...A Good Night’s Sleep - A Scottish short story The story deals with George Lockhart who is trying to sleep but has a hard time doing so due to the noisy city life and his insomnia. He lives on the third floor in a tenement building in Edinburgh. He is a teacher of Community and General Studies, and he misses his ex-wife Elaine “He tried not to think of Elaine, his ex-wife, sleeping in their old comfortable double bed – alone?” (p.1, l. 41), and has a son named Ben with her as well. He notices every sound from the people and cars out in the street to the neighbors. It makes him more frustrated and less tired. He finds a homeless adolescent girl on his doormat and who is geting some rest. Instead of staying humble when the homeless girl is being confronted by George, she gets irritated and has a rude tone every time she answer him back. At the start of their conversation we feel that Georg is a bit shocked, and therefore asks a lot of questions because he is curious to know why there is a homeless on his doormat, which only gets her more upset and she sees George as an wealthy man (p. 3, l. 89-92) that only contributes problems in to her attempt to sleep, and he has to be dealt with somehow in a way that doesn’t end up in her having to leave and find another place to sleep. She doesn’t see him as one that could actually help her in some way. She has a very pessimistic attitude. The reader can clearly see from the start of their conversation that she is sure that he doesn’t...
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...A Good Night’s Sleep- What is sleep? Sleep is defined as unconsciousness while are brain is still active processing and rejuvenating period. Sleep is a physical and mental resting period in which a person is unaware of their environment. In a normal sleep our body is changing by decreasing body temperature, blood pressure and other body functions. Sleep is very important to us and everyone for that matter because we all need to sleep and rest our bodies. It’s so important because it’s a vital biological function without sleep we know that our bodies are unable to function the way we want them to. We lose lack of day-time alertness, drowsiness and more susceptible to health problems such as stroke, diabetes, obesity and even depression. In the article ("Good night’s sleep") they discuss about College students sleeping patterns changing for example, not getting enough sleep. I felt that the article didn’t have information about sleeping patterns when there has been research about sleeping patterns. In 2002 Canadian Community health survey found that 18% of people sleep 5 hours or less a day. Sleep is put into two parts one being called non-REM and REM (Rapid Eye Movement). Non-REM consists of four stages of sleep, each deeper than the last. REM is when you are at the most active sleeping you are dreaming and your eyes are moving rapidly. Our sleep patterns consist of stages 1-4. Stage one last about 5 minutes, easily awaken. Stage 2 first stage of sleep about first 25 minutes...
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...emotional care in the world but if we not sleep, we can't live an ordinary life and maintain health. For this crucial time, there shouldn’t be any disturb to get good sleep. There are various kind of sleep disorder such as insomnia, Sleep apnea or Narcolepsy, which are enemies of good night sleep. In this report, I would like to cover the importance of good, proper sleep to overcome various sleep disorders and why sleeping in the dark is crucial for human. In addition, the reason why I put this sub topic, why we should sleep in the dark room, because I’m the coward who can’t tolerate and sleep in the darkness. I desperately want to dig up the answer, how dangerous it is, to break my negative habit. First of all, Importance and purpose of sleep. Why human is sleeping? Many psychologists and sleep investors try to figure out why we sleep since ages ago. Basically, while we are sleeping, body start to repair cells and to strengthen the immune system and other crucial functions to live an ordinary life. But researchers have yet to discover any fundamental purpose of sleep. Is it to refresh the body? Frankly, muscles don't need sleep, just irregular periods of relaxation. Is it to refresh the mind? The brain get benefits from a good sleep but there is no agreement among researchers about what exact form that benefit takes. Normally, we have two cycles of sleep, one is described by rapid eye movement--the REM sleep. The other is called non-REM sleep. Humans generally take about 90 minutes...
