...little more about these microbes. Slowly, more and more scientist were gaining more knowledge as to how to control the pandemic outbreaks that were happening across the country. At first, diseases were controlled by vaccines; but in 1923 Alexander Flemming had discovered a natural resource that inhibited bacterial growth. Mold that had grown in a dish opened the door to antibiotics. Since then, microbes have been fought off by using natural resources. In the past, antibiotics were successful in eliminating diseases by affecting the causative agent in various different ways. Some ways that antibiotics kill bacteria is by releasing chemicals that hinder DNA synthesis, disrupting metabolic activities of the bacterium cell which in turn does not allow the bacterium to reproduce but instead kills it. However, because bacteria have been exposed to certain drugs, some of these organisms have become resistant to specific antibiotics. To fight this dilemma, scientist have to find different ways to battle the organisms not only by using natural sources such as molds, and other bacteria, but also by producing antibiotics chemically in the lab. Introduction The purpose of our experiment was to decipher which bacteria would have...
Words: 1978 - Pages: 8
...TITLE: ANTIBIOTICS : ARE THEY REALLY MAGIC BULLETS? The human body is exposed to substances that have the potential to cause harm on a daily basis. The body protects itself against these substances in several ways. Our natural defences give the body an opportunity to fight off invading microbes that may cause disease. The first line of defence is non-specific and aims to stop microbes from entering the body. The skin and mucous membranes act as a physical barrier preventing penetration by more harmful microbes which could lead to infection (1). The normal body flora on the surfaces of the body, reduce the area available for pathogens to attach to, as well as acting as a competitor for suitable nutrients. The body also produces several antimicrobial substances that kill or break down bacteria. A specific example of a physical barrier is when the blood produces a clot to seal the wound to prevent microbes from entering when the skin has been cut. The second line of defence is also non-specific and involves the process of phagocytosis. A type of white blood cell, called phagocytes, send out pseudopodia to attack the pathogens. Digestive enzymes are then released which break down the harmful microbes (1). Conversely, specific immunity is when resistance is given to a particular foreign agent such as a virus or bacteria, known as antigens. These antigens work to attack the pathogen by causing specific cells to replicate and produce proteins to provide protection...
Words: 1623 - Pages: 7
...TITLE: ANTIBIOTICS : ARE THEY REALLY MAGIC BULLETS? The human body is exposed to substances that have the potential to cause harm on a daily basis. The body protects itself against these substances in several ways. Our natural defences give the body an opportunity to fight off invading microbes that may cause disease. The first line of defence is non-specific and aims to stop microbes from entering the body. The skin and mucous membranes act as a physical barrier preventing penetration by more harmful microbes which could lead to infection (1). The normal body flora on the surfaces of the body, reduce the area available for pathogens to attach to, as well as acting as a competitor for suitable nutrients. The body also produces several antimicrobial substances that kill or break down bacteria. A specific example of a physical barrier is when the blood produces a clot to seal the wound to prevent microbes from entering when the skin has been cut. The second line of defence is also non-specific and involves the process of phagocytosis. A type of white blood cell, called phagocytes, send out pseudopodia to attack the pathogens. Digestive enzymes are then released which break down the harmful microbes (1). Conversely, specific immunity is when resistance is given to a particular foreign agent such as a virus or bacteria, known as antigens. These antigens work to attack the pathogen by causing specific cells to replicate and produce proteins to provide protection...
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...Treatment The coz of treatment of an acute abscess is to decrease the pain, control the fusion of infection, and establish drainage, The patient's general systemic response should be evaluated. Rise in temperature, feverish appear, & a feeling of malaise should be noted and a proper antibiotic regimen started Drainage can be established by the pocket or by means of an incision from the outer surface,, The former preferable. Drainage through the Pocket. The area is anesthetized by topical and if necessary, local anesthesia is in-jected around the abscess,, Care is taken not to inject into the swelling itself. A flat instrument or a probe is carefully introduced into the pocket in an attempt to distend the pocket wall for drainage. A curette can then be gently inserted in the pocket to further drain and gently curette the mass of tissue internally. Drainage through an External Incision. The abscess is isolated & dried with gauze sponges. After the application...
