...How Can Canada Improve EMR Adoption? Abstract EMR is a client’s medical record in electronic form in a physician’s office. The following paper focuses on barriers of EMR implementation in Canada and what should Canada learn from New Zealand, UK and Denmark. Cost, provincial requirement for vendors, lack og belief in EMR are identified barriers. Even though encouragement from government, adoption rate is less in Canada. How Can Canada Improve EMR Adoption? According to Wikipedia, Electronic Medical Record (EMR) is computerized medical record created in an organization that delivers care, such as a hospital or physician's office. Although Canada is considered urbanized nation, it is far behind in implementation of EMR when compared to UK, New Zealand and Denmark. This paper will discuss how these countries have successfully established EMR systems, what are the barriers in Canada and recommendations for EMR implementation in Canada. Although EMR and EHR (Electronic Health Record) are often used interchangeably, there is a significant difference. EMR is a client’s medical record in a particular physician’s office while EHR is information accessible by many health professionals over a wide geographic area. EMR system established at large number of offices across the provinces will aid in building nationwide central EHR system. Such universally accessible system is highly desirable to reduce cost of care delivery, reduce duplicated test, reduce time taken between laboratory...
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...province of residence (Doucet, Lero & Tremblay, 2013). Since the ten provinces and three territories deliver the programme, they modify some details. These variations are minimal. In this analysis, we have taken the median amount of leave guaranteed by these 13 jurisdictions. At present, sections 67 to 85 of the Australian Fair Work Act 2009 (FWA) set out the legislative provisions for parental leave. Australia provides three types of child-based leave: maternity, paternity and adoptive leave. Substantive Differences in Parental Leave Provisions between Australia and Canada (i) Duration of Leave Australia guarantees new parents a total of 52 weeks of leave per childbirth. Also, parents can extend child-care leave for an additional 12 months after the initial period. Thus, the maximum amount of leave a family may take in relation to the birth or adoption of a new child is 104 weeks. On the other hand, Canada legislates parental leave on the provincial leave; the...
Words: 1685 - Pages: 7
... One per segment.! Question 4! ! 0.2 out of 0.2 points! In the context of management analytics, what does it mean to make information 'come alive'?! [Hint: Read Analytics: the new path to value by Lavalle et al. (2010)]! Selected Answer:! D. Running simulations with new and old data.! Question 5! ! 0.2 out of 0.2 points! With which of the analytics capability levels of adoption does the following description most closely align?! "Organisations using analytics to guide actions."! [Hint: Read Analytics: the new path to value by Lavalle et al. (2010)]! Selected Answer:! F. Experienced.! Question 6! ! 0.2 out of 0.2 points! Lavalle et al. (2010) make a surprising comment regarding the development of analytics, 'opportunistic application can create value fast'. Why can this be said?! [Hint: Read Analytics: the new path to value by Lavalle et al. (2010)]! Selected Answer:! E. Data is coming from multiple sources and it needs to keep pace with changing business goals.! Question 7! ! 0.2 out of 0.2 points! According to Lavalle et al., which of the following are the three most common obstacles to widespread adoption of analytics?! [Hint: Read Analytics: the new path to value by Lavalle et al. (2010)]! [Three of the answers are correct.]! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Selected Answers:! a. Lack of understanding of how to use analytics to improve...
Words: 10524 - Pages: 43
...There are debates that sealed adoption records should be made unsealed and to allow interaction between the three parties involved (Baldassi & Cindy 212). Initially, adoption records and data were accessible to individuals affiliated with adoption triangle; however, the revised amendment mandated that adoption records and data be placed off limits (Baldassi & Cindy 212). Professionals and policy makers advocated for confidentiality on grounds of stigma associated with illegitimacy of the child conceived out of wedlock. Current Psychological research establishes that opening sealed records would invigorate the effects of the post surrender stage that range from depression to anxiety in birth mothers (March 409). Also, it would cause post-placement...
