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2k1 Research Paper

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A new NBA 2k game was released on September 19th. A new NBA 2k game comes out every year and this year is 2k18. Many people have already bought the game as it has been on top of the charts of sales for past weeks. 2k17 was also number one on sales charts when it came out. Both games were expected to be great games as many people pre ordered the games. There are many differences in 2k17 and 2k18 such as graphics, gameplay, and being more interactive. There are also many similarities such as my career, my team, play now, and more. Overall many people like both games and expect more games to come in the future. Many people like the new 2k18 game more because of the graphics of the game. The game graphics for this years model got a lot better from last year as some …show more content…
2k has always had good graphics, but this year’s game has gotten a lot better. Many people like this new games gameplay, although it seems to have some issues. People have noticed that the game crashes sometimes, and that people go through other players during gameplay. Many people with the Xbox One console have experienced their my career to delete. NBA 2k17 had similar problems as my career had problems with it freezing on the load screen. Although, the game crashes sometimes many people like new features such as you can walk around and be more interactive in my park. Last years model was on the top charts for a long time. This years model has been first on top charts in the first two weeks it has been out. Another difference between 2k17 and 2k18 is my court. In last years game my court costed virtual currency to buy, and in this years game you get it for free. Also customized players have more options this

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