...Unit Plan1: Rotation 1 My curriculum map is based on vertical alignment in grades 2, 3, and 4th. My target grade is 3rd grade. TEKS Grade 2nd Target Grade 3rd Grade 4th Psychomotor 2.1(B) demonstrate skills of chasing, fleeing, and dodging to avoid or catch others 3.1 (B) demonstrate proper form and smooth transitions during combinations of fundamental locomotor and body control skills such as running and jumping safely in dynamic situations while chasing, fleeing, and dodging others 4.1 (A) demonstrate changes in speed during straight, curved, and zig sag pathways in dynamic situations such as running and jumping and other various fundamental locomotor and body control skills while chasing, fleeing, and dodging others. Cognitive 2.3 (A) identify how regular physical activity...
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...Name: Karisa Wilson Section: 002 School Attended: Willard Elementary School Background & Contextual Factors (min. of 1 page) Willard Elementary is a school that would be described as a neighborhood school. There is not a busing system for the students, most walk to school or are dropped off by parents. The school provides educational services to a total of two hundred and seventy-one students. This school is located in what I would consider an urban community and serves a large majority of students from poverty. There are ten classrooms at Willard Elementary with an average of twenty-two students per class. Willard Elementary actually has ten percent of its students labeled as chronically truant. The ISAT scores at Willard are below the state...
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...Copy 1 of 2 Copies 1st PLT/1st Military Police Company Fort Leonard Wood, USA DTG: 040800SDEC2011 OPERATION ORDER 11-05 (Operation Takedown) (unclassified) (U) References: a. Maps: V779S, Fort Leonard Wood Special, 1-NIMA, 1:50,000 b. OPORD 10-01 (Lizard Overseas Contingency Operation) c. FRAGO 10-05 to OPORD 10-01 (U) Time Zone Used Throughout Plan: Sierra (Local-Central Daylight Savings Time) (U) Task Organization: 1st Platoon 1st Military Police Company 1st Squad 2nd Squad 3rd Squad 1. (U) Situation. a. (U) Area of Interest. The area north of our OBJ is very pro-American and is a potential strongpoint for US/CF success in the future. Both the local militias and citizens have shown very positive signs of wanting AIF removed from this area. This has also led to increased AIF targeting of both citizens and civic leaders. b. (U) Area of Operations. Sadr City is a predominantly Shiite area, urban in nature, having approximately 1 million inhabitants. Concerned citizens report an insurgent cell is operating out of the house of Ala Jamal in the southern part of Sadr City. IP and local government reports support this information. Sadr City is known as a center for insurgents including Jaysh al-Mahdi (JAM). (1) (U) Terrain. Road networks are somewhat improved but limited for traffic. Most roads remain trafficable, yet many roads are filled with broken down cars and trash. Most have...
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... Tanya Coleman Psy 200A Teaching and Learning Does a child’s biological factors influence their behavior? My case study is about an 8.6 year old boy who faces biological, social, and emotional issues at the early stages of his cognitive and moral development. The observation takes place at Tyrell’s school. I am going to apply Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological approach, and Kohlberg’s theory of moral development as it applies to my case study. Besides, I will give an insight of the stages that Tyrell has undergone thus far. In Tyrell’s case environmental issues played a major part in his early development. Tyrell is an African American boy that is 8.6 years old in the 2nd grade. The school he attends is P.S. 36 in Manhattan. He is asthmatic. Tyrell is currently being raised by his mother. His father is incarcerated for assault and robbery. Tyrell recently lived with his grandmother. He is currently living in a shelter with his mother. Tyrell attended the same school since pre-k. He has seen a lot of his friends go on to the 3rd grade while he remains in 2nd grade. Tyrell has a displacement issue at home because he lives in a shelter. Tyrell likes basketball. Tyrell aspires to be a basketball player. He has been held over in the 2nd grade, and he has apprehensions about doing it a second time around. Also, Tyrell has difficulty staying on task, and he has acting out behaviors. ...
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...describe through your reflection of how the school promotes partnership and dialogue. You’re Map For this process, go through the following steps: | | |observation Report on Interaction | | | |Name: Langga, Neljun S. Year / Course: BSED-III | |School Observed: SND Integrated School___________________________ | |Grade level: First year____________________ Section: A | |Subject Observed: English | | | |Observations: | | | |Student-to-student Interaction Patterns:...
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...Diversity COMM/315 October 10, 2012 Elain Rouge Diversity “A social class is a category of people who share similar amounts of wealth, power, and prestige” (Bucher & Bucher, 2010, "Gauging the Level of the Playing Field"). In America usually your social class is determined by a number of diverse characteristics such as your political class, your house, what you own, your net worth, and you occupation. Just to add a little bit more to those factors are the different views of morals, manners, attitude, hygiene, and also the material things such as jewelry, your hair, the vehicle that you drive, and the way that you dress. Some characteristics are visible and some are more secretive than others. The reason that I consider myself as being in the lower middle class because I am currently seeking my first degree, my income, the price I pay to live where I live at and I have purchased a car in the past. I decided to do my observation on the poverty class and the upper class I decided to visit two restaurants because of their reputation. The first restaurant that I visited was Portabellas and the second restaurant was Piccadilly. So that I wouldn’t be so noticeable I dined- in at both restaurants. Portabellas was definitely more uncomfortable to me because it was so expensive and elegant. I was even uncomfortable while I was waiting to be seated. Another fact that made me uncomfortable was the way that I was dressed, I didn’t feel that I looked as well...