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...PetSmart, Inc. (NASDAQ: PETM) As the largest specialty pet retailer of services and solutions for the lifetime needs of pets, we employ approximately 52,000 associates and operate 1,289 stores and more than 196 in-store PetSmart PetsHotels® dog and cat boarding facilities in the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico. We provide a broad range of competitively priced pet products and in-store services including pet adoption, boarding, grooming and training. Our stores are stocked with more than 10,000 products and we’re also a leading online provider of pet supplies and pet care information (http://www.petsmart.com/). Through our in-store pet adoption partnership with PetSmart Charities®, PetSmart has helped save the lives of more than 5 million pets since 1994. PetSmart Charities, Inc. and PetSmart Charities of Canada, Inc. (“PetSmart Charities”) are independent, nonprofit organizations that save the lives of homeless pets and reduce shelter intake through spay/neuter efforts. In 2012, nearly 450,000 dogs and cats found homes through the organization's adoption centers in all PetSmart stores and by sponsoring community adoption events. PetSmart Charities is the leader in granting money to help pets in need, with more than $28 million given in 2012 throughout North America. We operate 196 in-store PetSmart PetsHotels dog and cat boarding facilities. These overnight boarding facilities feature associates who are hand-picked for their love of pets and at least one caregiver...
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...needs of the consumers. In Canada, the pay TV and online streaming subscriptions are rising significantly as their market share increases each year. As per the Charlton Strategic research, as of year 2014, 69 percent of video viewing in Canada still comes from paid TV cable packages, whereas 37 percent comes from online video streaming sources and pay per view (Bradshaw, 2015). There has been a constant growth in the video streaming industry as they are slowly taking over the Canadian TV market. In Canada, each year numerous households get rid of the cable or the satellite TV and opt for video streaming instead. This number reached 240,000 in year 2014 as households in Canada continued to cut the cords (Bradshaw, 2015). Moreover, the recent trends also show that the majority of video streaming users belong to the age group of 18 to 25 years old (Bradshaw, 2015). The Technology Adoption Curve Online video streaming is relatively a new form of technology in the in the market. A company named Netflix, which currently has the largest customer base in the market, first introduced online video streaming in year 2008. Being a new innovation in the American market, innovators gave it a kick start in its early years by buying monthly subscription. With the positive response from the innovators, the product gained popularity among the American population and it was just a matter of time when the product was launched internationally. Currently, In Canada the average video viewing...
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...EC – ASBESTOS1 (DS135) PARTIES Complainant Canada AGREEMENTS TIMELINE OF THE DISPUTE Establishment of Panel TBT Annex 1.1 GATT Arts. III:4, XX and XXIII:1(b) Circulation of Panel Report Circulation of AB Report Adoption 25 November 1998 18 September 2000 12 March 2001 5 April 2001 Respondent European Communities 1. MEASURE AND PRODUCT AT ISSUE • • Measure at issue: France's ban on asbestos (Decree No. 96-1133). Product at issue: Imported asbestos (and products containing asbestos) vs certain domestic substitutes such as PVA, cellulose and glass (“PCG”) fibres (and products containing such substitutes). 2. SUMMARY OF KEY PANEL/AB FINDINGS • TBT Annex 1.1 (technical regulation): The Appellate Body, having rejected the Panel's approach of separating the measure into the ban and the exceptions, reversed the Panel and concluded that the ban as an “integrated whole” was a “technical regulation” as defined in Annex 1.1 and thus covered by the TBT Agreement, as (i) the products subject to the ban were identifiable (i.e. any products containing asbestos); (ii) the measure was a whole laid down product characteristics; and (iii) compliance with the measure was mandatory. However, the Appellate Body did not complete the legal analysis of Canada's TBT claims as it did not have an “adequate basis” upon which to examine them. GATT Art. III:4 (national treatment – domestic laws and regulations): As the Appellate Body found the Panel's likeness analysis between asbestos and...
