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A Shift In Family Dynamic Research Paper

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A cancer diagnosis affects more than just the cancer patient. It changes the dynamics of families and friendships and effects relationships on many different levels. When a cancer patient undergoes treatment their family and friends undergo changes too, some of them physical but many of them emotional. It is important to have open and thorough communication with an experienced oncologist who can explain not just the disease and treatment, but the changes that a patient and family may experience. An experienced oncologist can give you resources to foster positive discussions between patients and their families.
A Shift in Family Dynamic
A cancer diagnosis can cause an immediate shift in family dynamics. If the patient was the primary breadwinner …show more content…
Young children who do not have the understanding to communicate their feelings may regress or act out. Older children may withdraw and refuse to discuss their feelings or may become emotional and react as if they were younger than their years.
Single parents may find themselves depending on their older children for more than just random chores. Things such like cooking dinner, childcare, and emotional support can fall upon the shoulders of teens who would much rather be with their friends or concentrating on their schoolwork.
It is important to have open communication within your family in order to foster positive attitudes in the family household. Your oncologist can refer you to family therapists and counselors to help you navigate the changes your family is experiencing.
Getting Help Before You Need It
There is nothing weak or wrong in asking for help when you are struggling with a cancer diagnosis. Treatments can leave a patient weak and unable to function in their normal capacity. Asking friends or family for assistance with meals, housework, or childcare BEFORE you need help can help reduce the stress of figuring things out when you suddenly find yourself in need of

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