...road accidents since the first recorded motor vehicle accident in 1924 and why it is still a public health issue today in 2014 Changes which have occurred in Australia through public health interventions to improve injury and mortality rates from road accidents since the first recorded motor vehicle accident in 1924 and why it is still a public health issue today in 2014 Since the creation of the first modern automobile in 1886, injury and fatality rates were bound to occur from car accidents due to the increase of the car owner population on our roads. Australia began recording motor vehicle accidents as of 19241 and since then there have been over 180,0002 deaths from road accidents with the greater impact being on younger age groups and individuals in the most economically productive age groups.1 With the fatality rate of road accidents at an all time high in the 1970’s with a total of 3,798 deaths in 1970, the annual road toll has significantly decreased to a total of 1,193 in 2013.2 Once it was discovered that alcohol consumption, travelling at high speeds and the non-use of restraints were major causes of deaths and severe injuries in road accidents, serious action was taken which lead to the establishment of mandatory seat belts in 1973, a blood-alcohol limit of 0.05 in 1992 along with random breath testing in every state by 1988 and national maximum speed limit of 110km/h in 1992.1 Although these establishments are major factors in the decrease of road accidents, alcohol...
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...Theme: Technogenic hazards. Outline: 1 Technogenic emergencies and accidents 2 Transport accidents 3 Accidents on chemically hazardous objects (HHO) 4 Accidents at radiation hazardous objects (RHO) 5 Accidents on fire, explosion hazardous objects (FEHO) 6 Accidents on hydro-technical construction (HTC) 7 Electric shock TECHNOGENIC EMERGENCIES AND ACCIDENTS Technogenic (Anthropogenic) tmergensies - the situation in a certain area, established as a result of the accident, a major accident (crash) that resulted in the loss of life, damage to human health or the environment, considerable material losses and disruption of human living conditions. Anthropogenic catastrophe - an event with tragic consequences, a major accident with human death. Classification of accidents by severity and scale: Accident - minor accident with minor damage. Accident to the great detriment called - major accidents. Catastrophe - a large-scale accident that led to numerous casualties, significant property damage and other severe consequences. Accidents include the damages of: - Machines - Equipment - Vehicles - Power systems, buildings. They may be accompanied by explosions, fires, release of chemical, radioactive substances, without considerable material damage and serious human casualties (explosions can be caused by improper use of household and gas stoves or gas cylinders). In most cases, these accidents are evoked by violation of the production technology, a large depreciation...
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...[Type the document title] Literature Review: Road Traffic Accidents 9/17/2011 Student Name: University: Table of Contents INTRODUCTION TO ROAD TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS 4 Safety 4 Safety of Roads 4 Safety condition of Vehicles 5 Road Traffic Accidents 5 Major Causes of Road Traffic Accidents 7 Improper maintenance of vehicle 8 Red Light Running 9 Use of Mobile Phones while driving 10 Drunk driving 11 Avoiding Seat Belt or Helmets 11 Youth races and careless driving 11 Improper road structure 12 Effects of Traffic Accidents 13 Social Impacts of Road Traffic Accidents 13 Economic Impacts of Road Traffic Accidents 14 Ways for controlling the traffic accidents 14 INTRODDUCTION INTO THE CEASES OF TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS IN JEDDAH CITY 18 History of the problem in Saudi Arabia 18 The Roads and Public Transport in Saudi Arabia 19 The causes of the Road Traffic Accidents in Saudi Arabia 19 The effects of the Road Traffic Accidents in Saudi Arabia 20 Jeddah City 22 Population 22 Economy 22 Society 22 Road &Traffic Laws in Saudi Arabia (Jeddah) 23 THE USED METHDOLGIES AND ANALYSIS OF DATA 23 The different used methodologies for gathering the data 23 Analysis of international data 24 Analysis Middle East data 27 Analysis Saudi Arabia and Jeddah data 28 CONCLUSION/RECOMMENDATION 29 REFERENCES 31 Literature Review INTRODUCTION TO ROAD TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS Safety According to Security Industry Association (SIA 160), safety...
