...An inherent tension between stability and change is revealed through recurring images in Yeats’ poetry. To what extent does your interpretation of Yeats’ ‘The Second Coming’ and at least one other poem align with this view? In your response, make detailed reference to ‘The Second Coming’ and at least ONE other poem set for study. Note to students: This question requires you to write about ‘The Second Coming’. Students are reminded that they are required to fully prepare all poems set for study in any elective, as the examiners can be very specific and name one or more poems that must be addressed in the answer. Sample response: Poetry Prescribed text: WB Yeats: Poems Selected by Seamus Heaney Introduction outlines the common aspects of both poems while responding to the question | Yeats had a distinctive world view that is evident in much of his poetry and explored through recurring imagery and motifs, as well as through language and ideas specific to individual poems. His views about civilization and change are expressed in ‘Leda and the Swan’ and ‘The Second Coming’ which, taken together, explore the beginning and the end of Western history in Yeats’ terms. Both poems look at the supernatural influence on human affairs, at a tipping point between stability and change. They consider human helplessness in the face of blind destiny, but also examine human acquiescence in the march of history. While they share features of language and structure, they also...
Words: 1362 - Pages: 6
...source of great love and support, and the hardships of coming out as a part of the LGBT community can either strain or strengthen this relationship. The LGBT community consists of non-heterosexual individuals who experience some level of same-sex attraction, along with transgender individuals who identify with a gender different from the one they were assigned at birth (Broad 400). In this paper, I will attempt to describe the ideal and reality of parental love, and explore how this love changes when an LGBT child comes out. Then, I will explore the impact of race and ethnicity, and the specific identity of the child on parental love. I will be using Sternberg’s triangular theory of love...
Words: 1684 - Pages: 7
...What would your life be like if your community didn’t accept you? LGBTQ individuals get judged all the time because they’re different. Is it right to get treated differently because you like the same sex or transgender? The answer is no! Just because your sexual orientation is different than others, it doesn’t mean you’re different; in fact it makes you brave for coming out. In today’s society more LGBTQ are coming out and being accepted. Coming out can be a lifelong process, especially for transgender because the person has to take medications to change their appearance. It takes months before the person starts to see changes. Eventually the person will undergo surgery to have a mastectomy or genital removal. LGBTQ stands for lesbians, gays,...
Words: 424 - Pages: 2
...BRIEFING NOTE Consumer price indices January 2012 Date: 14 February 2012 Coverage: United Kingdom Theme: The Economy CONTENTS SUMMARY CPI SUMMARY CPI RECORDS CPI DETAILED BRIEFING RPI SUMMARY RPI RECORDS RPI DETAILED BRIEFING RECONCILIATION OF CPI AND RPI RPI MISCELLANEOUS DATA OUTLOOK 2 3 6 7 28 29 30 38 39 40 This note is produced as background briefing for the Consumer Price Indices Statistical Bulletin. Users who require authoritative figures should use the Consumer Price Indices Statistical Bulletin or CPI and RPI Detailed Reference Tables. 1 Statistical Bulletin: Briefing Note, Consumer Price Indices January 2012: Page 2 SUMMARY Consumer Prices Index (CPI) The Government's inflation target for the United Kingdom is defined in terms of the CPI measure of inflation. From April 2011, the CPI is also being used for the indexation of benefits, tax credits and public service pensions. The CPI is an internationally comparable measure of inflation and is used to compare inflation rates across the European Union. • • • • • • • • The all items CPI is 121.1, down from 121.7 in December. The all items CPI annual rate is 3.6%, down from 4.2% in December. The annual rate for CPI excluding indirect taxes, CPIY, is 3.6%, up from 2.8% last month. The annual rate for CPI at constant tax rates, CPI-CT, is 3.4%, up from 2.6% last month. The CPI all goods index is 117.1, down from 117.8 in December. The CPI all goods index annual rate is 3.5%, down from 4.2% last month...
