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A Letter to Af Friend


Submitted By tobiaskjaehr
Words 795
Pages 4
Written assignment 1
29th August

Dear Diana

I owe you an apology, I am totally aware of my actions and the fact that I have not been a good friend to you. I guess the past year, might have been the hardest year in my entire life! I have dedicated myself to the school – and I hope you will be proud of me. I see that my last post was last summer right before senior year! I feel awful, but maybe I could make it up to you, by writing what has happened since last summer.
Let me take you back too my last year at high school!

At the end of the summer holidays, I told myself that I would do whatever it takes to get the highest grades in my entire year. I know it was an exaggerated wish, but as you may know I always do my best to achieve my goals! So the day before first day of school, I renewed all of my school stuff, I just threw it right in the thrash. I got new books, dictionaries and a new cupboard, so I could organize my folders and books into the different classes! Back then my closest friends; you know who - JJ, Michael and my boyfriend Jasper, just thought I was geeky and they would make jokes about it all the time. At first I did not bother being teased by them, I know it was meant in the kindest way!
School started and I was prepared! School was a battlefield and I was a samurai warrior who would destroy everything, and win the battle! I always sit at front row and raised my hand every time I had the chance! I tried to keep in touch with JJ, M and Jasper; of course Jasper was my first priority. I remember feeling he was the only one! I most certainly do not believe that I will ever find a guy, I will ever love that much again… BUT we broke up for a reason, but I will get to that later. We hang out at the old dinner as always after school. Talking about how today’s classes went and a whole bunch of other random stuff too. When I tried bringing

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