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    Program Design and Tools

    PROGRAM DESIGN TOOLS Algorithms, Flow Charts, Pseudo codes and Decision Tables Designed by Parul Khurana, LIECA. Introduction • The various tools collectively referred to as program design tools, that helps in planning the program are:– Algorithm. – Flowchart. – Pseudo-code. Designed by Parul Khurana, LIECA. Algorithms • An algorithm is defined as a finite sequence of instructions defining the solution of a particular problem, where each instruction is numbered. • However, in

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    Pseudocode - Texas Assignment

    allow a user to Input a list of your family members along with their age and state where they reside. Determine and print the average age of your family and print the names of anyone who live in Texas. Family contains a maximum of ten members. Pseudocode: //Main Method MAIN //variable declarations //create parallel array to store family members information //array of Strings for family names DECLARE names[10] of STRING //array of ages for family members DECLARE ages[10] of INTEGER

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    Artificial Inteligence Problems

    Search Quiz ICS171 Name___________ ID____________ No text, no notes, no questions. Do the best that you can on each question. No questions will be answered about the quiz questions. If you think a question is ambiguous, write your interpretation and answer your modified question. Be reasonable. The following abbreviations are used: BF = branching factor, DFS = depth first search, BFS = breadth first search, IDS = iterative deepening search, A* = A* search, LI = local improvement

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    Parallel Computing and Algorithms

    i SASTRA UNIVERSITY Shanmugha Arts, Science, Technology and Research Academy Thirumalaisamudram Thanjavur – 613 402 BCSCCS705 PARALLEL COMPUTING AND ALGORITHMS LAB B.TECH (COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING) 7TH SEMESTER ii List of Exercises: 1. Basic arithmetic operations in parallel 2. Find out factorial of a number 3. Generation of Fibonacci series, finding prime numbers in an interval. 4. Evaluate the integral of a function 5. Merging of two sorted lists 6. Parallel tree traversals

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    Pseudocode - Using Functions to Solve Dimensions of Rectangle

    PseudoCode : //This program will calculate the area and perimeter using different functions. //The numerical values for length and width will be provided as an input by the user //Set function areaofrec as float //Set function periofrec as float //START Program //set menuSelect, intValue as int //set length, width, and result as float //set while loop (while intValue >0) continue loop //print “Enter a positive integer to calculate the area or perimeter of a rectangle; “ //print

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    Data Structures

    Data Structures & Algorithms Coursework Assignment 1 Q1. (a) Algorithm swap(x, y): Node n head While (n.getNext () != x ) do n n.getNext() Node v y.getNext () n.setNext(y) y.setNext(x) x.setNext(v) (b) Algorithm swap Doubly(x, y): DNode n x.getPrev() DNode v y.getPrev() n.setNext(y) y.setPrev(n) y.setNext(x) x.setPrev(y) x.setNext(v) v.setPrev(x) (c) The run time complexity for the singled linked algorithm

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    Skill Builder Week 1 Activity—Output and Pseudocode TCO 5 | Given a simple business problem, design and desk-check a solution algorithm that is expressed in terms of pseudocode or program notes and input-process-output (IPO) analysis leading to a flow chart. | Assignment: This activity will assist you in the understanding the input, process, and output (IPO) model using a provided set of data to write psuedocode ahead of processing the data and showing the results. 1.

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    Chapter 2

    y/x 4 d. Set result = y-2 6 5. Write a pseudocode statement that declares the variable COST so it can hold real numbers. Declare real variable cost 6. Write a pseudocode statement that declares the variable TOTAL so it can hold integers. Initialize the variable with the value 0. Declare Real Price=0 7. Write a pseudocode statement that assigns the value 27 to the variable content. Count=27 8. Write a pseudocode statement that assigns the sum of 10 and 14 to the

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    ROBOTC Reference Pseudocode & Flow Charts Pseudocode is a shorthand notation for programming which uses a combination of informal programming structures and verbal descriptions of code. Emphasis is placed on expressing the behavior or outcome of each portion of code rather than on strictly correct syntax (it does still need to be reasonable, though). In general, pseudocode is used to outline a program before translating it into proper syntax. This helps in the initial planning of a program

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    Programming Logic

    The example that was put together for the Pseudocode and the Flow diagram are very elaborate and well thought out. It did show the relation between the Pseudocode structure as the written language and the Flow diagram that indicate the application of the Pseudocode. Within the whole process the Pseudocode and Flow diagram does correlate to each other. The program was built in a straightforward fashion. If you would relate to the Pseudocode herein our discussion board, you would notice that it

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