average woman who has a huge inspiration in my life. If it wasn’t for her I wouldn’t be the individual I am today. Her skin is a light brown tone similar to Mrs. Obama. She has short, curly black hair. Her aroma smells like floral fruity fragrance from the perfume Wings by Giorgio. Also, she wears prescription glasses over her small dark brown eyes. Her movement is an average pace, unless she’s
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October 9, 2012 Music 290 The Dirty Heads A few weekends ago, on September 28, 2012, I attended The Dirty Heads (TDH) concert. The concert took place at Senator Theater. The doors opened at 7:30 PM and the concert started at 8:30 PM. The Dirty Heads has a full band. This means that they had a percussionist (Jon Olazabal), a drummer (Matt Ochoa), a bassist (David Foral), a vocalist/guitarist (Dustin “Duddy B”) and a singer/song writer (Jared “Dirty J” Watson). The style of music that they play
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Caribbean background, I am forbidden to listen to “devil’s music”. All the other people who are from my cultural heritage think that it’s “improper” for me to listen to something that’s not what they would like. African-Americans have made many contributions into music like Rap or R&B; if I listen to a different genre, I’m disrespecting my culture. Stereotypes fly high when it comes to my “unhappy music”. Metal has been put off to music for “emo” people or people who are depressed and angry with
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Some people refer to it as rap while others refer to it as hip hop, but either way this music has shape our culture as we know it. Hip Hop music started in the late 70’s in a borough in New York City Called the Bronx. MCs and DJs would perform for the crowds in local school yards, and parks. The music gives exposure to the harsh realities of what life was like living in the Ghettos all across America.With this music there was a style, a way the people dressed, dance, walked and talked, that reflected
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The Evolution of Music: Offensive to Women, yet Acclaimed in Society Victor Hugo, a well known French Romantic writer, once stated “Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent.” Though this statement was made in the 19th century, it continues to stand true to this day. Through decades of evolution, music has constantly been a way for anyone to express themselves through melodies, timbre, dynamics, and lyrics. People around the world are composing
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After my long research on twentieth century art, Picasso’s Art has caught my eye the most. Picasso's Three Musicians is by far my favorite piece by him This painting is considered to be Sythetic Cubist style because of the broken up and reassembled pieces to represent the subject in a greater text. What I mean in my terms is that the odd shapes are reassembled to still keep a clear image, in this case I mean the three men in
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Kinslow MUSIC PRODUCTION AND CREATIVE THINKING “Music is the movement of sound to reach the soul for the education of its virtue.” These words of wisdom come from the great philosopher Plato and I have taken them to heart along my musical journey. I’ve known for a long time that I would find my calling in a career in the music industry. It was around the age of 12 that I really how much I really loved music and wanted to do this for the rest of my life. My journey into music began with me
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When I hear about the play title “Hands on a Hard Body” what come up in my mind was different until I watch the play. The production crew did a good job for putting this wonderful play together. The director of the play name is Beth Criscuolo and music director by Christopher Tolomeo. There are sometimes when you have a low expectation of a play and when u watch it, you get amaze and end up loving it. This is the situation of this play “Hands on a Hard Body.” Hands on a Hard Body is a fabulous
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We are Alive with the Sound of Music It was the beginning of fourth grade and my chance to choose an instrument had finally come. I opened the door and patiently waited in lines to discover all the instruments that I could potentially choose. When I came to the clarinet line, I knew it was the one. The clarinet was sleek and sophisticated, just like me. That’s how I chose my first instrument leading me to the life-long commitment to music. School was never a place I could be myself. On the first
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