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...has major impact in the development and growth of the Bangladesh pharmaceutical industry. Key points of National Drug Policy of 1982 To provide administrative and legislative support for ensuring quality of essential drugs which are relevant to the national health need. To reduce the price of medicine by ensuring the lowest competitive price. To eliminate non-essential medicine from the market To promote production of local drug and raw materials. To develop proper drug monitoring and information system to prevent wasteful misuse and to ensure the proper utilization of the drugs. To ensure GMP and qualified pharmacist in manufacturing companies. Drug Regulatory Authorities in Bangladesh • The Directorate General of Drug Administration (DGDA) • The Pharmacy Council of Bangladesh (PCB) Local Market Overview The Bangladesh pharmaceutical marketplace is predominantly a branded generic marketplace. Pharmaceutical firms in Bangladesh can either sell to the private sector pharmacies, to the government and its public health care facilities, or to international organizations operating in Bangladesh (e.g. UNICEF). Top 10 Pharmaceutical Companies in Bangladesh Growth of Bangladesh’s Pharmaceutical Market, 2007–12...
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...article will initially cover conventional antibiotics and how their abuse led to antibiotic resistance in bacteria. Alternative antimicrobials will be reviewed by taking into consideration their mechanisms of action and how they can represent a viable option to address the issue of antibiotic resistance. Antimicrobial Background ------------------------------------------------- Figure 1: Structure of penicillin and β-lactam ring (Adapted from LNLS, 2013) ------------------------------------------------- Figure 1: Structure of penicillin and β-lactam ring (Adapted from LNLS, 2013) Antimicrobials are substances that kill or suppress microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and viruses (EPA, 2014). The first evidence of antimicrobials dates back to the Egyptians who used mouldy bread to treat surface infections (Wainwright, 1989). At the beginning of the 20th century, Paul Ehrlich synthesized the first antimicrobial agent known as Salvarsan, a drug used for treating syphilis (Aminov, 2010). Successively Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin by noticing that the growth of Staphylococcus aureus was inhibited in presence of the mold produced by Penicillium fungi. This led to the conclusion that microorganisms produce substances to limit the growth of other competing microorganisms (Amrls, 2014). From that moment onwards, new types of antimicrobial agents were developed such as streptomycin, chloramphenicol, macrolide and tetracycline, causing a significant decrease in the mortality...
Words: 3946 - Pages: 16
...Introduction Zoonotic diseases are infectious diseases which can be transmitted from animals to man. Due to frequent contact and domestication of wildlife animals, zoonotic diseases are increasingly becoming more prevalent. Public parks and gardens are home to abundant populations of birds. One of the most frequent species known to thrive in such areas are feral pigeon (Columba livia). Although there are few reports of disease transmission between pigeons and humans, their close interaction with humans and ability to carry zoonotic pathogens make them a public health risk. In fact, these birds are present at very high densities (2,000 individuals per km2) and can cover a maximum distance of 5.29 km (Dickx et al., 2010). This may result in the increase risk of pathogen transmission among other birds and potentially to humans. Studies have shown that most infected pigeons do not show signs of clinical disease. These birds may therefore pose a public health risk to the human population. Pigeons, like many other bird species, can harbor diseases that can be zoonotic in nature. One of the pathogens most frequently carried by pigeons is Chlamydophila psittaci. C. psittaci is an obligate intracellular bacterium that causes a disease in birds known as Psittacosis or Avian Chlamydiosis. Psittacosis is highly contagious and often causes influenza-like symptoms, severe pneumonia and non-respiratory health problems. Birds can shed this bacterium in the environment when they are...
Words: 2797 - Pages: 12
...Acknowledgement First of all we would like to thank the Almighty Allah without whose help nothing is possible. It is a privilege to express our sincere and deep gratitude to our faculty member Ms. Noor-E-Hasnin (NEH), for her expert guidance, constant encouragement and generosity. Lastly, we must thank the Company Secretary Khandaker Habibuzzaman of Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd who helped us with all the required information. This analysis would not have been possible without his generous cooperation. TABLE OF CONTENT INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01 LITERATURE REVIEW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02 HOW THE BUSINESS WAS FORMED. . . . . . . . . . . . .05 TYPES OF PRODUCT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .09 INDUSTRY ANALYSIS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 CONCLUSION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 INTRODUCTION: Square Pharmaceuticals Limited was founded in 1958 by Samson H. Chowdhury along with three of his friends as a private firm. It is sister concern of Square Group. In 1964 it was converted into a Private Limited Company. In 1985 Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd (SPL) achieved market-leadership in the pharmaceutical market of Bangladesh among all national and multinational companies and 1987 it became the pioneer in pharmaceutical export from Bangladesh. It went public in 1991 and is currently listed on the Dhaka Stock Exchange...