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...Sleep debt In students’ life, it is common to stay awake all night to study or to write a paper. Students themselves consider this as pressed by competing schedules. Actually, students who have to spend their time cramming for an exam are a result of Boomerang. They spend their time which supposed to study by playing computer games, dazing, or just browsing the internet. They mistakenly believe that by ignoring the need to sleep could eventually make up the time they have wasted previously, as result; they could do well on the exam next day. It is understandable to think in that way. Because students do make an effort to achieve their goal, which is a higher grade they desire. After preparing for 24 hours staying awake, students went to the classroom confidently. They believe that their efforts would pay back. However, the result could be unbelievable. There was once a research done by participants from 44 college students. It turns out that sleep-deprived participants performed significantly worse than the no deprived participants on the cognitive task. However, the sleep-deprived participants rated their concentration and effort higher than the nondeprived participants did (June, Amy 512). This was exactly the same as what students who spend their whole night preparing an exam think. They believe they put more effort compared to students who sleep well before the exam day. It indicates that college students are not aware of the extent, to which sleep deprivation negatively...
Words: 2663 - Pages: 11
...To Better Sleep By: Ethan C Kalvin There are many reasons for good sleep to become a habit for anyone. It is one very important and essential basic for good health. Without enough quality sleep, there is noticeable effects of less concentration, increase in depression and weight gain side effects. When you do get good quality sleep, you notice it immediately and the day just looks brighter. Here are some helpful pointers that are both simple and natural. A person should always seek natural and common sense ways first to get a good nights sleep. Comfort is a big help to a better nights sleep. A few basics would start with a decent pillow. If your pillow is lumpy or too hard then your sleep could be disturbed by waking up to change positions. To avoid the startle that can come from sudden noises a noise machine is a big help. They are inexpensive and come with several different choices such as rain shower, white noise, and jungle sounds. The sleep setting is equally important to help induce sleep. Experts report that completely dark rooms are the best setting, but some people want the warm cozy feeling of a diffused night light to help them sleep. Room temperature is also an important key for good sleep and a slightly cooler room might need an extra blanket for snuggle reasons that also add a sleepy coziness that works excellent sleep magic. A well stocked bed side table with night time necessities such as tissues and lotions will help make the room more sleep friendly...
Words: 457 - Pages: 2
...Philosophy/ KIN 1600-2 Spring 2015 –Sleep Schedule Ever since I have begun life at college, I have found going to bed on a decent time each night a very troublesome task. I wake up feeling very tired the next morning, and I always seem in a rush to get my day started. Because of staying up so late and then not waking up on time, I am sometimes late to work or class. In addition, I find myself very tired and stressed throughout the day. This in effect makes me often irritable toward other people. I am tired of living my life in a constant flurry every morning. Thus, the behavioral change that I would like to alter is my sleeping schedule. Being tired after a night of sleep just leads to anxiety and causes even more problems for me. I am determined to fix this issue for myself by setting some goals and planning. Throughout the course of history, people did not always struggle with their sleep schedule. Virginia Tech History Professor Roger Ekirch conducted some research to study the sleeping schedule of humans in the 18th century. Before the 1800s, acquiring the recommended 8 hours of sleep per night was accomplished in two separate four-hour cycles per night. Ekirch discovered that people would actually sleep for a four-hour period, followed by a 2 to 3 hour period of wakefulness, and then another four-hour sleep cycle. This was in fact the common method of sleeping during these times. In the period between the four-hour sleep cycles, people would engage in certain...
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...I decided to do my research paper on a naturalistic observation about sleep. Sleep, to me, is a varied choice to measure. Sleep can determine a person’s mood or day. For my research subject, I choose sleep and rewards. The experiment that I conducted on both my sister’s children, nephew hours of sleep and mood. Additionally, my sister showed concerns about her children growth and development, and the possible impact on her children sleep. My nephew Cairo has never been a good sleep and I remember he suffered from colic as a baby. He may on occasion sleep two nights in a row, but most nights he wakes up every hour. His parents had tried the controlled crying method, but Cairo got sick from crying each time they tried and his toddler sleep problems...
