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Abusive Relationships

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Given this report I immediately knew who’s relationship I was going to examine. Throughout the weeks I evaluated the relationship between my mother and I. I assumed that our relationship would be a good for me to evaluate due to the state we're in at this point in both of our lives. The relationship started as soon as I was conceived May.28, 1999. We’ve always had a decent relationship, but i've always felt that she doesn't listen to me. The reason behind this is when my oldest sister left home days after graduating high school, she had gotten into a abusive relationship which caused my mothers attention to go all on that particular situation. This lasted three years.Three years that I needed her the most which was through my highschool …show more content…
With both of our schedules being different we see each other for a few hours throughout the week. During those few hours we try to talk, but the conversation has no substance. We listen to each other but i'm sure were both thinking about completely different things besides the conversation. She thinks that I don't listen to her and want to do my own thing, and I think that she's very controlling. We simply see things differently. During our conversations we talk over each other or have disagreements which ends with both of us saying nothing and going to our rooms. In order to remain respectful I rather not say anything at all. We both need to work on our listening skills …show more content…
The relationship between my mother and I is very important to me. I feel that she's a great mother just major things affects how we act towards each other.The risk of negative self disclosure is never opening up which leads to misunderstanding on both ends. Our disclosure techniques isn't appropriate. Instead of working out our differences we become very standoffish. I try to tell her things but there's so man things and thoughts I keep away from here from fear of being judged which causes me to back off completely. This too is very unhealthy and needs to be worked on.
Conflict. Our biggest conflict comes when she tells me no or you can't do this without and explanation on why besides “ I'm the parents, don't question me.” This has always been our biggest conflict. I've explained that every time I do something I make sure im safe and try to explain that i'm getting older and I'm not a young child but a thriving young adult. We never talk out our conflicts. We disagree and never come to a common conclusion, than simply go to our own space and ignore it like nothing happen. We need to work on this as

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