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Non-Probability Sampling Method

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Selection of Research Participants
Choose a sampling method. Probability Sampling or Non-probability Sampling. Probability is the preferred sampling method for researchers. Non-Probability sampling is easier to use but is a less accurate portrayal of the population.
Probability sampling is comprised of sampling techniques that specifically target the odds that a participant will be selected from a certain population. This representative sampling is more easily reproduced and testable.
Non-Probability sampling is different in the sense you cannot specify the chances of choosing a particular individual. Not everyone has an equal opportunity of being selected for the study. This lack of representative sampling of the population brings the validity …show more content…
Analysis Process
Establish a measurable question and keep it clear and concise. The questions by design should either disqualify or qualify your hypotheses.
Setting clear and measurable goals or priorities is essential being able to analyze your data to understand your results.
Deciding what to measure and how to measure it is the most important step in having data to analyze.
Now with clear goals set the data can be collected and analyzed. The data can now be put into the research question and analyzed, but a deeper analysis is required.
This can be done by breaking the data down in to graphs, spreadsheets, PowerPoints or infographics, etc.
With the final set of data, there may come a need to conduct further research and when all is done there moves on to publication of the data.
Publication of Findings
Before attempting to get your paper published, you should have colleagues and professors read over your work for critique.
The paper should include title, abstract, introduction, methods, results, tables and figures, discussion, reference/bibliography, acknowledgments,

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