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...IFRS in the United States: If, When and How Donna L. Street s described by Erchinger (2012), for decades various United States (US) Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chairs and Chief Accountants have expressed support for the development of one set of globally accepted accounting standards. Since the formation of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) in 2001, SEC leaders have repeatedly indicated that the logical choice for globally accepted standards is the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) issued by the IASB. However, in line with other large economies, such as Japan, India and China, as of June 2012 the US had not adopted IFRS.1 This paper explores when and how, and indeed if, IFRS will become the basis for the financial reporting of domestic SEC registrants in the US. Readers are encouraged to first review Erchinger’s (2012) history of the SEC’s consideration of IFRS in the US included in this forum and especially Table 1 of this article, which provides a chronology of SEC releases regarding incorporation of IFRS into the US financial reporting model. This paper complements Erchinger’s by assessing approaches recently explored by the SEC for incorporating IFRS into the US financial reporting model. A decision can lead to correct or incorrect action. However, as articulated by many SEC constituents, uncertainty associated with repeated delays and hence ‘no decision’ by the SEC is clearly not in the best interest of investors and other financial...
Words: 14732 - Pages: 59
...The following case analysis seeks to examine the Supreme Court’s decisions in Racine v. Woods, [1983] 2 S.C.R. 173, in regard to the legal questions, basis of reasoning, as well as the cultural implications. In order to fully understand the outcomes of this case, it is necessary to briefly review the legal issues that prompted the appellants and respondent to pursue legal action. The initial factor was the apprehension of a six week old infant named Leticia Grace Woods, on October 20th, 1976, by C.A.S. of central Manitoba. Upon removing her from her mother’s custody, in an effort to protect her, she was placed in a foster home as stipulated in the Child Welfare Act, C.C.S.M., c. C80. After several months in foster care, Mrs. Woods’, Leticia’s mother consented to a year extension on her daughter’s stay in Society care, followed by an additional six month period. At which time Leticia was situated in the foster home of Sandra Ransom (later Racine) and Lorne Ransom. In March of 1978, when the extended period had ended, Leticia was returned to her mother. At this point, the Racine’s had developed an attachment and sense of responsibility for her care, which impelled them to visit Leticia with Mrs. Woods’ permission. On the second visit, in May of 1978, Mrs. Woods authorized the Racine’s to take Leticia home with them. This concept of “taking home” was later disputed by the Racine’s and Mrs. Woods on the basis of intended length of stay. The Racine’s believed that Mrs. Woods intended...
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...2013 AnnuAl RepoRt Canada Bread Company, Limited Canada Bread is a leading manufacturer and distributor of value-added and nutritious fresh and frozen bakery products. Canada Bread operates two business segments: FReSH BAKeRY Our Fresh Bakery segment includes premium white, whole grain and rye breads, tortillas, bagels, buns and rolls sold under a number of leading brands, including Dempster’s®, Villaggio®, Smart®, McGavins®, POM®, Bon Matin® and Ben’s®. FRoZen BAKeRY Our Frozen Bakery segment includes operations in North America and the U.K. The North American bakery business is a major producer and distributor of frozen unbaked, par-baked and fully-baked bread products. Our U.K. bakery business is a leading specialty bakery producing bagels and croissants. Key brands include California Goldminer® frozen bakery products, Tenderflake® ready-to-bake pastry products, and New York Bakery Co.® in the U.K. Through our Fresh Bakery and Frozen Bakery segments, we serve retail stores, in-store bakery departments and foodservice customers across North America and the U.K. Canada Bread employs approximately 5,400 people and operates 25 facilities across Canada, the U.S. and the U.K. The Company is 90% owned by Maple Leaf Foods Inc. Contents Message to Shareholders i Management’s Discussion and Analysis 1 Audited Consolidated Financial Statements 28 Notes to the Audited Consolidated Financial Statements 34 Corporate Information 67 2013 was an inflection point in the history...
