Unknown Bacteria Microbiology

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    S. Flexneri

    of multi drug resistant strain shigella sonnei from its ancestor E. Coli and predecessor S. Flexneri and its spread to Vietnam Introduction Shigella is a genus of Gram-negative, facultative anaerobic, nonspore-forming, nonmotile, rod-shaped bacteria. The genus is named after Kiyoshi Shiga, who first discovered it in 1897. The causative agent of human shigellosis, Shigella causes disease in primates, and is the only naturally found in humans and apes. Shigella is one of the leading bacterial

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    Pathophysiology of cellulitis in adults. Cellulitis, a bacterial infection of the skin and underlying tissue, is a common presentation to Emergency Departments (ED). The clinical spectrum of presentation can vary from local inflammation to diffuse inflammation involving a whole limb, to more severe, even life threatening presentations of necrotizing fascitis and associated sepsis. The rationale for choosing this condition is to enable me to efficiently differentiate between those cases that

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    A General Review of Tetracyclines Antibiotics

    Structure-activity Relationship, Mode of Action, Mechanisms of Resistance, Biosynthesis, Total Synthesis 1. Introduction Tetracyclines are a group of polyketide broad-spectrum antibiotics that has activity against a variety of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, mycoplasmas, chlamydiae and peotozoan parasites [1]. The discovery of tetracycline was in the 1940s. At that time, the problems related to the production of Pennicillin has been solved and pharmaceutical industry and academic institutes started

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    Core Functions of Fda

    Thesis: One of the biggest agencies within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The Office of the Commissioner and four directorates administer the core functions of the agency which are medical products and tobacco, foods and veterinary medicine, global regulatory operations and policy, and operations. While being a huge, big named agency designed to protect and provide public health; there are necessary regulations and guidelines to ensure

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    Infectious Diseases: the Greatest Crisis of the World

    Infectious Diseases: The Greatest Crisis of the world ____________ A Thesis Presented to The Division of The Arts and Sciences Voorhees College ____________ In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Bachelor of Science ____________ Acknowledgements I am whole-heartily thankful to my Professors at Voorhees College for their tremendous effort in my maturilication through Voorhees College. Lastly I would like to acknowledge all of the

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    Microbiology Made Ridiculously Simple

    Preface A well-developed knowledge of clinical microbiology is critical for the practicing physician in any medical field. Bacteria, viruses, and protozoans have no respect for the distinction between ophthalmology, pediatrics, trauma surgery, or geriatric medicine. As a physician you will be faced daily with the concepts of microbial disease and antimicrobial therapy. Microbiology is one of the few courses where much of the "minutia" is regularly used by the practicing physician. This book attempts

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    Dye Degradation Proposal

    Research Proposal MSc Part 2 Sem 3 CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Mr. Akshay L. Shettigar has satisfactorily completed his proposal entitled “Biodegradation study of Triphenylmethane dye Crystal Violet by bacterium isolated from textile effluent.” for the year 2014-2015. Signature of the Project guide Signature of the Examiner (Prof. Mrs Radhika Birmole) Date and college Stamp

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    Identification of Pathogenic Bacteria Associates

    IDENTIFICATION OF PATHOGENIC BACTERIA ASSOCIATES WITH WILT DISEASE OF TOMATO By Anam Nawaz Chapter No: 1 INTRODUCTION Occurrence of Disease in a Host due to Pathogen can only happen in the presence of conducive Environment, or in other words “ disease causal are only the combination of these three elements, Susceptible Host, Virulent Pathogen and Conducive Environment. Otherwise disease does not happen. So these three elements was taken into more consideration which are

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    I. 진단혈액 진단혈액 수련항목 (1) : 혈액학적검사 기본 술기 표준수련기간 : 1주 수련내용 : ◆ 용어정의 : • 혈액학적검사 : 혈액세포와 응고에 관련된 일련의 검사를 의미한다. 혈구의 체내분포, 구조, 기능에 관련된 검사, 골수에 분포하는 전구세포에 관한 검사, 혈구에 영향을 끼칠 수 있는 혈장 인자에 관한 검사 및 유전자 이상에 관련된 검사 등을 포괄적으로 포함한다. • 망상적혈구수 : 적혈구 성숙 단계 중 정염색성 적아구(orthochromatophilic normoblast) 바로 다음 단계의 세포로 핵이 빠져나간 직후부터를 의미한다. 미토콘드리아, 중심소체(centriole), 리보솜 등을 함유하고 있으며 말초혈액에서 24-48시간의 성숙과정을 거쳐서 성숙한 적혈구로 된다 (Ref. Williams 16th p373-374) ◆ 숙지할 필수 지식 : • 혈액학 검사에 사용되는 검체와 항응고제의 작용기전 및 종류

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    Who Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care: a Summary First Global Patient Safety Challenge Clean Care Is Safer Care

    WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care: a Summary First Global Patient Safety Challenge Clean Care is Safer Care a WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care: a Summary © World Health Organization 2009 WHO/IER/PSP/2009.07 All rights reserved. Publications of the World Health Organization can be obtained from WHO Press, World Health Organization, 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland (tel.: +41 22 791 3264; fax: +41 22 791 4857; e-mail: bookorders@who.int). Requests for permission

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