Owners Equity

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    No Thing

    advertising constitutes an efficient way of protecting brand image. © 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Article history: Received 1 May 2007 Received in revised form 1 February 2008 Accepted 1 May 2008 Keywords: Brand extensions Brand image Brand equity Advertising 1. Introduction Launching new products is a business activity with high risks and costs. As success rates are usually below 50% (Taylor and Bearden, 2003), firms often resort to brand extension strategies, in an attempt to make their

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    Venture Capital

    매우 잠재력이 높은 기업을 발견하여 조기에 상당한 수익을 얻기 위하여 앞을 다투고 있다. 개인적 네트워크를 통한 자금조달 이외에 국내외에서 어떠한 방법으로 창업단계의 기업이 자금을 조달 할 수 있는지 살펴보도록 하겠다. 2) Private Equity Investment 'Private Equity'란 Public Equity(상장주)와 반대되는 개념으로서 기업공개 이전 상태에 있는 비상장기업의 지분(비상장주) 의미로도 쓰이지만, 비상장기업에 대해 협상(private negotiation)을 통하여 다양한 형태의 투자를 전문적으로 수행하는 투자자금(fund) 또는 투자조직으로 더 많이 사용된다. Private Equity (Fund)는 공모(public offerings)가 아닌 사모(private placements)방식에 의해 조달된 재원을 통하여 주로 비상장 기업에 투자하는 자금(funds) 또는 투자방법을 의미한다. Private Equity의 종류는 크게

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    Effects of Brand Associations on Consumer Response

    Facultad de Ciencias Economicas, University of Oviedo, Spain Rodolfo Vazquez  Võctor Iglesias  Facultad de Ciencias Economicas, University of Oviedo, Spain Facultad de Ciencias Economicas, University of Oviedo, Spain Keywords Brand image, Brand equity, Consumer attitudes Abstract This paper studies the dimensions of brand image, focusing on the functions or value of the brand as perceived by consumers. In this way, four categories of functions are identified: guarantee, personal identification

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    Health Care Delivery Systems

    TUI University Blanca I. Rivera ENG101 English Composition I 11/17/09 To: Independence Business Owners From: Blanca I. Rivera Subject: Starting a Nightclub business Creating a desirable nightclub in the right location can prove to be both lucrative and satisfying. Although there are inherent risks and short life spans associated with such a business venture, a well thought out plan followed by proper execution will

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    Advance Fuel Corporation Case

    Advanced Fuels Corporations Financial Analysis and Forecasting Wai Wai Yung Wing Man Tsoi Introduction: Advanced Fuels Corporation (AFC) was founded five years ago by Dr. Zachary Aplin. In the fourth year of research he and his two –member staff made a major break-through that can convert grain waste products into ethanol which can mix with gasoline to produce a better burning automobile fuel. Producing ethanol from waste products would lower its cost dramatically so the market potential

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    Exploring the Antecedents of Asymmetric Effects Jing Lei, Niraj Dawar, & Jos Lemmink Executive Summary Marketers often cultivate brand relatedness in their brand portfolios to increase marketing efficiency through positive spillover of brand equity, but creating linkages between brands may also make them vulnerable to negative spillover in which negative news about a brand can change evaluations of related brands that are not directly implicated. For example, if the Corn Flakes brand is subject

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    Absolut Vodka Brand Valuation in Uzbekistan

    approaches of measuring the brand equity 1 Research Background 3 Analysis of findings 4 Awareness 4 Knowledge 5 Familiarity 5 Relevance 5 Image attributes 5 Purchase consideration 6 Preference 7 Satisfaction 9 Perceived Quality 9 Research Limitations 10 Conclusion 10 Bibliography 12 Appendix. Questionnaire 14 Existing approaches of measuring the brand equity Brand equity itself and different methods of measuring

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    Crocs Repositioning

    Consumer Behaviour Report Crocs : A brand in need of repositioning in India. Sushree Panda FT13180 • Section A • Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction................................................................................................................03 Crocs in India : To reposition or not? ............................................................................04 The best way to reposition ..................................

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    Creating a Fashion Brand

    Creating the Fashion brand Figure 1 Alexander McQueen SS 2010, Source: Google Images Content : 1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………page 3 2. The Product, the target consumers and the brand personality………………....page 4 3. Description of the Value Chain………………………………………………..page 6 4. The role of ICT………………………………………………………………...page 7 5. Overview of the Buyer and the Merchandiser functions………………………page 7 6. The Concept of the carrier bag model………………………………………....page 7 7.The roles of the

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    Unit 5 Discussion Board for Advanced Entrepreneurshiip

    American InterContinental University MGMT422-1301A-01: Professor William Becker March 14, 2013 A venture capital firm is a company that invests money into small businesses that have the possibility of achieving very fast growth and produce huge surpluses (Lambing & Kuehl, 2007). Because venture capitalists normally focus on a particular industry like health care, biotechnology, etc, the entrepreneur that is looking for venture capital needs to conduct some research in order to decide

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