...AESOP'S FABLES (84 Fables) From The PaperLess Readers Club, Houston (713) 977-9505 (BBS) Voice/Fax (713) 977-1719 1-21 22-42 The Cock and the Pearl The Frog and the Ox The Wolf and the Lamb Androcles The Dog and the Shadow The Bat, the Birds, and the Beasts The Lion's Share The Hart and the Hunter The Wolf and the Crane The Serpent and the File The Man and the Serpent The Man and the Wood The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse The Dog and the Wolf The Fox and the Crow The Belly and the Members The Sick Lion The Hart in the Ox-Stall The Ass and the Lapdog The Fox and the Grapes The Lion and the Mouse The Horse, Hunter, and Stag The Swallow and the Other Birds The Peacock and Juno The Frogs Desiring a King The Fox and the Lion The Mountains in Labour The Lion and the Statue The Hares and the Frogs The Ant and the Grasshopper The Wolf and the Kid The Tree and the Reed The Woodman and the Serpent The Fox and the Cat The Bald Man and the Fly The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing The Fox and the Stork The Dog in the Manger The Fox and the Mask The Man...
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...First Quarter Week 1 The Crow and the Pitcher Adapted from Aesop by Dinah C. Bonao On a hot summer day, a thirsty crow looked for water to drink. “It’s hot! I am thirsty!” said the crow. “I need to find water.” (Have the pupils predict: What do you think will the crow do?) The crow flew from one place to another looking for water to drink. He finally found a pitcher near a well. But there was only little water in the pitcher. He tried to drink from the pitcher but no matter how much he tried, he could not reach the water. “My beak is too big. The pitcher’s neck is very narrow. How will I get the water?” he thought. (Have the pupils predict: What do you think will the crow do so he could reach the water in the pitcher?) Then an idea came to the crow. He picked up some small stones. He dropped them into the pitcher one by one. (Have the pupils predict: After he had dropped some stones into the pitcher, what do you think will happen?) “One, two, three…” Plop, plip, plop. Little by little, the water rose in the pitcher. “Four, five, six…” Plop, plip, plop. The water rose some more. Soon the crow could reach the water. “Now, I can drink!” said the crow. “Ah! It’s cold and good!” Discussion Questions: 1. At the beginning of the story, what did the thirsty crow do? 2. Where did he find water? 3. Could he drink right away? Why not? 4. How do you think the crow felt when he could not drink? 5. What did the crow do then? 6. If you were the crow, what would you do? ...
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...Aesop Fable Aesop was a famous Ancient Greek fabulist. His short stories example everyday situations in basic terms that can be applied to everyday life. His fables have a moral that can apply to peoples’ lives in many different ways. Aesop was an Ancient Greek fabulist or story-teller born around 620 b.c. and died around 560 b.c. He was a slave, but he was given his freedom because of his literacy and storytelling. He was described with many physical deformities, and a speech impediment that was healed a deity. He was said to be a clever and persuasive. Many times when he was up for punishment, he would tell a story of the irony of the situation and the punishment. His death is a mystery just as much as his life was. The myth is that he won so much fame throughout Greece for his short stories, that he became the target of resentment in the town. Aesop supposedly stole a golden cup from town, and in result he was tossed from the cliffs as punishment for the theft. The fable The Hare and The Frog is about a group of hares living in the forest always frighten by other animals, even scared of there own shadows. The hares said they would rather die then to live in fear and shame. So the hares raced down to the pond in the forest to drown themselves. While the hares were racing down to the pond, they made so much noise, they were heard by the group of frogs. The frogs were so frighten by the hares. The hares came to realize that they are even some creatures...
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...THE FABLE - HISTORY In this section we shortly go through the history of fable, from its origins to our days. The folk tale is the expression of that fanciful heritage spontaneously created in any kind of culture, for the man's innate needs. At first it was handed down by word of mouth, then it was collected by enthusiasts and scholars, and in the end, it was revised by the individual inspiration of story-tellers and fabulists, who added some elements of personal invention. The exigency of fancy often joins the reality of the environment where the fable was born: so, together with certain natural elements common to the folk creative power (contrast between the good and the bad, the sly and the fool, the tyrant and the victim; a happy ending at the conclusion of a succession of more or less intricate adventures), it is not difficult to find in the types, in the names used, in the outlined customs, the characteristics which mark its country of origin. The fable (in the Greek language “muzos”, which you can also literally translate with “myth”) has its own evolution in the time, according to the development of the people expressing it. Some famous collections belong to the oriental traditions, which, in that way, handed down warnings rich in ancient wisdom or adventures rich in extraordinary fact, tricks and unexpected events. Other collections, the Greek and Roman ones, show religious elements (the origin of the world or cosmology, the stories of gods, heroes and men), where...
