The Best Day Of My Life

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    Dare to Dream

    grounds to bring everything I dream into a reality. Some of these day time dreams would come to reality, like the time I dreamed of becoming good in math, but some dreams are not meant to be and other could be way to far from our hands. Some when realized fulfill you of happiness and you just want to live in that moment. I believe that dreams are like a treasure to be search for and discovered.  The first time I found myself chasing my dreams was when I was in the fifth grade. It all started by the

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    Week 3 Assignment

    AUTIBIOGRAPHY I was born in Huntsville, Alabama on May 18, 1978 on a stormy, stormy day. I still live in Huntsville, Alabama and gradated from Bob Jones High School in Madison, Alabama in 1996 with an academic diploma. WHO I AM IN LIFE My name is Vonia Seay. I am 31 years old and have no living children. I have completed an Associates Degree of Applied Science & Office Administration; also a Bachelors Degree of Business Administration and two other diploma programs from Virginia College at

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    Motivation and Emotion

    Emotion I choose to write this paper on motivation and emotion in order to identify how if the two are combined they create a sense of satisfaction in the workplace as well as daily life. I had to define the meanings of them and elaborate on the effect of them and identify how they have been used in my professional work life. "The term motivation refers to factors that activate, direct, and sustain goal-directed behavior... Motives are the "whys" of behavior - the needs or wants that drive behavior and

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    Personal Eassy for College Enrollment

    Personal Essay This paper will be focusing on the life experiences that guided me towards selecting my current career choice of becoming a registered nurse; most of which has been through inspiration. Throughout the body of this essay highlights will be made on personal encounters with other healthcare professionals, past work history that contributed to my current career choice and individuals that were the driven force behind me wanting to be a nurse. I chose nursing because this profession

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    Quotation Analysis

    Analysis - Life of Pi Quotation Selected: “Things didn't turn out the way they were supposed to, but what can you do? You must take life the way it comes at you and make the best of it.” (Martel, 101) This quotation strongly reflects my beliefs and values. As it is bluntly proven to us, life isn’t fair. There have been and will be times where an unfair situation will have a negative impact on someone’s life, and these events are often unavoidable. I chose this quote because of a similar quote my dad

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    How Do Diagnoses Affect My Life

    I have spent most of my childhood in the hospital or sick, so growing up has been different from most children and teens. Since the age of 4, I have received multiple diagnoses. My illnesses have kept me from attending social events. My illnesses have kept me from attending school. Most importantly, I have been unable to make and keep friends. All of my diagnoses affect my life in some capacity. However, the most restrictive are Chronic Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia Purpura, Lupus, Avascular Necrosis

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    The Ones

    Running head: THE ONES THAT MEAN THE WORLD TO ME The Ones That Mean The World To Me Matt Maurer ENG121: English Composition I Jennifer Naimark August 18, 2014 THE ONES 2 “Do your best is all that we ask, and you will never regret anything that happens.” If I've heard that once I have heard that a million times, and I continue to hear it when I start any new project. Nobody compares to the two individuals that taught me that and I am about to introduce you to them within this paper. You

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    Personal Narrative: Florida Keys Discovery

    My greatest ( not so little ) Florida Keys Discovery A couple years back ago we were driving down to Key West with my grandma, aunt, and cousins for a late birthday celebration for my grandma. This was not my first time to the Florida Keys but it was the first time I could remember anything ( the first time I was just a baby ). It was a long drive from Ft.Myers to Key West and it was somewhat boring as well. It wasn’t until we were about half an hour from Key West when we started driving upon what

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    Borderline Personal Narrative

    experiences in the midst of conflict parallels with my early life. My mother was always off. Over-emotional, high strung, and worried constantly. She clung to me and my sister for dear life, protecting us from imagined evils and outside influence. We were pristine and innocent, meant to be protected, and always well taken care of. Me and my sister had different fathers, mine laid back and easygoing, hers charismatic and eccentric. But both of them clashed with my mother to the extreme. She constantly wanted

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    My Michigan Hero

    My Personal Michigan Hero “Get up or you will be late for school!” This person inspires me to do great things with my life. My Michigan hero is my mom. She does so much for my family, she makes sure everything is in order in the house and she has a positive attitude to everything she does. My mom has never gave up on anybody or anything. Her positive attitude to life is what makes her a hero to me. She gets up early every day and makes me breakfast, she is involved with the things I do in school

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