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16-Year-Olds: Should Teenagers Get More Sleep?

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1 in 5 16-year-olds will have a reportable car crash within the first year, Teenagers are falling asleep on the wheel by not getting the right amount of sleep, Teens need more driving education classes to less prevent car crashes will on the road, I believe that if teenagers got more sleep and more driving education classes they would have more per caution will on the road, Biologically teens need more sleep to function in a healthy way, However due to most school starting times 16-Year-Olds are not getting the amount of sleep required, This lack of sleep can lead to teen crashes, According to study published in the journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine ,"Teenagers who started earlier in the morning had higher crash rates' (Anahad29) , This quote shows that lack of sleep affects 16-Year-Olds who drive which would increase the number of fatal crashes this could affect the teenage driver the family and people around.

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