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...Chapter I Introduction 1.1 Country Background Nepal is situated in the Himalayas bordering the Peoples Republic of China on the north and India on the remaining three sides. Nepal is elongated in east west direction with an average length of 885 km and the width varying from 133 km to 255 km in North South direction having an area of 147,181 sq. km. The Population of the country is 26.494 million with growth rate 1.35% per annum. 1.2 Modes of Transportation Nepal’s transport sector accounts for a large part of domestic passenger and freight movements. Being a landlocked country and due to high current and inadequate water depth in Nepalese river the water transport has very limited potential. Air services were the main mode of transportation in remote hills of Nepal till few years back and still contribute to passenger movements to key commercial and tourist destinations, and to the transport of both passengers and goods into remote hill areas. The single operating railway system covers only 52 km within the country which is in pathetic condition. The road construction in Nepal is very difficult and costly due to the rugged topography and poor geology. International trade movements are conducted through various land routes across Nepal India border among which 7 routes are significant and there is only one land route across China Nepal border. Limited high-value goods are carried by air. Therefore, Roads are the principal transport mode in Nepal. 1.3 Road Network Planning and...
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...1. Road Accidents in India States having maximum Road Deaths States No. of deaths Uttar Pradesh 17,666 Tamil Nadu 15,642 Maharashtra 13,212 Karnataka 10,856 Rajasthan 10,510 Table 1: State wise Road deaths Road accidents are increasing every year. Non-motorists are always at highest risk of being injured or killed on the road due to increasing number of traffic on roads. Recent years have observed rapid motorization, urbanization, industrialization, migration and other changes consequent to globalization and opening economic policies of successive governments in India. An associated effect of these fluctuations is the increasing road crashes and deaths due to lack of safety policies and programmes (G.Gururaj, 2014). Road accidents are increasing day by day and India has been accounted as highest number of fatal accidents in the world. Fatal accidents in India have increased to 5% to 1.46 lakh in 2015. This number translated that every day 400 people dies or one person dies in every 3.6 min due to road accidents. There are some states where road fatalities have declined. Assam showed maximum decline in fatal road accidents (India, 2016). These numbers are just the reported numbers but there are many more people who get injured or killed every day. Situation in...
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...urban areas. Urban road accidents are a very serious and growing problem with vast majority of road accident fatalities comprising vulnerable road users viz. pedestrians, bi-cyclists and motorcyclists. Indeed, in urban areas of Bangladesh pedestrians represent often up to 70 percent of the total road accident fatalities. Their involvement varies between 35 and 62 percent of the road accident fatalities in the medium sized cities. This paper aims to present an overview of the dimensions and characteristics of the road traffic accident problems in Bangladesh, with a special reference to the situation in urban areas, metropolitan cities in particular. The paper also highlights the key safety issues and priority measures for mitigating urban road safety problems in Bangladesh. INTRODUCTION The combination of rapid urbanization and motorization has been a key cause of numerous transport problems in developing cities of Asia. Indeed, the rapid urbanization process, high vehicular population growth and that of the mobility, inadequate transportation facilities and policies, varied traffic mix with over concentration of non-motorized vehicles, absence of dependable public transport system and inadequate traffic management practices and parking facilities have created a significant worsening of traffic and safety problems in the major urban centers in Bangladesh. This paper aims to present an overview of the dimensions and characteristics of the road traffic accident problems in Bangladesh...
Words: 5359 - Pages: 22
...Fatigue has been identified as a major reason for accidents and loses in a range of settings, with the implications that fatigued person is most likely to produce unsafe performance and actions. These settings include aviation, rail and maritime, and other transport operations such as road. Many accidents occur as a result of fatigue effects such as response slowing, and failures in attention (Mitler et al., 1988). Fatigue may take different forms, including sleepiness, mental and physical fatigue depending on the nature of its causes. To date, Aviation still the safest and fastest transportation means. The expected expansion of the air travel, operational demands and the higher level of technology have all evolved, result in increased levels of fatigue and human error rates (Evans, 2003). Pilot fatigue is considered to be the most concerned...
