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Accounting for Decision Making


Submitted By gman2024
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ACC 501, Accounting for Decision Making
MODULE 2: Case, A Revised Income Statement, The Contribution Margin Approach
Anthony Culpepper, PHD In the 21st century the business environment is changing very rapidly. These changes are reflected in global competition, rapidly advancing technology, and improved communication systems, such as the Internet. The activities that make an enterprise successful today may no longer be sufficient next year. A crucial role of managerial accounting is to continually assess how an organization stacks up against the competition. I do agree with the notion of value costing for the 21st Century organizations. Traditional accounting systems distribute indirect costs on the basis of direct labor hours, machine hours, or material costs. This leads to a distorted picture. The costs of products and services must be accurate, or management can be misled. In the last 15 years value costing has been at the forefront for businesses in the 21st century. New cost concepts allocates costs to the things people are doing in companies and assures that these costs are paid by the products that generated them. Virtual enterprise and efficient supply chain management systems will shape the future of these enterprises. Organizations are trying to become agile enterprises with the help of strategic alliances of firms and integration using information technologies. Traditional performance and cost measures are no longer suitable for developing and managing enterprises in the new environment. In order to remain relevant and to add value, cost and performance measures must be designed and systematically evaluated to reduce the often-unnoticed mismatch between strategic goals and operational tactics. Traditional costing systems provide precise, objective, verifiable and good information for external reporting purposes

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