Words: 3192 - Pages: 13
...Isolation and characterization of bacterial endophytes from indigenous tree legumes (Colophospermum mopane) and screening for their potential to produce plant growth hormones. HIT 400 Project Proposal submitted in partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology (Hons) Degree in Biotechnology To Biotechnology Department School of Industrial Sciences and Technology Harare Institute of Technology (HIT) By Edinah Tembo` H1210549T Under the supervision of Mrs P.D Chiunzi 1.0 Introduction The status quo of Zimbabwe’s agriculture seeks to increase productivity along with a long term maintenance of a sustained yield. This aim however, can only be successfully achieved if there is a sufficient supply of plant growth hormones to the plants. Due to the market globalization, the exporting of the agricultural products is rapidly rising hence a need to meet the export demand. Zimbabwe has an abundant variety of indigenous tree legumes, unfortunately scientific taxonomic knowledge of the inhabiting endophytic species is limited and more has to be done to catch up with the rest of the world . The performance of the Zimbabwean economy has always been historically dependent and anchored on the production of the primary sector that is mining and agriculture. Although unpredictable rains continue to adversely affect the sector, the 2000 land reform programme made significant strides in employment creation and improving the livelihoods of the generality...
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...Where There Is No Doctor 2010 Where There Is No Doctor 2010 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data The Library of Congress has already cataloged the 10-digit ISBN as follows: Werner, David, 1934Where there is no doctor: a village health care handbook / by David Werner; with Carol Thuman and Jane Maxwell-Rev. ed. Includes Index. ISBN 0-942364-15-5 1. Medicine, Popular. 2. Rural health. I. Thuman, Carol, 1959-. II. Maxwell, Jane, 1941-. III Title. [DNLM: 1. Community Health Aides-handbooks. 2. Medicine-popular works. 3. Rural Health-handbooks. WA 39 W492W] RC81.W4813 1992 610-dc20 DNLM/DLC for Library of Congress 92-1539 CIP Published by: Hesperian 1919 Addison St., #304 Berkeley, California 94704 • USA hesperian@hesperian.org • www.hesperian.org Copyright © 1977, 1992, 2010 by the Hesperian Foundation First English edition: October 1977 Revised English edition: May 1992 Eleventh printing: July 2010 ISBN: 978-0-942364-15-6 The original English version of this book was produced in 1977 as a revised translation of the Spanish edition, Donde no hay doctor. Hesperian encourages others to copy, reproduce, or adapt to meet local needs, any or all parts of this book, including the illustrations, provided the parts reproduced are distributed free or at cost—not for profit. Any organization or person who wishes to copy, reproduce, or adapt any or all parts of this book for commercial purposes, must first obtain permission to do so from Hesperian. Please contact Hesperian before...
Words: 180635 - Pages: 723
...CHAPTER ONE 1. INTRODUCTION 1.0 DEFINITION OF TRADITIONAL MEDICINE, HERBAL PREPARATION AND FINISHED HERBAL PRODUCTS The World Health Organization (WHO) defines traditional medicine as the sum total of knowledge, skills and practices based on the theories, beliefs and experiences indigenous to different cultures. Traditional medicine is used in the maintenance of health the prevention, diagnosis, improvement or treatment of physical and mental illness, whether explicable or not and is passed on from generation to generation. Herbal Preparations contain plant parts or plant material in the crude or processed state as active ingredients and may contain excipients. (WHO, 1996a; Busse, 1999). Combinations with chemically defined active substances or isolated constituents are not considered herbal preparations (Busse, 2000; GNDP, 2004). According to the European Medicine Evaluation Agency (EMEA), herbal preparations are medicinal products containing exclusively herbal drugs or herbal drug preparations as active substances (WHO, 1996b; Busse, 2000). Several chemical constituents with different pharmacological targets are involved in the therapeutic action of herbal preparations. This may be an advantage compared to single isolated compounds, especially when the underlying disease has a multifactorial etiology which is the case in many chronic illnesses. Herbal preparations may include comminuted or powdered plant material, extracts, tinctures, fatty or essential oils of...