Words: 11739 - Pages: 47
...CASE STUDY Denison Specialty Hospital Denison Specialty Hospital is planning its master budget for the coming year. The budget will include operating, capital, cash, and flexible budgets. The hospital is noted for its three fine programs: Oncology (cancer), Cardia (heart), and Rhinoplasty (nose jobs). Part I. Section A The managers at Denison have been busy working. They have reviewed past records, considered changes in competition, the general economy, and overall medical trends. Using past changes and anticipated rates of medical inflation, they have also made a first attempt at setting their prices. Based on a thorough review and discussion of these data, they have projected that next year will have 240 patients. They expect 120 oncology patients, 80 cardiac patients, and 40 rhinoplasty patients. The charge, or list price, for Oncology patients will average $50,000. Cardiac patients will be charged an average of $40,000, and rhinoplasty, $25,000 per patient. However, those charges often are not the actual amount ultimately received. The amount the hospital receives depends on whether patients pay their own hospital bills or have health care insurance. Assume that private insurance companies pay the full charge or list price. However, Medicare and Medicaid have announced rates they will pay for the coming year as follows: Oncology patients $40,000, Cardiac patients, $30,000, Rhinoplasty $10,000. Self-pay patients are supposed to pay the full charge, but generally...
Words: 1144 - Pages: 5
...If need to see our customers happy we always think about what customers wants and needs and need to improve services. E.g., if they are not happy with our services we need ask them and give changes for services. Every business there is competitors and if there is more competitors we need think about double about our business and competitors, what they are doing, what kind of promotion they are giving for their staffs and how they are advertising things and that kind advertising is working and how they are increasing their customers, we have to know about what competitors are doing then we can take good decision for our business. You and your competitors have same product, so it is difficult sell that product in same area, so you need give promotion for that product. e.g. if you and your competitors same product like television, they are advertising Ramadan offers and promotion and that promotion they are giving 10% discount from televisions, and if you want sell your product you also have to give promotions and you have to change the promotion style, because if you also giving 10% discount and I do not think it is working much, so you can...
Words: 771 - Pages: 4
...CASE STUDY Denison Specialty Hospital Denison Specialty Hospital is planning its master budget for the coming year. The budget will include operating, capital, cash, and flexible budgets. The hospital is noted for its three fine programs: Oncology (cancer), Cardia (heart), and Rhinoplasty (nose jobs). Part I. Section A The managers at Denison have been busy working. They have reviewed past records, considered changes in competition, the general economy, and overall medical trends. Using past changes and anticipated rates of medical inflation, they have also made a first attempt at setting their prices. Based on a thorough review and discussion of these data, they have projected that next year will have 240 patients. They expect 120 oncology patients, 80 cardiac patients, and 40 rhinoplasty patients. The charge, or list price, for Oncology patients will average $50,000. Cardiac patients will be charged an average of $40,000, and rhinoplasty, $25,000 per patient. However, those charges often are not the actual amount ultimately received. The amount the hospital receives depends on whether patients pay their own hospital bills or have health care insurance. Assume that private insurance companies pay the full charge or list price. However, Medicare and Medicaid have announced rates they will pay for the coming year as follows: Oncology patients $40,000, Cardiac patients, $30,000, Rhinoplasty $10,000. Self-pay patients are supposed to pay the full charge, but generally...
Words: 1144 - Pages: 5
...her family, school and crush. FIF is coming of age memoir that follows Fizoozeh Dumas in her journey from second grade immigrant into her interracial marriage. The memoir is written as short stories; these give reader a glimpse into the everyday struggles and joys of being a first generation immigrant. FIF and DMHLBIT debate inter growth to physical Growth while both show casing strong female character that...
Words: 626 - Pages: 3
...Throughout a person’s life, they go through many changes, including the change from childhood to adulthood. Throughout the change from childhood to adulthood, one grows physically, mentally, and morally. This change is known as coming of age. The theme of coming of age is evident in To Kill a Mockingbird, mainly focused on Scout and Jem. Jem is an example of coming of age because he goes through a physical and moral maturation throughout the book. Physically, Jem grows from a boy to a young man. He goes through puberty, as he ages from the age of 10 to 13. As he gets older, Jem starts to noticeably change. Scout says that she “noticed a new slimness about his body” and that Jem was “growing taller” (Lee 301). Jem is also proud of his newfound...
Words: 292 - Pages: 2
...B IV. Conclusion Gloria Castro Ms. Ferrell English 110 October 9, 2014 Compare and Contrast rough draft Have you ever stopped and thought to yourself if racism has really come to an end? The stories “Of the coming of John” and “How it feels to be colored me” have plenty of differences and similarities. These two stories have the same theme, which is race. The both have an interesting plot and a great message that everyone in the audience can enjoy. The first point of these two stories that has differences and similarities is the characters message. Both of these stories are based off of race and they are both trying to give the same message to their audience, for example how racism was really serious back in the day. Another similar message is there lives change at some point of their lives. A difference is that their lives change in different ways. In the story “Of the Coming of John”, John changes because he realizes how things really are and it kind of makes him a little bitter. The second point of these two stories that has differences and similarities is the setting. The setting of both these stories are in the 1900s. “Of the Coming of John” takes place in the year 1903 and the story “How it feels to be colored me” takes place in 1928. The third Point of these two stories that has differences and similarities is the characters. The differences between the two characters are that obviously one of the...
