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A Positive Prejudice Analysis

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A great man once said, "There is little hope for us until we become tough-minded enough to break loose from the shackles of prejudice, half-truths, and downright ignorance". (Martin Luther King, Jr). Prejudice has been occurring in society for many years now and still have a major impact on how people live their lives today. During this course we discuss how prejudice plays a major role in our environment. Prejudice is defined as negative assessment against an individual who is associated with a group and negative evaluation against groups as well. Altough there may be many positive prejudice the negative prejudice tends to create more damage and harm to others in the process. For example, there was a time in history where African Americans …show more content…
Martin Luther King became the leader in the civil rights movement to end racial segreagation, discrimination and prejudice in America during the 1950s and 1960s. He also was the leading spokesperson for nonviolent methods of achieving social change. His main focus was to make the world a better place by standing up for what he believe in and making an better living situation for blacks. The goal was to establish equality among all races despite the harm it might cause him. His plan was to create a movement for African americans voices to be heard and recongnize by the white population. What made history today was his " I Have a Dream Speech", which is now considered to be one of the most powerful speeches in America's history. This speech made a tremendous impact on how society stands today at this very moment. It was not only for black rights , but for the rights of all people and for unity among all Americans. Without Dr. King im not sure where our society would be today, he fought for many lives and improve the way Africans Americans are treated. He took the first step into making a change and putting others before himself could not ask for a better …show more content…
Prejudice is usually developed at a very young age in children, there was a study done to redudce prejudice and enhance inclusion and respect fot ethinc differences in early childhood. Its findings that children who are around negative behavior and feelings to a certain individual or group tends to grow up having those same actions towards a certain group as well. I strongly agree, the enivornment you spend your childhood determines how you behave as an adult. For example it's hard to talk to white people about racism most whites grow, play, live in a social racial segregation. Growing up in this kind of environment has a influences on their lives they learn and develop what they are taught. They view themselves as individuals rather than being a part of a group living in a white community they are told that they're better and more important than other races. White privilege is a huge part of the world and it prevents them from understanding the importances of

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