...Diploma in Leadership for Health and Social Care and Children and Young People’s Services (England) (3978-51/52/53/54/55/56) December 2011 Version 3.1 (February 2012) Qualification at a glance Subject area City & Guilds number Age group approved Entry requirements Assessment Fast track Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Health and Social Care and Children and Young People’s Services (England) 3978 19+ There are no entry requirements Portfolio of Evidence, Practical Demonstration/Assignment. Automatic approval is available for centres offering the 3172 Level 4 NVQ in Health and Social Care – Adults 100/4794/3 and the 3078 Level 4 NVQ in Leadership and Management for Care Services 500/4105/8 Learner logbook and Smartscreen Consult the Walled Garden/Online Catalogue for last dates City & Guilds number 3978-51 Accreditation number 600/0573/7 Support materials Registration and certification Title and level Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Health and Social Care and Children and Young People’s Services (Children and Young People’s Residential Management) Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Health and Social Care and Children and Young People’s Services (Children and Young People’s Management) Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Health and Social Care and Children and Young People’s Services (Children and Young People’s Advanced Practice) Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Health and Social Care and Children and Young People’s Services (Adults’ Residential Management) Level...
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...Unit 4 Principles for Implementing Duty of Care in Health, Social Care or Children’s and Young People’s Settings 1. Understand how duty of care contributes to safe practice 1.1 Explain what it means to have a duty of care in own work role. Ensuring accountability for e.g. exercising authority, managing the risk of all clients and situations, working safely, safeguarding children and young people, monitoring own behaviour and conduct through supervisions and appraisals, maintaining confidentiality, storing personal information appropriately, reporting concerns and allegations, making professional judgements, maintaining professional boundaries, avoiding favouritism, maintaining high standards of conduct outside the professional role. 1.2 Explain how duty of care contributes to the safeguarding or protection of individuals. Duty of care contributes to the safeguarding or protection of individuals by protecting them from sexual, physical or emotional harm, allowing the respect and dignity, creating trust. It ensures safety in the environment, safe use of resources and equipment, prevents intimidation or humiliation. It also protects the workforce by ensuring against risk of allegations of misconduct or abuse, avoiding risk of accusations of malpractice. 2. Know how to address conflicts or dilemmas that may arise between and individual’s rights and the duty of care 2.1 Describe potential conflicts or dilemmas that may arise between the duty of care and an individual’s...
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...SHC 21: Introduction to communication in health, social care of children’s and young people’s setting 1.1 Identify different reason why people communicate. Communication is about connecting with others and being understood. Exchanging this type of information can be done either verbally via words or in written form, non-verbally including body language and eye contact and tone of voice. There are many reasons why people communicate including: • Provide and seek information from others • Encourage or discourage behaviour being negatively or positively reinforced • Developing healthy relationship with children and young people as well as their families, colleagues and other professionals in the work place. • Allow ideas to be conveyed clearly and effectively • Express emotion such as:...
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...Explain how legislation, frameworks, codes of practice and policies relating to positive behaviour support are applied to own working practice? . In all aspect of my role I am regulated by my company`s policies and government legislations. I have been trained in mandatory training courses that cover the Children and Adult act protection making sure that I understand the legal policies in place to provide the best care for the young people I support. I have also been trained in Team Teach which is a course that focuses on positive handling techniques and de-escalating behaviour. This is a effective behaviour management policy that is undertaken by all staff, allowing staff to be consistent in their approach to challenging behaviour and their...
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...Unit 308. 1.1 Explain the impact of poverty on outcomes and life chances for children and young people. Poverty can significantly impact the outcomes and life chances of children and young people in several ways: Children living in poverty often lack access to adequate healthcare, nutritious food, and safe living conditions. This can lead to higher rates of chronic illnesses, malnutrition, and developmental delays, ultimately affecting their overall health and well-being. Poverty can hinder educational attainment due to factors such as inadequate resources at home, lack of access to quality schools, and increased stressors that can affect concentration and learning. Children from low-income families may also be more likely to drop out of school...
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...Contents Introduction 1. Policy Statement 2. Keeping Children Safe 3. Adults Working with Children and Vulnerable adults 4. Monitoring and Reviewing our Policy and Practice Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 9 Page 11 Appendices Appendix A – Guidance for good practice when working with young people Appendix B – Types of abuse and specific safeguarding issues Appendix C – Recognising abuse and indicators of abuse Appendix D – Responding to disclosure Page 14 Page 15 Page 17 Page 18 Appendix E – Guidance on Radicalisation and Extremism Page 19 2 Introduction All schools and colleges are required to have a Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy that guides the procedures and practices of staff when safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults (henceforth referred to as students). NewVIc takes very seriously its duty towards all its students who have been entrusted to our care and seeks to provide a college environment where all students are safe, secure, valued, respected, and listened to. NewVIc understands that our work in safeguarding and protecting children and vulnerable adults must always have regard for the national guidance issued by the Secretary of State and should be in line with local guidance and procedures. We understand the term safeguarding to mean that we will take all reasonable measures to ensure that the risk of harm to children and vulnerable adults’ welfare is minimised. We also ...