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...Syphilis By: Roshni Patel Transmission: * Syphilis is primarily transferred through sexual contact. This can be from open sores around or inside the gentiles or mouth and the mucous membrane (1). * The disease can also be spread from the mother to the fetus via the placenta in utero, this normally occurs during the late stage of pregnancy (3). * Human to human contact thus far is the only known way to acquire syphilis (7). Reservoirs: * The bacterium lives in the human genital tract of infected males and females (5). Etiologic Agent: * Treponema Pallidum (5). Microorganism General Characteristics: * T. pallidum is a spirochete, which is a type of bacteria that is helically shaped and the gram stains are usually negative. This pathogen is only found in humans and does not naturally occur in other species. This microorganism is transmitted through penetration of the spirochetes through mucous membranes or abrasions on the skins surface. T. pallidum is easily broken down which causes it to lack the capability to survive of dry, disinfected surfaces (3). * Silver imprinting methods can be used to view the bacterium by dark field microscopy. The flagella of the spirochete move in the periplasmic space along the flagella bundle, this causes the bacterium to move in a corkscrew structure. The bacterium promptly rotates along its longitudinal axis and then bends and snaps to its full length. The bacterium can range in cell size from...
Words: 1792 - Pages: 8
...concepts of microbial disease and antimicrobial therapy. Microbiology is one of the few courses where much of the "minutia" is regularly used by the practicing physician. This book attempts to facilitate the learning of microbiology by presenting the information in a clear and entertaining manner brimming with memory aids. Our approach has been to: 4) Create a conceptual, organized approach to the organisms studied so the student relies less on memory and more on logical pathophysiology. The text has been updated to include current information on rapidly developing topics, such as HIV and AIDS (vaccine efforts and all the new anti-HIV medications), Ebola virus, Hantavirus, E. coli outbreaks, Mad Cow Disease, and brand-new antimicrobial antibiotics. The mnemonics and cartoons in this book do not intend disrespect for any particular patient population or racial or ethnic group but are solely presented as memory devices to assist in the learning of a complex and important medical subject. We welcome suggestions for future editions. 1) Write in a conversational style for rapid assimilation. 2) Include numerous figures serving as "visual memory tools" and summary charts at the end of each chapter. These can be used for "cram sessions" after the concepts have been studied in the text. 3) Concentrate more on clinical and infectious disease issues that are both interesting and vital to the actual practice of medicine. MARK GLADWIN, MD BILL TRATTLER, MD D CONTENTS Preface v PART...
Words: 117402 - Pages: 470
...Treatments for Dysthymic Disorder Mercedes Capillo Hartnell College November 18, 2013 Author Note This paper was prepared for Psychology-22 (Abnormal Psychology), Section 3485, taught by Dr. Yoshiko Matsushita-Arao. Beating the Blues: New Approaches to Overcoming Dysthymia and Chronic Mild Depression by Michael Thase M.D. and Susan Lang, was a very enjoyable and enlightening book to read. Some of the qualities the book included were a clear, direct tone and style which was positive yet assertive at the same time. I also enjoyed the format the book was arranged in because it helped with further organizing a lot of the detailed information it provided. Overall, I would give this book a grade of an A-. The tones in which the authors composed the book were positive and assertive. Thase and Lang assert that people’s lives are not either full of joy or full of sorrow and even people who are subjected to the most awful traumas do not always become depressed, instead a lot of people are just victimized by their self-incriminating thoughts or the absolute blame they place towards the rest of the world for their suffering (59). Even though this is portrayed as the bitter truth in the book, Thase and Lang reassure the reader that there are solutions and resources that can assist someone who tends to follow this downward spiral of thinking. The first positive solution that they uphold is for the sufferer to refuse to do absolutely nothing because it is the main way of living...
Words: 2049 - Pages: 9
...Practice Test #1 Critical Reasoning (53 Questions) 73. (25075-!-item-!-188;#058&001412) Most of Western music since the Renaissance has been based on a seven-note scale known as the diatonic scale, but when did the scale originate? A fragment of a bone flute excavated at a Neanderthal campsite has four holes, which are spaced in exactly the right way for playing the third through sixth notes of a diatonic scale. The entire flute must surely have had more holes, and the flute was made from a bone that was long enough for these additional holes to have allowed a complete diatonic scale to be played. Therefore, the Neanderthals who made the flute probably used a diatonic musical scale. In the argument given, the two portions in boldface play which of the following roles? A. The first introduces evidence to support the main conclusion of the argument; the second is the main conclusion stated in the argument. B. The first introduces evidence to support the main conclusion of the argument; the second presents a position to which the argument is opposed. C. The first describes a discovery as undermining the position against which the argument as a whole is directed; the second states the main conclusion of the argument. D. The first introduces the phenomenon that the argument as a whole seeks to explain; the second presents a position to which the argument is opposed. E. The first introduces the phenomenon that the argument as a whole seeks to explain; the second gives...
Words: 10817 - Pages: 44