Abstract In this experiment an unknown gram-negative sample was obtained randomly to identify the possible microorganisms. Using comparative analysis several biochemical tests were performed to determine which bacterium out of the six potential unknowns was given. The biochemical tests carried out included; triple-sugar iron agar (TSIA), sulfur indole motility (SIM), citrate, urease, gelatinase, methyl red (MR) and voges-proskaeur (VP). In order to determine the microorganism characteristics the
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Unknown Laboratory Report Sarah Mansfield Biology 203 Professor Lana November 19, 2014 INTRODUCTION Microorganisms are the earliest forms of life and most have thrived since the early birth of the planet. They have evolved into many different forms of life such as animals, humans, and plants. While some microorganisms impact life in a positive way by sustaining life, others cause disease and even death (Nester, et al. 2012). Prokaryotes are one of the earliest
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A. Describe the difference between an obligate and facultative aerobe. Obligate aerobes are bacteria that require oxygen for growth. They will only grow at the top portion of the culture media where it meets the air and has a lot of oxygen. Facultative aerobes grow based on what is available to it. They prefer oxygen but oxygen is not necessary for growth. These aerobes mainly cluster at the top of the culture media where they have a high concentration of oxygen but will dispersed throughout
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The article, 4 Dead After Being Infected by a Device in Surgery at a Pennsylvania Hospital, states that a hospital in Pennsylvania reported that at least eight people who got an infections and from those eight, four have died. According to the lectures from class, we learned that nosocomial infections are infections that are transmitted from hospitals to patients through septic technique. The development of this infection was from a medical device that was used during an open-heart surgery. We also
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The infectious patient If you have an infection how do you know from what bacteria is came from. I will discuss the genera Bacillus, Escherichia and Mycoplasma. They have many structural differences that can distinguish them. There are also staining processes that can identify each. Let’s get started. The genera Bacillus is a gram positive rod shaped bacterium. When viewed under a microscope Bacillus can be seen as a single organism or in chains. It forms endospores that are resistant
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NINTH EDITION Burton’s MICROBIOLOGY FOR THE HEALTH SCIENCES Paul G. Engelkirk, PhD, MT(ASCP), SM(AAM) Biomedical Educational Services (Biomed Ed) Belton, Texas Adjunct Faculty, Biology Department Temple College, Temple, TX Janet Duben-Engelkirk, EdD, MT(ASCP) Biomedical Educational Services (Biomed Ed) Belton, Texas Adjunct Faculty, Biotechnology Department Temple College, Temple, TX Acquisitions Editor: David B. Troy Product Manager: John Larkin Managing Editor: Laura S. Horowitz, Hearthside
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reported from western and plains states where ranching and rearing of cattle are common. Q fever was first described as a disease among workers in a meat packing plant, the letter Q in the name of the disease derives from the word “query,” meaning “unknown origin,” although the Q probably also refers to Queensland, the Australian province in which the packing plant was
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Hewlett-Packard | Cytomegaloviruses | Microbiology | | Milaini Jenkins | 4/28/2012 | [Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document. Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document.] | Etiologic Agent CMV is a herpes virus. This group of viruses include herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2, varicella-zoster virus, and Epstein-Barr virus. These viruses
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population. Log Phase Logarithmic, or exponential, increase in population. Stationary Phase Period of equilibrium; microbial deaths balance production of new cells. Death Phase Population Is decreasing at a logarithmic rate. Prokaryotes (Bacteria) Gram Positive Low G + C Firmicutes 1. Clostridium: enospore-producing (obligate anaerobes) 2. Bacillales: a. Bacillus – rod-shapes, makes endospre, aerobic and facultative anaerobe b. Straphyloccus- clusters of cocci
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(Bellapianta et al., 2009). What is the causative agent? There are two factors that are crucial in developing necrotizing fasciitis. These include exposure to bacteria of the group A Streptococcus and the susceptibility of an individual to the bacteria. The genus Streptococcus belongs to a group of Gram-positive bacteria. Group a streptococci are mostly facultative anaerobes and some are strictly anaerobes. This genus has also been associated with the following medical conditions; scarlet
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