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Abortion Article Rebuttal


Submitted By stephanieamanda
Words 269
Pages 2
Against Pro-Choice
A baby’s heart starts to form in the 5th week and it’s legal to have an abortion twelve weeks of being pregnant. The thought of abortion is sickening. Pro-choice tells women that it’s ok to have an abortion because you accidentally got pregnant. Abortion clinics don’t hold women accountable when they accidentally get pregnant. One example is a women coming into the clinic to have an abortion because she accidentally got pregnant and already has three children at home that she can hardly support. If she has this fourth child then there is no way that she will be able to support the kids she already has. If a woman does not want her child she does not have to. There are many people out there wanting to adopt a child. Some people can’t have children so they have to adopt. Some people want more children and are too old to have more. Some people are kind enough to open their hearts to a child that is not their own. Women have many opportunities to receive help if they need it to raise their child. Programs out there offer counseling, health care, food, clothing, and shelter. Why would a woman kill an innocent baby because of their irresponsibility? Some people’s beliefs are that a baby does not become a person until it is independent from its mother’s body. It is not a person until it takes that first breath on its own. A baby becomes a person inside the mother. Scientist are aware that a human becomes a human when it is first

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