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Hurricane Matthew Research Paper

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October 10th was a day that everyone will remember. Hurricane Matthew came as a thief in the night. This number four hurricane hit Florida, North and South Carolina, Jamaica, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Venezuela, The Bahamas, Cuba, Columbia, Georgia, and an island of the Caribbean. These places have an effect for all who have family members or friends who live in these states.
Hurricane Matthew caused a lot of damage in North and South Carolina causing both states to flood. Rivers and city streets were colliding and turned into one big lake. The depth of the flooding that occurred in October was five feet deep. It forced The state of North Carolina to have an immediate water rescue. Pennsylvania went out and helped them with getting everyone out. Resources didn’t …show more content…
So, it was a devastating blow for them. Cuba was hit just a bad as Haiti, and Haiti was able to get food right away. While Cuba waited and is still waiting for food to fly in.
With Cuba having problems, Haiti went through some too. After the hurricane ened, 900 people died. Either from drowning or from being smashed against walls when the waves had hit their city. Some even died from cholera, which is caused by drinking bad water. The water became like this because the fresh and sewer water may have mix. Buildings, houses, schools and hospitals were destroyed. Families looked for there kids or mothers not sure if they were dead or alive.
Ardelin Julian, Leogane Resident, says, “ There is no assistants right now and that is a big problem. Children are asking for food with no clothes and we have no mattresses to put them to sleep.”
15,000 people have been affected by this hurricane, they have some houses but no crops. They all live in one of the world's poorest countries. There government has asked for international help, and the United States are sending teams over to help with the

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...citations has three parts. ❑ The first part is the type of resource (for example, “Book, one author”). The BOLD Comic Sans font in 14 pt identifies this part of each citation. ❑ The second part is a template containing the components needed to cite the resource. The grey boxes       identify the template in each citation. This part is in 12 pt Times New Roman. ❑ The third part provides an actual example of a resource found in a Lexington County District One Library Media Center. The red font in 12 pt Times New Roman, double-spaced lines and hanging indent identify this part of each citation. II. To use the citation template, highlight the template for the resource you need to cite, then copy and paste into your paper. 1st_Author's_LastName, 1st_Author's_FirstName, and 2nd_Author's_FirstName 2nd_Author's_LastName. Title. City_of_Publication: Publisher, Date_of_Publication. III. Select one of the grey boxes and type the correct information. As soon as you click on each grey box to select it, it is highlighted—do not delete the grey box—just start typing. Notice in the sample below, “Warhol” has replaced the grey box that said “1st_Author’s_LastName” in Step II above. Warhol, 1st_Author's_FirstName, and 2nd_Author's_FirstName 2nd_Author's_LastName. Title. City_of_Publication: Publisher, Date_of_Publication. IV. The punctuation, italics, and underlines will be inserted automatically as you type. Warhol, Tom, and Chris Reiter. Eagles. Tarrytown: Marshall...

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