compare the attitudes of female and male workers, as well as management and non-management. Our findings include: (1) support for the applicability of a Herzberg, two-factor model in Japan; (2) Japanese men in the workforce tending to value intrinsic motivators more than extrinsic factors; (3) female workers in Japan rating extrinsic factors higher than their male counterparts; and (4) managers’ opinions of what motivates employees not constituting a refined match to those of female employees, especially
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Multiculturalism in Australia Student’s Name University Multiculturalism in Australia Multiculturalism is a political agenda aimed at maintenance of religious, ethical, and cultural diversity in the society. In the most cases, multiculturalism is associated with Australia (Nagle, 2009). More and more immigrants arrive in Australia. The Australian government takes measures according to the control of the immigration process. However, not all measures
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for development. Development encompasses the advancement of agriculture, village and cottage industries, the socio-economic infrastructure, human resources, community services, human rights and the political environment. Phenomenally, development is the end result of the interactions between various physical, technological, economic, social, cultural and political institutional factors (Singh, 1999). The thrust of this paper is however, not on definition of terms but a chronicle of the modernization
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an expansion into a country must address a mass amount of issues by the host country. The factors affecting a nation's rate of utilization and absorption of technologies include both external and internal ones. Internal factors are comprised of the obtainable human and physical resources, the country's infrastructure, and its growth rate and state of development the host country must provide. External factors embrace the readiness of merchants to conduct commerce in the country, and the accessibility
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Foreign By psychographics - such as lifestyle or beliefs. Example Cadilac or Hummer high class people. By socio-cultural factors - such as class. By demography - such as age, sex, and so on. A example of demography would be mini vans for family soccer moms type. Trucks for the working guy. A company will evaluate each segment based upon potential business success.Opportunities will depend upon factors such as: the potential growth of the segment the state of competitive rivalry within the segment how
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among the things people conceived as what could improve their quality of life. Quality of life in the rural setting according to Phillips (2006) is a multifaceted phenomenon determined by the cumulative and interactive impacts of numerous and varied factors like housing conditions, infrastructure, access to various amenities, income, standard of living, satisfaction about the physical and social environment. According to this author, the two indicators of quality of life which are subjective and objective
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Strategic Planning for Tourism and Leisure By Ahmad Maez Al Zuned Student ID: 119148785 BSc (Hon’s) International Tourism and Hospitality Management Final Stage University of
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Course: E-Commerce Class Timings: Sunday 4:15 – 7:15 Student ID#: 2011-3-07-12484 Course Instructor: Mr. Faisal Dehdi A STUDY OF THE FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE THE ACCEPTANCE OF E – COMMERCE IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES SUMMARY: E-Commerce which facilitates transaction of goods & services via computer networks such as internet has become a powerful tool of socio-economic development & therefore is a significant issue for developing countries. Many developing countries have made Information &
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Psychology and Diabetes Student’s Name: Institution: Instructor’s Name: Course Name: Introduction Diabetes is often referred to as diabetes mellitus and can be defined as a condition in which an individual has high levels of blood sugar as a result of inadequate or insufficient production of insulin in the body. Additionally, it may be caused by the failure of body cells to respond appropriately to the insulin. As such, patients usually have a higher than normal rate of urination. Majority
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Aboriginal self-determination in your practice? As defined by United Nations (1976), Self-determination is the right of all people to freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development. In order to improve the poor health status and socio-economic condition of Aboriginal people we need to recognize and support the goals and aspirations of indigenous people towards self-management and self-determination. (Franks, Smith-Lloyd, Newell & Dietrich
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