Words: 399 - Pages: 2
...changing at a fast pace due to which industry players involved in travel & tourism industry are tracking these changes so as to remain in the business. There are several issues faced in the travel and tourism industry from time to time and these issues need considerable attention from the host country government as well as industry players. These issues are currently driving the entire travel & tourism segment. Further there are changes happening in the external environment and travel & tourism segment need to respond to these changes in order to remain in line with the changing trends in the external market. The present paper would analyze the issues faced in the travel and tourism sector in South Africa and there would be three learning objectives which would be accomplished through present paper and can be given as under: LO1 Understand current issues in travel and tourism sector LO3 Understand how the travel and tourism sector respond to change LO4 Understand the impacts of change on travel and tourism sector These three learning objectives would be attained through present paper for discussion of the contemporary issues in travel and tourism industry with specific reference to South Africa. LO1 Understand current issues intravel and tourism sector 1.1 Analyze issues currently driving change in travel and tourism sector There are several key issues driving change in the travel and tourism sector in South Africa would include the political, economical, technological, globalization...
Words: 4215 - Pages: 17
...used Theme by displaying tradition and change, death, how these thing impact the character, Emily in the short story. Tradition and change was used in the short story to show the transformation of Emily life unfolded over time. Death was to signify by say for instance all thing that used to be there, but gradually was not there. Both of these are to be link together with Emily life struggle, and how she was really was until her death. The transformation of Tradition and Change show in the story was the south, the customs, and the ideas that the town’s people had before and after the war. The old south people customs that they went by was who had the most Statues. The Statues the old south went by the group or family that had the most authority and power. This is what the old south was built a pone. The people in the town held this custom until after the war. When the war was over people from the north came down to the south and the custom went away. The new custom the people from the north brought down whoever a high paying job. In the story Emily family was part of the old south, which change her life because it was very different from what she when throw until this point. Emily father was a powerful man before...
Words: 608 - Pages: 3
...situations? Why or why not? What factors influence immigration policies in Canada (i.e., education, economic, political, health, security)? The groups that we divide our immigrants into are economic immigrants (people coming to work or study in Canada), family class (people who are coming to their families), other (immigrants coming for compassionate and humane reasons), and refugees (people escaping war or in need of protection). These all determine if you can come in, you can apply to enter Canada and you can apply to a variety of programs. Specifications that may deny you access to Canada are if...
Words: 1675 - Pages: 7
...cultural issues and universal issues within the dynamic continent of Africa. However, there was a focus on three major themes that contributed to the relevancy of the novels which are tradition vs. progress, gender inequality, and the “white dream”. Traditions vs. progress or change was one of the most poignant themes throughout all three novels. There have been several universal biases against Africa implying that Africa is a resilient country that opposes change and as a result of their stubborn ways suffer, living an expired life struggling in poverty and disease. As a result, the authors of the novels write in a way that demonstrates how Westerners imposing their industrialization, religion, and cultural views upon the African people have in some ways handicapped the actual African society from revolutionizing themselves. For example in Things Fall Apart Okonkwu constantly resisted change and eventually let his resistance become his demise by committing the moral crime of suicide. However the majority of his Igbo society transitioned to Christianity, denying their own culture and joining the oppressors whom mocked their culture. Nonetheless, this proves that Africa is a society that can change because of the lasting legacy of colonization in Africa. What are the postcolonial themes and concerns of the novels we have read? Post-colonialism refers to the legacy of colonialism. It describes a post-modern era after the imposing of Westerners on Africa...
Words: 952 - Pages: 4
...Coming-of-age in novels is known as the psychological development of the protagonist in a story and is sometimes also called a bildungsroman. As time progresses, you might see a change or transformation of personality in a certain character. This can be because of particular events that occur in that characters life that causes them to think or act differently. The protagonist learns much from their growth and gains knowledge from the world around him or her. Coming-of-age is a description of a type of character change that goes on in the story but it’s really about the protagonist maturing as he or she grows from child or youth to adulthood. These stories are very popular and have been around for a very long time and are common because people...
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