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...learned about the ins and outs of sleep such as how much it provides for the body and the brain and how to best manage a person’s ability to “sleep well”. Examining sleep from a parent’s perspective is something I never thought about before. However, I know first-hand how proper sleep, and lack of proper sleep may affect children’s behavior. I clearly recall being in the hospital when my oldest was only a day old, walking the floors trying to soothe him to sleep. Even now, at four, he still wakes in the middle of the night and comes down the hall to my room. My two-year old daughter is better with her sleep. However, she began climbing out of her crib just after turning two and we made the move to a toddler bed shortly after. It is quite a challenge for her to fall asleep; when she does, she does not stay in her room and wakes up during the night. It occurs to me that my son has never learned to become a good sleeper and it has affected many areas of his life. He is often tired but refuses to sleep; he is cranky and quick to show emotions in extremes with very large tantrums. These symptoms are more contained and less noticeable when he sleeps through the night and/or goes to sleep at a reasonable time. Similarly, my daughter refuses to sleep and misses naps, or has shortened them considerably when she does nap. We observed that after a night of multiple waking, and/or short or missed naps, she will have what we have learned are possibly Night Terrors. Researchers are consistently...
Words: 1934 - Pages: 8
...Getting the right amount of sleep every night is a must if you want your body to function at its highest performance throughout the day. Over half the population in America has admitted to not getting enough sleep. Bad sleep habits can really have a negative affect on teens. There are some tips that a teen can follow to help change those habits to get a better night sleep. Hopefully after reading this paper you will be more informed on how to get a good night sleep. One of the most common tendencies that teens have is staying up to late. The natural time that our bodies have evolved to get the best sleep is between 10:30 and 6. With many teens not going to bed until after midnight or even later you can see where this may affect a teens sleeping schedule. Teens have been proven to be naturally sleepier than younger children or adults and, with the recommended sleeping hours for teens to be between 9 and 10 hours, few are getting anywhere near this amount. Taking long naps is also something that causes many teens to be sleep deprived. Having a non irregular sleep schedule is like trying start your car without putting fuel in it. Taking naps is something that our bodies feel they need but, when your body sleeps when it’s not used too, it won’t be able to get the sleep it needs during the hours of the night your body needs to sleep in order to be able to function at its peak. What we do at night affects everything we do during the day—our ability to learn, our skills, our memory...
Words: 1419 - Pages: 6
...SLEEP DISORDERS UNCOVERED, | Sleeping Disorders Uncovered | Jeffery J. Dowling | | Mitchell College | 10/31/2013 | [Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document. Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document.] | Sleep could very well be the most important aspect of a healthy life. Not only physical health, but mental, and emotional as well. Without sleep it is hard to manage life day to day. Everyone knows that sleep is the most important thing for a healthy body because sleep is the time to relax. When someone is sleeping they do not have to think about life’s problems. The nature of today’s world hinders the opportunity for good sleep habits. Multiple studies have shown direct relationships between work hours and total sleep time. The more time a person spends working means less time they have to sleep. This proves how today’s world inhibits people of quality sleep (Swanson, et al., 2001.). Sleep is worth its weight in gold times ten. With immense exploration and study of sleep, new statistics and ways of assessing peoples sleeping habits have been fabricated. Sleeping Disorders come in all different shapes and forms. There are many factors that can cause these disorders that some people are born with, and other people get through some environmental factor. The four most prevalent disorders that people have are Insomnia,...
Words: 5157 - Pages: 21
...Sleep patterns during Adolescence It is difficult to manage the stress of being a teen. Biological sleep patterns shift towards later times for both sleeping and waking during adolescence -- meaning it is natural to not be able to fall asleep before 11:00 pm. Teens need about 9 1/4 hours of sleep each night to function best (for some, 8 1/2 hours is enough). Most teens do not get enough sleep — one study found that only 15% reported sleeping 8 1/2 hours on school nights. Teens tend to have irregular sleep patterns across the week — they typically stay up late and sleep in late on the weekends, which can affect their biological clocks and hurt the quality of their sleep. If teens need about 9 1/4 hours of sleep to do their best and naturally go to sleep around 11:00 pm, one way to get more sleep is to start school later. School timings and its effect Teens' natural sleep cycle puts them in conflict...
