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Civic Engagement Research Paper

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How can we as a society strive to increase political engagement? A democracy works best, only when its citizenry is able and willing to defend its government in the face of adversity. However, a representative democracy only works when its citizens are informed and equipped with civility, awareness, and a willingness to create change. For the purpose of this paper, we will consider the United States a representative democracy. The United States functions as a representative democracy because it is a form of government where its citizens elect and hold their representatives accountable to its people. Across the country, the principle method of holding government accountable is voting for elected representatives. Voting to pass local legislation in their hometown or voting for the next President of the United States, voting for …show more content…
As an individual, organizing your community to act upon legislation that affects you as a community is a simple task that can change an individual’s perspective of certain legislation. For example, on a university’s campus, often students create clubs that legislate for or against legislation that can create a negative, unwelcoming atmosphere for students. In the case of UCR, there exists a Lobby Corporations that prominently works with the University of California Student Association (U.C.S.A) to push the UC hierarchy to not only create but pass legislation that will reinforce a welcoming student environment. Personally a member of the Lobby Corporation, our impact can best be seen through our advocacy of increasing awareness upon Senator Leyva’s bill, SB320, that will not only have all UC and California community college campuses cover the costs of abortion, but have the UC and California community college campuses utilize their own clinics to provide abortion care for all

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