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...Implement the Positive Behavioural Support Model 1.1 Explain how Positive Behavioural Support has been influenced by: • Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) • Social Role Valorisation (SRV) ABA is a scientific process of examining what causes and maintains behaviour, in order to bring about positive change. SRV promotes valued social roles for individuals who are socially disadvantaged, to help them get some of the good things in life. 1.2 Summarise current legislation and policy guidance relating to Positive Behavioural Support The current legislation relating to Positive Behavioural Support is titled - the Positive Behaviour Support Policy – Safe management of challenging behaviour in children and young people with learning disabilities and autism. The broad aims of the policy are: • the prevention of challenging behaviours; • that, where used, restrictive physical interventions promote the best interests of children and young people; • that all risks associated with the use of restrictive physical interventions are continuously assessed; • to maintain the safety and dignity of children, young people and staff; • that managers and employers discharge their responsibilities effectively; • to highlight the training needs of staff in the use of restrictive physical interventions. 2.1 Define the term ‘challenging behaviour’ Behaviour of such intensity, frequency or duration that the physical safety of the person or others is placed in serious jeopardy or...
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... The paramedics report to the scene, assess the situation and report back to the control and deliver a co-ordinated response to the individuals involved and communicate with the senior officer. The responsibilities of the AIO include declaring a major incident and giving a situation report whilst liaising with hospitals, communicate with health service personnel, plan the entry and exit routes for the ambulances located on the scene, decide where to locate the ambulance parking point, the casualty clearing station and the control point, report back to the ambulance control and liaise with the senior crew members for additional support. The Medical Incident Officer (MIO) is the most senior crew member on the scene who provides support and guidance to the emergency services. The MIO works closely with the AIO to ensure the immediate care staff are safe and take clinical decisions to appropriately distribute the casualties to hospitals. The MIO works alongside the AIO to allocate tasks and roles and keep the ambulance control informed of the situation on the scene. If there are deaths on the scene, the MIO needs to provide a doctor to confirm the deaths once the casualties have been removed and liaise with a coroner. The MIO will need to keep the receiving hospitals informed and provide accurate risk assessments to the appropriate advisors. The Medical Emergency Response Incident Team (MERIT) commonly consists of a doctor or nurse or two of each. The key aim in providing a...
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...plagiarism and copyright. (Refer to www.policies.curtin.edu.au/documents/unit_outlines-plagiarism_state.doc for copyright and plagiarism information. I have retained a copy of this assignment for my own records. Electronic Signature of student: Wendy Wenlin Recorded Mark:____________________________________________________ Lecturer/Tutor who marked: __________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS Contents Situation Analysis/Target Market Identification Report for Nestlé Koko Krunch(KK) 3 1.0 Situation Analysis/Current Marketing Mix 3 1.1 Current Product 3 1.2 Current Price 4 1.3 Current Place 5 1.4 Current Promotion 6 2.0 Segmentation Theory 7 2.1 Define and explain segmentation 7 2.2 Three benefits to Nestlé Koko Krunch (KK) from...
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...1.1 Explain current legislation sector skill standard influence on organizational policies and practices for promoting and maximizing the rights of users of social health and social care service. 1.2 Analysis the factors affect achievement the promoting and maximizing the rights of users of social health and social care service. 1.3 Analysis how commutation between individual and health care worker contribute to promoting and maximizing the rights of users of social health and social care service. 2.1 Explain the factor they may contribute the loss the independence non participation and social exclusion for vulnerable people. 2.2 Analysis how organizational systems and processes are managed to promote participation and independence of the users of health and social care service. 2.3 Analysis the tension that arise when balancing the right of individual to independence and choice against the care provider’s duty to protect. 3.1 use a case study from a health or social care setting to identify the extent to which individual are at risk of harm. 3.2 Explain the role peoples play in a team and how can work together to achieve the shared goal. 3.3 Analysis the effectiveness of policies, procedures and managerial approach within a health or social care setting for promoting the management risk, review current legislation, codes of practices and policies that applies in handling of medication. 3.4 Suggest alternative ways to complete task...
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...POVERTY ON YOUNG WOMEN: A CASE STUDY OF EPWORTH BY MASARA WIRIRANAI. B. (R121680Y) FACULTY OF SOCIAL STUDIES DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY 2015 A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE HONOURS DEGREE IN SOCIOLOGY (SUPERVISOR Ms CHOGUYA) 1 Dedication I dedicate this research work to my late mother. You influenced every aspect of carrying out this study. It’s sad though that you are not around to witness who I have become. You may be gone but you are never over! 2 ACRONYMS ADB Asian Development Bank CSO Central Statistics Office DESA Department of Economic and Social Affairs Statistics Division ESAP Economic Structural Adjustment Programme FPL Food Poverty Line HDL Human Development Index MPSLSW Ministry of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare NGO Non-Governmental Organizations PASS Poverty Assessment Study Survey PDL Poverty Datum Line PICES Poverty and Income Expenditures Survey PRD Parliament Research Department PRFT Poverty Reduction Forum Trust TCPL Total Consumption Poverty Line UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund UNESASD United Nations Economic and Social Affairs Statistic Department UN-Habitat United Nations Human Settlement Programme USA United States of America Zimstat Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency 3 Abstract The study focused on identifying, measuring and assessing the nature and extent of impacts of urban absolute poverty on young women in...
