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Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Summary

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Craig Walker’s documentation of Brian Scott Ostrom suffering severe Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) from serving in Iraq is a powerful and moving photograph. In this particular photograph Ostrom is suffering from a panic attack from an argument he had had over the phone with his girlfriend, Walker managed to take the shot to show a clear and concise message: that war has an emotional toll on a person long after they have been serving. He does this by encapturing the telephone, Ostrom’s face, and the friend behind him. PTSD is a severe, and often crippling mental disease that can keep people from doing things that most consider to be a part of everyday life.
The focal point of the piece is the telephone that Ostrom is tightly gripping. The phone is angled in a horizontal line, showing the distress that Ostrom is feeling. The gray is not a sharp contrast to his hand, which has gray and blue undertones. This emphasises how tightly Ostrom is gripping the phone, as when someone's fist is clenched tightly, or gripping something tightly the blue-green veins come to the surface, giving the skin a greish tint. As your eyes move from the …show more content…
These are not only horizontal lines, they also go in all different directions with different angles, allowing you to see how Ostrom is not only in distress, but he feels as though his emotions are crushing him from all sides; however, the main focal point in Ostrom’s face is the look of absolute and complete despair. The camera angles allow you see the placement of his hand on top of his forehead, the fact that his eyes are looking down, which makes his eyes look closed, and his open mouth, which allows you to imagine that he must be crying, or screaming. The angles of the camera also allow you to see the gaunt features, such as his cheekbones and nose, which allow us to see how this affects every aspect of his life, not just one small

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