Words: 40388 - Pages: 162
...IVEy Richard Ivey School of Business The University of Western Ontario 910E08 IBM CANADA LTD.: IMPLEMENTING GLOBAL STRATEGY Ken Mark wrote this case under the supervision of Professor Deborah R. Compeau solely to provide material for class discussion. The authors do not intend to iIIustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a managerial situation. The authors may have disguised certain names and other identifying information to protect confidentiality. Ivey Management Services prohibits any form of reproduction, storage or transmittal without its written permission. Reproduction of this material is not covered under authorizalion by any reproduction rights organizalion. To order copies or request permission to reproduce materials, contact Ivey Publishing, Ivey Management Services, e/o Richard Ivey School of Business, The University of Western Ontario, London, Onterio, Canada, N6A 3K7; phone (519) 661-3208; fax (519) 661-3882; e-mail cases@ivey.uwo.ca. Copyright © 2010, Ivey Management Services Version: (A) 2010-03-29 INTRODUCTION "Sorne managers are asking us to delay the switch from our locally supported CRM software to the new global application," said Peter Silvanovich, business transformation executive, Sales & Distribution, IBM Canada Ud. (IBM Canada). Silvanovich had responsibility for - among other things - introducing, maintaining and retiring software programs to support IBM Canada's business needs. On October 12, 2009, Silvanovich...
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...112 28 March 2012 International Adoption, An Annotated Bibliography Stricket, Mary, “International Adoption Guidebook”, 2004 The article examples that there are a lot of children both boys and girls, infants and older children and special needs children as well are available for adoption from a wide array of countries who are looking for a good home to live out their lives with good parents who love them and truly want them. You may have to travel to another county to learn their culture. If you are going to give your soon to be child a sense of his or her culture identify, what better way to do that then to learn how they live firsthand. This can be viewed as either an advantage or disadvantage. In international adoptions, parents and children are matched by either your adoption agency, the country’s adoption committee, or during and in-country visit. Once you have an approved home study, you are practically guaranteed a child. Mayginnes, Teresa. “Adoptions of Babies and Children”, November, 13, 2007 This Website is produced by a nonprofit organization, Adoption of Babies and Children. Were you can learn the inside and outs of adopting a children from another country. They work for foreign governments and adoption agencies, and orphanages on a regular basis. The countries which adopt their children out should have a global channel of communications in order to provide smooth adoption process. It provides information on how their adoption process works and gives links on...
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...The geological process of carbon capture storage holds a relevant place in today’s world, given more individuals and nations are concerned with global warming and the current amounts of greenhouse gas emissions. As current knowledge expands and experience fro, the last decade becomes more substantial, CCS offers a solution to these increasing global concerns if performed safely and intuitively. This poses high potential of broad adoption of CCS technology depending how cost efficient and favored this becomes in the long...
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...The family in picture one is made up of a small central group comprised of two common law or married parents and their children. This is a family structure is what was considered the basic family structure for many years. The once ideal family was a husband, a wife and their children, values reinforced that we once valued the institution of marriage (Blais & Hayes, 2011, p,37). This picture was chosen as it represents the average Canadian family. According to statistic Canada 87.4 per cent of children in the family belong to both parents and one out of every ten children live a stepfamily situation (Statistics Canada, 2011).. Separation, divorce and subsequent new relationships produce blended families in which the children have multiple parents...
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...are prepared. This means the accounting standards Canada had been using generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) will no longer apply. What will this mean for PAEs and their investors? Will there be more or less decision useful information and will securities markets become more efficient with Canada’s adoption of IFRS or is it the same business, just different accounting? Executive Summary Comparing financial statements internationally has become difficult as accounting rules and standards have evolved differently depending on the country due to history, culture, political influence and economics. That is why the IFRS have been created and currently there is almost 100 countries that adhere to IFRS standards. Canada too has decided it must join and in 2011 all Canadian PAE’s will report under IFRS. There are both pros and cons for investors who will be relying on financial information from companies that are using IFRS’s foundation. The adoptions of IFRS will likely cause recognition, measurement and presentation differences in a company’s financial statements. Although IFRS’s mandate is to provide a single set of high quality, understandable and enforceable global accounting standards there will be challenges that must be understood otherwise investor confidence will be eroded due to differences is various countries that have adopted IFRS. International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) versus Canada Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) IFRS...
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