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...outdoor play. The first attempt was not specific. Setting I observed Jason today, the 3rd November 2000 between 10.40 am and 10.50 am, during outdoor play. Jason is 5.4 years old. He is male. He attends a Reception Class of a Primary School. Now we know who is being observed. Rationale Observing outdoor play will give me an opportunity to learn more about gross motor skills in 5 year old children. The wet weather earlier this week prevented the children from playing outside so I took advantage of the fine weather today to complete this observation. I decided to observe Jason because he appears to be a confident child who is taller than many of the other children in his class. He enjoys outdoor play and shows this by smiling as he moves quickly in a controlled way. The method of observation is a written narrative of the 10 minutes of observation as it happened. This method is easy to use spontaneously because it requires no specialist equipment; only a pen and paper. There were sufficient members of staff supervising outdoor play so I was able to concentrate on observing Jason without intervening to direct his actions. This gives a reason for choosing to observe Jason's gross motor skills and reasons for the choice of observation technique. Observation I observed Jason walking. How did he walk? Where was he walking? What was he doing? Try to write the observation as if you are describing what is happening NOW. The present tense is active and gives a picture...
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...Social class refers to “a hierarchical distinctions (or stratification) between individuals or groups in societies or cultures” (Webster’s online dictionary, n.d.). Typically, American social class is based on a variety of diverse characteristics including wealth, net worth, occupation, education, political standing, housing, and ownership of possessions. In addition to these factors are the superficial diverse aspects of personal hygiene, manners, morals, attitude, and materialist items such as dress, hair, vehicles, and jewelry. Some of the elements are obvious and can be seen while others are considered more private. The objective of this paper is to share an observation of a social class other than my own and in conclusion develop a personal action plan based on what I learn and how I will use my new found knowledge as it relates to diversity consciousness. Observation I consider myself middle-class based on my college degree, profession, income, and ownership of a home and vehicle. Because I consider myself middle-class, I chose to observe what I believe to be members of upper and lower class. I decided to take advantage of the back to school season and choose two locations where school children and their parents would buy clothing. I chose the stores based on reputation. I spent time at the upscale Macy’s in the Mall of America and at the secondhand store Goodwill. To make my observations not so obvious I browsed the clothing sections and even tried items on. Macy’s was...
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...Lyceum of the Philippines University – Cavite Campus Project In Basic Statistics “Financial Status of 1st yr. to 3rd yr. HRA Students” Submitted by: Annaliza Bendal Yr. & Sec: HRA-201 Submitted to: Ms. Cecille Dogelio Table of Contents I. Introduction II. Data Collection III. Data Organization IV. Data Presentation V. First Year HRA Students VI. Second Year HRA Students VII. Third Year HRA Students VIII. Graphical Frequency of Three Strata Introduction What is Financial Status? “It is the total net worth of a person or business.” While others say, “Money balance, Credits, Debits details a person has in his personal account or an Organization has in its account. The more balance of cash in the account, the more healthy the person financially, and the more trustworthy is the organization. The business progress depends upon the financial status of a company. Respect depends upon the financial status of a person in this world.” From those definitions, we can conclude that Financial Status has to do with our savings, expenses or either way how we earn. As simple as that, but this is also connected with business, but since we are on Basic Statistics field, let’s just move along to topic. Why is it included in Basic Statistics? We all know that, this course, program or subject deals with analysis, report, collection...
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...Observation Chart for Specific Disabilities Plan your classroom observations to include all disabilities. Complete the chart below with the information that you learned during your observations. You may also use your Dictionary of Developmental Disabilities Terminology for additional information. Disability Age Placement Specific comments and accommodations Hearing & Visually Impaired Language & Speech Disorder Speech disorder- development delay, phonological disorder, speech defect, difficulty with pro annunciation, the student does not use developmentally expected speech patterns. Language disorder- disabilities of reception, integration, recall and or production of language. This delayment and disability maybe spoken, written, or both. (p 583, Turnbull and Turnbull, shank and Leal) 8 3rd grade -regular Ed Mary was in a regular Ed 3rd grade class. Her modification was that she was aloud extra time to verbally respond in class. She went to see a speech therapist once a week. The therapist worked on her pronunciation of specific sounds. Spanish is her first language but it was determined that her disorder was not due to being second language learner but rather because of developmental delayment. The speech therapist worked on one sound per lesson and then evaluated her progress at the end of the lesson to make sure she has mastered that specific sound, if...
