Premium Essay

Becoming An Organ Donor

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Many people want to make a difference in their life. They want to feel like there life had meant something and had an impact. Donating vital organs can be that impact. Although it may not be the heroic act many people imagined they would perform, it is indeed a heroic act that saves lives. To many, signing up to be an organ donor may seem obvious, but for others who need the extra encouragement, there are many many reasons to donate vital organs. Becoming an organ donor is strongly encouraged because it saves lives, there is no reason not to, and it offers comfort to loved ones.
A human life is one of the most precious and valuable things. And saving a human life is considered one of the most honorable act that can be performed. Registering to be an organ donor offers everyone that chance to save a life. As of today, there are 118,484 people who need a lifesaving organ transplant, and that number is only rising (Technology for Transplantation). Not everyone can be a superhero and save lives on the daily, but everyone can become an organ donor and have the potential to perform the selfless act of saving a life. Many people think that their one life doesn’t have the potential to make a difference. However, that is …show more content…
When you are deceased, you no longer have a need for your vital organs. You can’t take them with you wherever you are going - they just sit in your body. Organs are in high demand and are essential to many fighting for their life. “On average, 18 people die every day while waiting for organ transplants in the U.S., and every 10 minutes, another name is added to the waiting list (Facts about Organ Donation).” And since they are doing no good to you, why not give them to someone who desperately needs them? Besides that, donating organs is completely free. It does not cost you or your loved ones anything. Therefore, you have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to

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