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...The topic I have chosen for the exemplification paper is the death issues of accidents that Fayetteville have. Everyday someone is at risk for getting into a minor or major accident, and at some times it is not preventable. There are many causes of accidents that are not only from people; accidents are also caused by inclement weather. Although everything cannot stop from happening, taking the proper precautions can help lessen injuries. I know quite a bit on the subject, because I have been in an accident myself, minor, but being my first accident I was shaken up by it. I also know how it feels to lose a family member over a major accident. Getting a call telling me what happened to my stepfather, how the accident happened, how far he was dragged on his motorcycle, and what made the driver hit him. The whole while of him being in the hospital was a hard time because it was near Christmas time and he wasn’t there with our family. I selected this issue because accidents that cause deaths puts so much hurt on the family that has lost someone special, and almost everyone could relate. Also, by me writing about this issue might put some reason in the reader’s mind to make them avoid situations because of what I would say. This issue is not only in Fayetteville, so whatever the reader learns from my paper, they can take it with them wherever they go in life. I plan on interviewing a defensive driving instructor because I have taken about three defensive driving classes total...
Words: 466 - Pages: 2
...HEALTH AND SAFETY CONCERNS IN POWER SECTOR The power sector is prone to many accidents and mishaps due to the nature of the working conditions of the power generation plant. The following are the major health and safety concerns in the power sector: * Exposure of workers and public to radioactive material * Uncontrolled release of radioactive material leading to contamination and exposure off site. * Conventional construction hazards and working near live equipment. * Health problems such as respiratory disorders, skin disorders from emitted hazardous substances like lead, asbestos, coal dust, fly ash, silica and toxic gases However negligence towards these safety concerns leads to occurrence of accidents and some of these accidents can be on a large scale causing great loss to life and endangering the safety of employees as well as the general public. The following stated are the major accidents that have occurred in the recent past in the power sector: Accidents in Nuclear Power Generation Plants: * April 2011 Fire in the control room of the Kaiga Generating Station in Karnataka * November 2009 Fifty-five employees consume radioactive material after tritiated water finds its way into the drinking water cooler in Kaiga Generating Station. * January 2003 Failure of a valve in the Kalpakkam Atomic Reprocessing Plant in Tamil Nadu results in the release of high-level waste, exposing six workers to high doses of radiation. The leaking area of...
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...HEALTH & SAFETY: ACCIDENT RESPONSE, REPORTING AND INVESTIGATION PART NUMBER: SCOPE 923-3012-02 This document tells you how to respond immediately to an accident (an ‘adverse event’), and when and how to investigate and report accidents in the workplace. It helps ensure that the immediate response is appropriate, and that investigations are thorough and dispassionate, and preventative strategies can be put in place to prevent recurrence. AUDIENCE This document is for all employees of SAC. 923-3012-02 SAC Proprietary: Internal Use Only Health & Safety: Accident Response, Reporting and Investigation CONTENTS SCOPE ................................................................................................................................. 1 AUDIENCE ........................................................................................................................... 1 CONTENTS .......................................................................................................................... 2 1 2 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 4 RESPONSIBILITIES ....................................................................................................... 4 2.1 Executive Management Team ................................................................................. 4 2.2 Group Managers ............................................................................
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...Risk Management of Technology and Maintenance Failures in the Context of Aviation Industry Occasionally, an accident is so unique and overwhelming that it sends shock waves through the industry. These “watershed events” provide a change in focus and are major catalysts for change. One of the more famous “watershed events” occurred in 1988, when an Aloha Airlines B737-200 suffered structural fuselage failure and subsequent decompression. On April 28, 1988, Aloha Airlines flight 243, a Boeing 737-200, experienced an explosive decompression during climb out at cruise altitude About 5.5 m of the pressure cabin skin and supporting structure aft of the cabin entrance door and above the passenger floorline separated from the aircraft (see photograph in Appendix). Amazingly, the damage did not result in disintegration of the aircraft, and a successful emergency landing was made. The aircraft had been manufactured in 1969 and had since accumulated 35,496 airframe flight hours and 89,680 landings (Aircraft Accident Report, Aloha Airlines, Flight 243, 1989). Owing to the short distance between destinations on some Aloha Airlines routes, the maximum pressurization differential was not reached in every flight. Thus the number of equivalent full pressurization cycles was significantly less than 89,680. Nevertheless, the aircraft was nearly 19 years old. On the other hand, It was also operating with long-term access to warm, humid, maritime air effecting in critical corrosion risk. Probable...