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...Definition of Gratitude Aesop’s fable “Androcles and the Lion” presents an extensive definition of the notion of gratitude as it evokes its several vital aspects. According to Aesop’s concept demonstrated in the fable, gratitude is the appreciation of the attention and assistance performed by any living being. The story highlights the need for will power in order to express acknowledgement in the most heavy and seemingly insurmountable situations. Aesop’s definition of gratitude is based on two primary concepts: remembering the good along with the notion of having enough will power to pay back decently to remain a profoundly noble creature. Firstly, according to Aesop, gratitude requires targeted strong-willed efforts, as it implies not doing something that would have been done in any other situation. “Androcles and the Lion” supports the forenamed assumption with the fact that the lion brought meat to Androcles and managed to restrain himself to do him no harm after they both were imprisoned (BPI, 2011). Secondly, it stresses the fact that any living being and Homo sapiens in particular are to be grateful to people and situations. In addition, Aesop’s definition of gratitude implies the understanding that gratitude is the only way to obtain freedom in this world. Hence, if the lion did not restrain himself, neither Androcles nor the lion himself would be ever free again. Thus, for Aesop, gratitude is “the sign of noble souls” as only a noble creature...
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...Myths and Narratives Unit 2 Trish Pippitt Kaplan University 9/03/2013 I remember as a young child my mother used to read books to my older brother Ryan and me every day. We always ate dinner, took our baths and then crawled into our bunk beds and waited for mom to come in and read. If we were really good she would read two stories. I still remember the time my mother read the story of The Tortoise and the Hare (Aesop, 1867) one night. It was one of Aesops Fables best in my book. As the second child born and having an older brother I was a very competitive child from the moment I could walk. I knew I could beat my brother at anything and I knew I was much better than he was. Well at least my mind thought that until we actually raced or played a game and he always won. Apparently my mother picked that book on purpose because she saw how frustrated I would get because Ryan would beat me at everything. He would make me so darn mad I just wanted to beat him ONE TIME!!! My mom was able to stay home for most of the week with us so she observed us and figured out that maybe, just maybe I needed to calm down and figure it out before I got so mad. See I was always rushing and getting distracted while my brother and I played because I wanted to be just like him so bad. Now I would never admit this now, but I thought my brother was the coolest kid on the block. I idolized him because he was just awesome. Of course years later when we were teens I heard the story of...
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...The Boy Who Cried Wolf (Appropriation) I was lying there still on the grass, the flock of sheep grazing next to me. My eyelids battered against my urges, resisting the need to sleep. I got up with the wind ruffling through my hair. I called "Dolly" to the nearest sheep. She came over and leaned in lovingly while I stroked its ear. Suddenly there was a rustle behind me. I turned around anxiously. To my horror I was staring eye to eye with a wolf. Its piercing blue eyes caused me to freeze, its neck white as snow. With two leaps it had reached me and in one quick move it pinned me to the ground. I tried to call for help, but I could only manage a weak gasp. Its eyes were filled with malice and intent while a tear rolled down my cheek. As it scratched my face, I finally managed a sound. "WOLF" I bellowed at the top of my lungs. I heard the village stir and I think the wolf heard it too as I watched it slip away into the night. After about 30 seconds the first villager appeared with a pitchfork. "Where is the wolf, boy?", he asked. I replied, "It disappeared into those bushes". The villager gave me a menacing look and turned to the bushes. "There is nothing there" he exclaimed. "Y-Yes there was just a minute ago", I pleaded. "The last time there was a wolf here, was many years ago", the villager stated. He continued, "It took away a boy just like you. He would cry wolf just to see us villagers panic and try to help. However when we got there, there would be no one except the boy...
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...happen in quick succession; the Cat swipes his face with her claws, the Donkey picks up his hooves and kicks him, the Dog bites him on the leg, and the Rooster crows and chases him out the door, screaming. He tells his companions that he was beset by a horrible witch who scratched him with her long fingers (the Cat), a man with a knife (the Dog), a monster who had hit him with a club (the Donkey), and worst of all, the devil who screamed from the rooftop (the Rooster). The robbers abandon the cottage to the strange creatures who have taken it, where the animals live happily for the rest of their days. The Boy Who Cried Wolf The Boy Who Cried Wolf, also known as The Shepherd Boy and the Wolf, is a fable attributed to Aesop (210 in Perry's numbering system[1]). The protagonist of the fable is a bored shepherd boy who entertained himself by calling out...
