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Advantages to Utilizing Teams in Academic Environments


Submitted By dalockett
Words 973
Pages 4

Each member of our group identified that within the academic environment there has been a large portion of courses that require us to complete various assignments and projects with a team of our peers. Course professors inform us that regardless of the whether we like the requirement or not, it is a necessary action in order to prepare each individual to understand the complexities and advantages of teamwork within the business environment. In addition, these group projects prepare students for the various scenarios that they may encounter that make working in a group , within the business arena, a headache. In essence there are a multitude of advantages and disadvantages that are easy to identify, based upon our academic experiences.

Advantages to Utilizing Teams in Academic Environments

The most notable advantage that has been apparent, even when completing projects for this course, is that the initial process of brainstorming results in a larger output as compared to completing a project alone. By creating a group, there are multiple contributors who offer large variations of knowledge, points of view, and life experiences as tools to produce a quality solution or product for the course. The variation of ideas can then allow each team member to explore ideas and approaches that they would otherwise not have thought of or considered. In essence, there is an exchange of knowledge that allows each member to complete the project with the realization that the variation of skills and knowledge has created a better solution.

Each member has to assist in the shared responsibility of a group to utilize effective communication skills to reach final decisions. This process does have the potential to teach members ways to improve their communication skills. With variations of idea being formulated, there will be times where our ideas are challenged or

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