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8th Grade Essay

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During many family conversations rarely do we talk about what occurs during school. My parents will appreciate this essay because it will give them the information they should know about my 8th grade year so far. During the rest of this paper I will talk about my 8th grade year. In my science class I have a percentage grade of 100% and a letter grade of A+. How I achieved this grade is greatly in part to information I already had over the subject which made the test and work sheets much easier. I feel good about this grade, but I feel as if I didn’t put much effort towards getting that grade. In social studies I have a percentage grade of 98.21% and a letter grade of A. How I maintained a grade like this is that I put more effort into studying …show more content…
I didn’t really have a strategy for getting the grade I have. I feel good about this grade but I could have put much more effort into this class than I did, I could have focus more on homework and studying than I did. In my language arts class I have a percentage grade of 98.93% and a letter grade of an A. I studied for the final test and I focused more in class because I enjoyed the past Holocaust subject. I’m content with the grade I received and don’t know much of what I could do to improve it other than more preparation for class. When it comes to the social aspect of my 8th grade year it’s pretty much the same as other years. I stay with the people I know and am already friends with a few new ones thrown in the mix. For the extra-curricular part of this year, really the only extra-curricular activity I do is the History Day competition which isn’t far from completion. I don’t do much other activities because not much interest me in the way of extra activities. Overall I feel good about this year as of now this has been one of my better years in terms of social as well as grade and participation wise. While having a low grade in math I still feel as if I did good in that class considering the work I did for it. I feel that this year has been one of my favorite years with many great

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