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My Mission Statement


Submitted By PsiBertron
Words 1180
Pages 5
Past successes:
I recently partook in 2 music examination session, both practical and theory exams. Having never written any form of music exam, it makes me proud that I managed to pass my first music exams with a distinction. These passes make me qualified to join the KZN Youth Orchestra, which is a standard I set for myself to achieve before reaching the end of high school. I have also been selected to lead my fellow school mates, in the position of a prefect and SRC member for the past 4 years, and hopefully will be able to keep that record for the entirety of my high school career. In school, I have set goals for myself, and the greatest of these goals was to gain entrance to the Carpe Diem society, a group that excels in academic performance. I failed to reach said standards in grades 8 and 9; however I have since been a member of the Carpe Diem society from the start of grade 10 to date, which is a great achievement for me. Aside from mental and academic performance, I also set a goal for my athletic performance. I set my sights on gaining a podium position; this has granted me the opportunity to represent my school at the KICCSSA; an athletics meeting of IEB schools from around the province. In my church, I have manage to integrate the use of technology in the running of kids ministry, as well as integrate the use of technology in youth and have been an active member in the AV as well as music team in the adult’s church. I have learnt a lot in my experiences in the church, and will carry these into my career and nurture said skills.
Core values: 1. I believe in striving to maintain a healthy balance in my school and personal life 2. I believe that family is of great importance, and thus will treat them in said important manner 3. I believe that trust is to be earned, respect given, yet if lost must also be earned 4. I believe and trust that honesty is the best policy 5. I believe that a life must have just as much fun, as work. All work and no play is detrimental 6. I believe that people need to remain genuine and authentic, and true to who they are 7. I believe and advocate a variety of freedom, and will work never to suppress another’s freedom 8. I believe in being generous, and giving even if it may temporarily place one in discomfort 9. I believe that intelligence should always be given priority, and that learning be ordained 10. I believe that rewards given should be based on performance, and grow with said performance
The world is a big place, and making drastic changes that will impact the entire world can be quite difficult. However, that should not stop one from making minor changes in their immediate surroundings and community that could positively impact their community and family. Firstly, I would make an effort to be kinder/nicer to people who I interact with on a daily basis. Also, being a person who has a better life than majority of what the world experiences, I find myself in an opportunity to assist those of lesser means. That is why I usually volunteer my time, and at times funds or skill to assist in outreaches. I have no plans to stop at any time soon, therefore I see myself making more contributions to community service. I also assist in my school. I participate actively in sports and in other activities above and over the required amount, other activities include assistance at marketing and sports fixtures, with the IT infrastructure and other odd jobs people require of me. A very important contribution all should make, including me, is to ensure we each live a life that is sustainable and does not impact negatively on the Earth. I play some of my part by recycling recyclable goods, purchasing and reusing material instead of plastic bags and opting to shower more than take a bath. I also keep driving to a minimal, and opt to take more time driving that going fast yet causing a greater carbon footprint.
In my family, since I hold a vast amount of the technology expertise, I try educate those around me so that in the event that I am unavailable for contact, which said family member can make an informed choice, independent of me. I also try assist with school work that they may have, but haven’t grasped as yet. I have found that this helps both involved parties, as I am able to imbue a new skill in my family, and also get practise improving my own abilities.
In my peer group, I make similar contributions as I do with family as I regard my friends as extended family that I chose. I help my friends when asked for assistance, as well as when I judge that they seem to be struggling and have not asked for help as yet. I try to be there for my friends, even in circumstances I don’t agree with. I will support them, even if what they require support for is against my ways; however I will try dissuade them if the situation is negative. I will also endeavour to give a conducive opinion, if need be.
In the workplace, I will always strive to provide a positive attitude and effort towards the betterment if the employment area. As I hope to work in the System’s security field of Computer Science, I hope to make computer security much tougher and less prone to malicious attacks, ensuring the safety of my workspaces cyberspace as well as share my work with the world.
I believe my small contributions can one day add up to a substantial amount, that can be noticeable and will inspire others to also make small changes in the aspiration of also making an accumulated effort at improving the world.
Short term goals: 1. Find pieces of music for Eisteddfod 2. Complete my university applications 3. Set up a work schedule to help me complete work in my week easily, as well as a study schedule 4. Reduce school-related stress 5. Read a book a month to complete my English requirements 6. Sleep earlier on week day nights, and try waking up earlier 7. Keep to a steady workout program Long term goals: 1. Raise the symbol of my Maths from a B to an A, and maintain Accounting and IT at an A 2. Complete grade 12 with at least 3 As – One must be Accounting or IT 3. Get at least grade 6 in both Practical and Theory musical examinations before I finish my university courses 4. Graduate with a BSc in Computer Science, or a BCom in Accounting and further it to a CA(SA) 5. Compose a full length instrumental piece 6. Learn a 4th language (Not a South African language) 7. Don’t have kids before 26

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