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40-55 Analysis

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In the book of 40-55 it talks about the message of hope in exile presented by five different prophets. In those messages there are two themes. The instruction for life : in other words torah and “The Lord reigns” meaning the Kingdom of god. As we I go in-depth in the messages we would look at Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Deutero-Isaiah as well as Deuteronomistic Historian (DH) and the Pentateuch (also named P).

Jeremiah sounds just like Hosea in 598-586. His words are revised in the Deuteronomistic language. Jeremiah emphasizes on the idolatry as God pleaded with his people. He keeps warned that Jerusalem would be captured and the inhabitants exiled to Babylon. Jeremiah's words were vehemently rejected and he was heavily persecuted. …show more content…
Either Ezekiel or his editor would accept the restoration of the monarchy, but with limited power. Ezekiel’s vision of restored Jerusalem wouldn’t be part of a royal quarter. Ezekiel repeated the divine judgment upon Israel the primary offenses of when the nation is guilty, idolatry and ritual impurity. God used him in a miraculous and powerful way. He appointed Ezekiel to watch the House of Israel and to warn them that if they did not repent and turn back to God, he would execute the final stage of his judgment on them. Ezekiel not only prophesied doom and gloom for those living in his time, he also brought a message of hope for the future, for all people. Using highly symbolic language, Ezekiel described the fate of a number of nations at that time. Israel was given a message of hope in their time of punishment and captivity specifically through the allegory of the valley of dry bones. But it is a message for all people, a message of restoration to the greatness that God has always wanted for His creation. Prophesies that portray the restoration of Israel represent that reconciliation of mankind to God.

In the message of hope both Jeremiah and Ezekiel thought a like. Both affected by the destruction of Jerusalem by Babylonia’s in 586 BCE, from different views. Both propehts agree that because of its sin,

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