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Acrolein Research Paper

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Acrolein, also, called propylene aldehyde, is a yellow or clear fluid that vaporizes and burns really easily and has an unpleasant smell. The fluid is formed from the heating of cooking oil as well as from the burning of fossil fuels, fire, and tobacco. It is also accidently released from waste sites and from chemical plants. There are many uses of acrolein. It is mainly used to synthesize other chemicals such as acrylic acid. The fluid is also used as a biocide where it controls the growth of algae, underwater plants, mollusks, microorganisms, bacteria and slime in irrigation canals, wells, industrial water systems, and more. After acrolein is formed, it enters the environment by vaporizing into the air. Because of this, human beings are …show more content…
Short-term exposure and inhalation of acrolein can cause discomfort, congestion, and slight irritation in the eye (watery eyes), nasal cavity, nose, throat, windpipe, voice box, and upper respiratory tract (at approximately 0.09 ppm). It also causes a decrease in respiratory rate (at approximately 0.3ppm). However these effects disappear some time after the exposure to acrolein is over. Some of the effects of long-term exposure and inhalation to acrolein in human are respiratory congestion and stronger irritation with the eye (including burning sensation), the mucus membrane, the nose, and the throat. The organ that is targeted the most in acrolein toxicity is the respiratory system. Being exposed to very high levels of acrolein can seriously affect the lungs of a human being by causing fluid to build up inside the lungs. The damaging of lungs caused by the inhalation and exposure of acrolein could lead to the damage of the respiratory system and eventually even result in death. Inhalation of high level of acrolein can also impact the central nervous system. Acrolein is even identified by some scientists as a possible cancer-causing

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