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...CYP Core 3.1 4.3 Play and activities are used to support the development of speech, language and communication because children can learn by copying how others interact with one another. Speech and language doesn’t always come natural to everyone and sometimes it needs gentle encouragement from others around them, this is done by copying what is said and done. This is usually encouraged by things that interest the child which can then be fun for the child which then helps them learn how to communicate. An example of play and activities to support speech, language and communication is that by the use of dolls, puppets and toys because when a child becomes interested in communicating with the doll they begin to role play which indicates that they are ready to use new words and are improving their vocabulary. Another example would be nursery rhymes, songs and musical instruments because they are helpful for communication skills. These encourage children...
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...Unit 204 Principles of safeguarding and protection in health and social care Learning outcomes and assessment criteria Outcome how to recognise signs of abuse Define the following types of abuse: Physical abuse is an act of another party involving contact intended to cause feelings of physical pain, injury, or other physical suffering or bodily harm including hitting, slapping, pushing, kicking, or inappropriate sanctions Sexual abuse is a statutory offense that provides that it is a crime to knowingly cause another person to engage in an unwanted sexual act by force or threat. Including encouraging relevant individuals to look at pornography, harassing them by making sexual suggestions or comments, or sexual acts where the individual has not consented, or could not consent or was pressured into consenting. Emotional/psychological abuse is subjecting an individual to bullying tactics such as threats. These bullies can take away the self-confidence of their victim and sometimes render them brain washed into believing they will never make a go of it on their own or they are ugly; fat; the opposite sex wouldn’t want them; they are stupid because they may have not got high enough marks in school; or, in the elderly threatening to put the elderly person in a home if they do not conform to the abuser’s wishes. Mental and emotional abuse can be between couples in a relation; siblings; elderly abuse or abusing one’s peers. Including emotional abuse as well as threats of...
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...Issues Relating to Outsourcing Page 4 and 5 2.2 Child Labour Page 5 and 6 2.3 The Use of Animal Fur and Environmental Issues Page 6 and 7 3.0 Best Practice Within the Sector Page 7 3.1 Primark, Compensation and Utilitarianism Page 7 and 8 3.2 H&M, Child Labour and Deontology Page 8 3.3 M&S and Virtue Theory Page 8 and 9 4.0 Recommendations Page 9 4.1 Responsibility Auditing Page 9 4.2 Education Page 9 and 10 4.3 Making a Stand Against Animal Fur Page 10 5.0 Conclusion Page 10 6.0 References Page 11 and 12 7.0 Appendices Page 13, 14, 15 and 16 2 1.0 What is Corporate Responsibility? Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is “about businesses and other organizations going beyond the legal obligations to manage the impact they have on the environment and society.” (Lea, 2002) In recent years, the fashion retailing sector in Europe has gained a lot of media interest over its irresponsibility to society and its employees. Some companies which have been under scrutiny around this issue include: Primark, Zara and H&M as well as many other brands which are increasingly popular on the high street today. 2.0 Key Issues of Corporate Responsibility Responsibility in business terms can be defined as how a business‟s “operating activities impact on society, the environment and the economy.” In order to be responsible, companies “look at their stakeholders and attempt to maximise the positive impact...
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...enhance the job satisfaction of their employees”. Discuss your view on and support your position whether you agree or disagree to the above emphasis. 2 2.1 What is Job satisfaction? 2 2.2 What are the outcome of job satisfaction? 3 2.3 Understanding employee attitudes and motivation 4 2.4 Methods for Increasing Job Satisfaction 5 2.5 Responsibility of manager on job satisfaction 5 3. “Thirty-five year ago, the young employees we hired were ambitious, conscientious, hardworking and honest. Today`s young workers don’t have the same values towards work.” Do you agree or disagree with this manager`s comments? Support your position with research evidence. 6 3.1 Values 6 3.2 Values Across Cultures 7 3.2.1 Power distance 8 3.2.2 Individualism versus collectivism 8 3.2.3 Masculinity versus Femininity 8 3.2.4 Uncertainty Avoidance Index 8 3.2.5 Long term orientation versus short term normative orientation 8 3.2.6 Indulgence versus Restraint 8 3.3 Deficiency, Need and Desire differ the values of individual 8 3.3.1 Physiological needs 9 3.3.2 Safety needs 9 3.3.3 Love and belonging 10 3.3.4 Esteem 10 3.3.5 Self-actualization 10 4. “Recognition may be motivational for the moment but it does not have any staying power. It`s an empty reinforce, because when you go to the grocery store, they don’t take the recognition as a form of payment.” Discuss your views and support your position if you agree or disagree. 10 5. Summary 11 6. Conclusion...
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