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10 Essentials of an Effective Website


Submitted By txchick6
Words 738
Pages 3
This web assignment examines websites pertaining to toothbrushes, in order to determine if they encompass the necessary attributes that will establish them to be an effective website. This web assignment analysis will also focus on how well the consumer’s perception affects the influence the website may have on the consumer, the stages related to perception as identified by Forbes. Furthermore, I will address how the personality of a consumer affects their buying decisions as well as analyzing the effectiveness of the websites in reaching their respective target markets along with improvement recommendations.

Literature Review
According to an article published in Forbes, there are 10 essentials of an effective website. The 10 essentials include: “company/product easily identifiable, front and center contact information, fast search bar, speed; detailed, well-organized content; product qualities highlighted, differentiated benefits presented, encourages return visits, easy to navigate, and fresh new content.” (Steiner, 2010)
The aspect of many websites contains a host with a throng of links that are broken. Steiner noted that according to the managing partner of Elasticity, Brian Cross, “after fifteen years and millions of sites later, the Internet is still rife with shoddy virtual real estate and for many of the sites a disregard for fundamentals is the cause of the problem.”

In assessing the 10 essentials of an effective website, I chose to visit three websites,, and The main focus of theses three websites pertained to toothbrushes. In accordance to Forbes 10 essentials the websites visitors to the website must be able to recognize the product sold on that site, provide contact information that is easy to locate, a clear concise navigation to locate specific information, quick loading, enlightening product information, meaningful company highlights, product benefits, features that are accessible to individuals that register on their site, provide actual user benefits, and provide fresh content. According to Solomon, perception is “the process by which people select, organize, and interpret sensations.” (2015, p. 174) For consumers their eyes, ears, nose, mouth, fingers, and skin all play a part in how affective the consumer’s perception has an role in how effective the website is on the consumer. The vibrant colors that may be present on the websites draw the consumer in. has a black background with what appears to be sunrays flowing from the top of the page. The toothbrushes on the website are show with bold colorful bristles. uses multiple squares their website that showcases pictures of toothbrushes with bright bold colors and bristles. However, provides a video, which showcases dentist teaching you more about their toothbrushes. The three step process, (exposure, attention, interpretation) by which perception relates to the consumer decision and buy are related to well-organized content, company/product easily identifiable, qualities highlighted, differentiated benefits presented, and fresh new content that are identified by Forbes. In conjunction to the three step process the personality of the consumer affects their buying decisions which inevitably shapes their lifestyle through how they perceives themselves or their mental state. Consumers that may frequently perceive his or her self to be trendsetters among those whom they associate with will often have a tendency to continuously purchase the latest product especially if it is related to technology.
The specific recommendation I would suggest to would be to add an interactive portion to the power toothbrush tab. The recommendation for would be to provide the contact number to the bottom of the website page and recommendations are to use the eliminate the empty space on the right side of their website by enlarging the product pictures and the information pertaining to the company, recent press, customer feedback, FAQ’s, the company environment.


Church & Dwight Co., Inc. (2015). Truly Radiant Toothbrushes | Truly Radiant?. Retrieved May 26, 2015, from

Radius. (n.d.). RADIUS Toothbrush. Retrieved May 26, 2015, from

Solomon, M. R. (2015). Consumer behavior: Buying, having, and being (11th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Steiner, C. (2010, March 24). Top Tips: 10 Elements Of Any Effective Web Site - Forbes. Retrieved May 26, 2015, from

Sunstar Americas, Inc. (2015). GUM_ Toothbrushes - the Official Site for GUM_ Dental Hygiene Products. Retrieved May 26, 2015, from

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