Words: 2021 - Pages: 9
...(AC 1.2) The ambulance team is usually the first to reach the scene and assess the scene to report back to the hospitals. The ambulance service consists of paramedics and an ambulance incident officer (AIO) who is the senior crew member in charge of the scene until a more senior officer is present. The paramedics report to the scene, assess the situation and report back to the control and deliver a co-ordinated response to the individuals involved and communicate with the senior officer. The responsibilities of the AIO include declaring a major incident and giving a situation report whilst liaising with hospitals, communicate with health service personnel, plan the entry and exit routes for the ambulances located on the scene, decide where to locate the ambulance parking point, the casualty clearing station and the control point, report back to the ambulance control and liaise with the senior crew members for additional support. The Medical Incident Officer (MIO) is the most senior crew member on the scene who provides support and guidance to the emergency services. The MIO works closely with the AIO to ensure the immediate care staff are safe and take clinical decisions to appropriately distribute the casualties to hospitals. The MIO works alongside the AIO to allocate tasks and roles and keep the ambulance control informed of the situation on the scene. If there are deaths on the scene, the MIO needs to provide a doctor to confirm the deaths once the casualties have been...
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...Dangerous Habits of Drivers Drivers with bad driving habits are most likely to have accidents. Accidents could lead to serious injuries or even death. To prevent accidents, drivers need to have a responsible attitude and a level of maturity, when given this privilege. These accidents occur when the driver’s concentrating less on the vehicle and more on the things around them. Driving is a major part of life, but some habits like using cell phones, over speeding, and drinking and driving could be known as abusing the right of driving. Firstly, talking and texting while driving is a major addiction that could lead to accidents. When talking on the phone one could certainly lose the concentration needed for driving. It’s definitely hard to be aware of two things at a time, but some people don’t realize this, because of over confidence. Texting while driving could also lead to loss of control on car. This most likely happens when one is using both hands to text and is also looking down on the phone. If there is no control of the steering wheel by the driver, the consequences could lead to death. Fortunately, the solution for talking on phone has been found! The use of Bluetooth could help save lives. It is considered good because you don’t have to hold the phone, and so it saves many lives. Secondly, another bad habit is when a person drives the car over the speed limit. This is considered a bad habit because there will be less control on the vehicle, since it’s going...
Words: 333 - Pages: 2
...Running Head: ARTICLE REVIEW Article Review: Safety, Accidents, and Investigations: Be Prepared for the Unexpected Article Summary In this article, the author has explained the importance of health and safety programs in the companies. Through this article, people can be able to identify the potential job hazards in the organizations and development plan for its safety. Apart from this, he has also explained the methods of effectively responding to the accidents. With the help of this, different strategies for conducting the investigation of the company is also identified by the author. Answer 1: Author’s Main Point In this, the author is mainly focused towards the importance of health and safety programs in companies. He has also explained the accident development plan, which is useful in reducing the job hazards and strategically handle the external accidents investigations (Battles, 2011). Apart from this, the author’s main point is to generate the awareness among different countries and reveals the disadvantages of not having health and safety plan such as increases in health care cost, penalties, lost productivity and fines. Answer 2: Author’s Intended Audience In this paper, the author’s intended audience is organizations in different companies. It is because organizations cover a large number of people and health and safety program also improves the personal life of the employees. At the same time, the author has also generated awareness among...
Words: 1268 - Pages: 6
...just like the food we need to eat or the oxygen we need to breathe. Sleep may be the last thing we feel there is time for but it should be made a top priority. There are several consequences, such as accidents or disasters, that are a result of sleep deprivation or lack of sleep and everyone should make a conscious effort to improving the way they sleep. Sleep debt is a major factor in accidents and can cause slow or delayed reactions times. Slowed reaction time can be dangerous while driving a vehicle or even operating machinery. Not only could you harm yourself due to a lack of sleep but others could be in harms way as well. An example of sleep deprivation and slowed reaction time would be the Exxon Valdez disaster. This accident was a major disaster in where oil was spilled all over and harmed many living creatures. In “Sleep Debt and the Mortgaged Mind” William C. Dement and Christopher Vaughan write, “The Exxon Valdez disaster offers a good example of how sleep debt can create a tragedy and how the true villain - sleep indebtedness - remains concealed.” (Dement and Vaughan 498) This accident was initially blamed on the master’s alcohol levels, but in the final report the cause of the accident was sleep deprivation and sleep debt. Once the real result of the accident came out...
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