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...Personal Action Plan and Observation COMM/315 June 25th 2012 Elizabeth Jane Riegner, RN, PhD, NCC Personal Action Plan and Observation Social Class differences in American society are typically described as lower, middle or upper class. This determines to a large extent where one lives, work, go to school and even worship. Social class refers to one’s status in society and is usually determined by a variety of social and economic factors such as net worth, position of power, job title and dwelling. (Bucher, 2010). Other superficial factor that comes into play in social class distinction includes type of outfit, hairstyle, car, makeup, jewelry and mannerisms. The purpose of this paper is to observe a different social class outside of my normal environment and develop a personal action plan based on my observation to share with class while integrating my new found knowledge to improving cultural awareness and diversity skills. Observation I place myself in the middle class category based on my profession, net income, and decent home in the suburban area. Because of my middle class status, I chose to observe people I believe to be in the upper socio-economic class. I chose the Lenox mall located at Buckhead- Atlanta GA which has been frequented by the superstars and Millionaires. I took advantage of the weekend shopping for father's day to visit the mall and chose the high end store called Louis Vuitton (LV), a luxurious brand name store that sells variety of leather...
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... | |BTEC Level 3 90 credit in Health & Social Care |Unit 6: Personal and Professional Development in Health & Social | |BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Health & Social Care |Care (Part 3) | |Learner name | Assessor name | | |Lorraine Bullard | |Date issued | Hand in deadline |Submitted on | |3rd May 2016 | 16th May 2016 | | | | | | | | |Criteria |To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the learner is able to: | |Task no. | |Evidence | |reference | | | | |(Page no) | |P5 |Produce...
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... ********************************************************************************************************** 2015-2016 Language Arts Syllabus for 6th, 7th, 8th grade English Language Arts Tamela Jones, tamela.jones@douglas.k12.ga.us, Mrs. Laura White laura.white@douglas.k12.ga.us, Carrie Kitchens carrie.kitchens@douglas.k12.ga, Sara Jackson sara.jackson@douglas.k12.ga.us planning periods: 6th & 7th periods (White), 1st & 5th (Jones), 1st & 3rd (Jackson), 2nd & 3rd(Kitchens) ELA Goal: The goal of the English Language Arts class is to assist students in becoming better writers. This will be accomplished through hands on activities involving the steps of the writing process and review of the 4 areas of Language Arts: reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Grading Policy: Homework = 10% Tests/Essays/Projects = 40% Class Work/Quizzes = 50% All assignments will be graded within a timely manner. As per school policy all test/quizzes will be returned within a week. Essays will be returned within a two week period. Grading Scale: A: 100-90 B: 89-80 C: 79-71 D: 70 F: Below 70 ELA 8 Standards: https://extranet.georgiastandards.org/Common-Core/Pages/ELA-6-8.aspx Make-Up Work: If a student must be absent, it is his/her responsibility to obtain make-up work and complete it in a reasonable amount of time, with a minimum of three (3) days for...
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...SITUATION: Recent HUMINT sources have indicated that there is a large Insurgent cell operating in the town of McKenna. They are currently occupying two buildings on the eastern side of the town GL06528372. This insurgent cell is focused on emplacing IEDs on the MSRs and on any area with a high concentration of Coalition Force traffic. They also employ snipers to harass friendly patrols in the BN AO. ENEMY FORCES: Composition: The Cell of insurgent is estimated at 20 men of ages 20 to 35. They operate in 2-3 men teams. The group has been seen operating 2 x Toyota pickups and 2 x Mazda sedans. The insurgents have an unknown number of AK-47s, AKMs, RPG-7s, and Dragunov sniper rifles, as well as an assortment of handguns and explosives. Strength: The enemy has the ability to blend in with the local population and an extensive knowledge of its operating environment. Capabilities: The enemy has the ability to displace very quickly and to blend with the local population making it difficult to discern civilians from the insurgents. With the number of men in the cell it is possible for the enemy to affect a formidable defense using the two buildings they are occupying as a strong hold. Most Probable Course of Action: If friendly forces are detected by the enemy prior to the raid of target area the enemy’s most probable course of action will be to attempt to flee the town of McKenna or to attempt to blend in with local population to avoid capture. Most Dangerous Course of...
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...The Diverse Nature of Psychology PSY/490 May 27, 2013 The Diverse Nature of Psychology Psychology has a wide array of diverse concepts that influence its very nature, which is the study of mind and behavior in various organisms from the most primitive to the most complex. Diversity is recognizing the variety of characteristics that make individuals unique some of these characteristics are geographic background, religion, sexual orientation, economic background, ethnicity, education, gender, language, age, culture, marital/partnered status, and physical appearance. Psychology is the study of cognitions, physiology, emotions, personality, behavior, and theory. Two sub-disciplines of psychology are behaviorism and cognitive psychology. Behaviorism originated from the learning theory and uses concepts such as operant and classical conditioning. Cognitive psychology involves the scientific investigation of mental processes, such as memory, perception, attention, problem-solving, judgment, and decision making. Behaviorism Psychology The foundation of the behaviorist perspective is the learning theory. Learning refers to and enduring change in the way an organism responds based on its experience (Kowalski & Westen, 2009). Humans are naturally logical and rational thus making decisions and choices that make the most sense. A law of contiguity proposes that two events will become connected in the mind if they are experienced close together in time (such as a...
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