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A Brave New World: A Brief Summary

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Brave New World is about a very controlled futuristic society. The story begins as a group of young students following a tour in a factory called the London Hathcherey and Conditioning Center, conducted by the director of the factory. The director describes the process of how humans are mass produced and conditioned to have certain morals. Each person in the community exists to serve society.
Next, a new character named Bernard is introduced to the story. Bernard is an Alpha male psychologist that looks and feels different than other Alphas. He wants Lenina but he is mad that everyone is promiscuous and doesn’t take love seriously. He asks her out but is very embarrassed because she told everyone about their plans for sex.
Next a man named …show more content…
When Bernard went on his date with Lenina, Bernard wanted to do things such as hold hands and talk but all Lenina wanted to do was take drugs and have sex. Bernard gives into her ways and has sex with her but greatly regrets doing so in the morning. He wants to see what happens when there is some time between meeting someone and having sex. He doesn’t get permission to go but him and Lenina go anyways, while on their trip he gets a call from Helmholtz saying that the director is planning on sending him to an island for misfits. While on the island Lenina is really shocked about what she sees but Bernard is looking at the savages in a scientific manner. Later on they are approached by a man who says that his mother came from a different island and when she got stranded there she had birth to him. Bernard put two and two together and realized that John must be the directors son. Bernard thought this would be a good way to blackmail the director. So he convinces Mustapha that for scientific interest that it would be good to bring John and Linda back to society. The director tries to fire Bernard publicy but gets shut down when he brings up that the director is a

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