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A Synopsis Of The Movie 'North Country'

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The movie, “North Country”, provided a clearer picture of the abuse women have put up with for years, although these stories have always been around, I never viewed it in a movie form. It brings feelings of gratitude for how far we’ve come in America but also disappointment as women still deal with these issues today, but on a smaller scale. It is a part of our society. The movie defiantly portrays a traditional gender-based struc¬ture. It takes place in a very tight knit community that holds strongly to how things have always been and how they should stay. Men are the providers and women are the mothers and home makers. The men value their gender role more than the family they actually providing for. As long as each individual stays within the parameters set for them in this traditional gender role they are loved and provided for, but as soon as those lines are crossed there place in the community is at …show more content…
We see this as the women begin to filter into the industrial industry and they are punished as they do it. It is not evident in the movie but this must have happened to men who took on more of the feminine roles as well. Men that displayed more feminine characteristics and desires were ostracized and beaten too. The children are taught from a young age there place in the family unit as a boy or a girl. They were not given choices, so there’s no wonder that these boys grow to be men who feel superior and girls who feel inferiority. The reality is Josie moved from one abusive situation to the next. Her husband, her father, her co-workers and superiors were all abusive males. This says something about the society as a whole. Anita Hill was the first to begin this battle. It is a shame that was not so far in our distant past. It all began with the voice of one

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