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• How Does Critical Thinking Contribute To Effective Communication And Leadership?

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The Art of Thinking Critically
In order to be an effective leader you must first learn how to be an effective communicator. The heart and soul of learning effective communication is called critical thinking. When this logic is applied to everyday leadership practices, critical thinkers become aware of their own beliefs, experiences and biases. This enables them to think beyond these barriers. So, how does one learn to utilize critical thinking? How does critical thinking lead to effective communication and leadership? For the duration of this essay, the answer to these questions will be answered through the exploration of credible materials and sources (journals, websites and ebooks) utilizing the CSU-Global Library and websites.
Credibility: …show more content…
It was originally published in the Journal of Public Relations Research in 2013. It was obtained from the CSU-Global Library and was fairly easy to find based on the preferred search terms. The abstract also provided insightful information as to the main points it was going to make. The keywords searched: leadership, communication and public relations. The content and topic were chosen based on its relatability to the profession of public relations and its in-depth discussion on how leadership affects …show more content…
A simple google search using the keywords: public relations, critical thinking, communication and leadership brought about a list of websites; the more credible ones ending in .org, .edu and .gov. Paying attention to the websites origins and judging the quality of the sites content required critical thinking skills with help from the CRAP (currency, reliability, authority, and purpose/point of view) test.
Starting with 'currency' or the publication date of the website, The PRSA site was updated this year and originated back in 2009. As far as the 'reliability' or the origins of the website and its 'authority', the PRSA website is ran by the nation's largest community of public relations and communications professionals with over 22,000 members (PRSA, 2015). It is defined as a 'secondary source' and does not provide historical or firsthand evidence but summarizes information from primary sources. The information is fairly balanced and represents a broad spectrum of the public relations profession. The information provided does not apply to a large majority of the topic of leadership and communication and there aren't enough research articles. The Public Relations Society of America is an organization that is geared towards team building, career

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