Words: 1381 - Pages: 6
...tough to turn it all off get some sleep” the author, Linda Shrieves, states: “Today’s teens are loading up on junk sleep because they sleep with so many distracting devices.” So, the increasing dominance of electronics in children’s bedrooms leads to decrease the sleep quality. For instance, the author presented an example of a teenager who keeps her phone close by when she is sleeping. Even if, the teenager admits she did not have a good quality of sleep, she can’t change her lifestyle. Also, the author pointed out some survey’s results about the number of devices used by children. As a result, they concluded that children who had more than four electronic devices in their room were getting less sleep. Another problem is that children leave the devices on during the night; so, the noise can wake them up, and children experience less quality rest. Also, any devices with light have a negative impact...
Words: 449 - Pages: 2
...less than the recommended amount of sleep or is sleeping restlessly or disturbed throughout the night, it carries over into their day and often has negative effects on their studies. Sleep is very important for everyone but especially for a college student under a great deal of pressure and stress. Losing sleep is not good and is even worse when you lose it because of your own snoring. Just about everyone snores occasionally, but if snoring happens frequently it can affect the quantity and quality of your sleep; snoring can lead to poor sleep and daytime fatigue, irritability, and increased health problems. A change in sleeping position, clearing nasal passages, and cleaning bedroom furniture are a few ways to stop or limit snoring during the night in order to prevent multiple problems from occurring due to snoring. Because sleep is so important, not only for a person’s body but also for their mind, it is imperative that any unnecessary disruption occurring during their sleep be dealt with as quickly as possible. Changing the position in which a person sleeps can easily stop snoring. Due to the structure of the nasal passageway, a person sleeping on their back is more likely to snore than someone that sleeps on their side. If a snorer is accustomed to sleeping on their back and are unable to sleep throughout the night on their side or stomach they can lay a body pillow beside themselves to help keep themselves from rolling over during the night and snoring. It is important...
Words: 681 - Pages: 3
...General Speech 1300 Speech Outline Format Name: Jacorey Elston Topic: The effects of getting 8-10 hours of sleep Purpose: Today I will be persuading you on why it is important to get at least 8-10 hours of sleep every night. INTRODUCTON -Attention Getter: Let me just be honest here, I go to sleep around 1 or 2 in the morning. Which causes me to be late or not even to show up for my classes in the morning. It was time for a change in my day to day routine. I decided to lay off the snacks and exercise before I go to bed and you know what it worked. Which brings me to why sleep is important or should be important to everyone. Today I will be persuading you on why it is important to get at least 8-10 hours of sleep every night. -Statement of Purpose: Today I will be persuading you on why it is important to get at least 8-10 hours of sleep every night. -Preview of Main Points: I. Getting good night sleep leads to success. II. Why not getting enough sleep is bad for your health. III. How to sleep better. -Transition: Let’s begin with……. BODY -Main Point I: “The key weapon for a successful school life is getting enough sleep! A continuing lack of sleep could cause serious health problems, like diabetes, obesity, and a heart disease. According to the National Sleep Foundation, kids are getting about a hour less of sleep each night than they did 30 years ago. The reason behind this is because too much homework, videogames, television, and the internet. All these...
Words: 1082 - Pages: 5
...Sleep Disorder: Causes and effects to an individual Most of us have already or are experiencing trouble in sleeping every night or every time we’re trying to sleep. This might be normal and usually temporary due to stress, night terrors or some different issues. But if sleep problems are a regular occurrence and interfere with the daily life, we may be suffering from a sleep disorder. Sleep disorders cause more than just sleepiness, there are so many causes. The lack of quality of sleep can have a negative impact on our energy, emotional balance, and health to us. Sleep disorders also are serious enough to interfere with our normal physical, mental and social state. And in worst case, death because of sleepiness and mental condition cause of sleeping disorders. Sleep can affect our overall health. In many cases, people in good health tend to sleep well, whereas those suffering from repeated sleeping problems might have an underlying medical or mental health problem, it may be in minor or serious. Sleeping well is good to physical health and emotional well-being. Unfortunately, even minimal sleep loss can take a toll on mood, energy, efficiency, and ability to handle stress. People with daytime sleepiness are physically fatigue, have a tendency of falling asleep in unsuitable places at unsuitable times, and have poor concentration. Ignoring sleep problems and disorders can lead to poor health, accidents, impaired job performance, and relationship stress. It’s not normal...
Words: 3248 - Pages: 13