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...Fable Essay Often, what you see is not what you get. You might be drawn in at first but realize too late that you made the wrong decision. The poem ”Fable” by Janos Pilinszky shows how emotions can influence our decision making and lead us down the wrong path. People fall to the initial reaction and don’t think about the consequences of their actions. “Fable” shows examples of how appearance is different than reality. In this case, a lonely wolf who walked into a village and loved the first house he saw. He especially loved the “caresses of its bricklayers.” Being drawn in from the first look is going to make everything within the house seem better than it is. Essentially, it caused a sense of hope based on how these people and the house looked (nice) that he might become accepted as part of their village. This, he felt, was his chance to be a normal child. As he found out, this wasn't the case....
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...Pride goes before a fall This proverb is coined from the well known story entitled, “The Hare and die Tortoise,” from Aesop’s fables. We all remember having read it during our kindergarten days. The hare always quick on his feet challenged a tortoise to a running race! The tortoise who knew that, being a slow animal he was no match for the hare. Yet he accepted the challenge. On the day of the race all the animals assembled at one place and die race commenced. Alas! Like a lightning the hare sprinted across and disappeared from sight. But poor tortoise walked slowly, as usual. The haughty hare, which had gone too far away, paused under a tree. He knew that it would take a long time for the tortoise to reach him. So he stretched and slept. How long he slept, he never knew. Meanwhile, the tortoise came there, saw the hare sleeping and went ahead quietly and reached die winning post, giving a crushing defeat to the hare! This was a lesson not only to die hare, but to everyone who feels too proud and underestimates the others. No matter whatever one’s capacity is, one should not feel proud of it. To cite another example, we have all seen the English movie, ‘Titanic.’ One of the main reasons that the ship sank was the overconfidence of the captain and the ship’s crew. They underestimated what harm an iceberg could do to such a mighty ship of theirs. Hence, the overconfidence broke the ship and sank it, drowning many hundreds of passengers. People say that even a watch that stopped...
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...A Perspective on Traditional Literature • Traditional literature can provide a window on cultural beliefs and on the spiritual and psychological qualities that are part of our human nature. The Origin of Folk Literature • Children sometimes identify these stories as “make-believe,” as contrasted with “true” or “stories that could really happen.” • The origin of the myths has fascinated and puzzled folklorists, anthropologists, and psychologists. • Folktales are also of special interest to scholars of narrative theory because of the way the tales are honed by many generations of telling; only the most important elements of the story survive. The Value of Folk Literature for Children • When Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm published the first volume of their Household Stories in 1812, they did not intend it for children. • Originally folklore was the literature of the people; stories were told to young and old alike. • Traditional literature is a rightful part of a child’s literature heritage and lays the groundwork for understanding all literature. Folktales • Folktales have been defined as “all forms of narrative, written or oral, which have come to be handed down through the years.” • Questions often arise about which of the available print versions of a tale is the “correct” or authentic text. Types of Folktales • There will be features of these stories that are unique to each culture...
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...Universal Stories Teamwork The Bundle of Sticks An Aesop Fable The Greek folk hero, Aesop, illustrates the concept of teamwork in this short but affective fable. The story centers on a father demonstrating to his sons, the importance of working together. Illustrating this concept, especially to these feuding siblings, wasn’t a simple task but was made easier by using a common item that each son was familiar with. The father challenged his sons by giving each a bundle of wood. The sons were then asked to break the bundle in half. As hard as each boy tried, they could not split the bundle of wood. The father then untied the bundle and gave each of them one stick to break. Each son was able to break his piece of wood without any difficulty. This simple test, showed how working together, this band of brothers could reach goals far beyond the ones they could reach as individuals. Compassion The Lion and the Mouse An Aesop’s Fable Compassion has always been a virtue most of us like to think we practice. But there are those who choose not to share compassion with others no matter how much they need it. After a small mouse disturbs a sleeping lion, the mouse is threatened with certain death. As a consequence of convincing the lion that he, a tiny mouse, could someday save his life, the lion set the mouse free. By releasing the lion from a net a few days later, the mouse proved the he could, after all, save the lion’s life. The compassion the lion had for the mouse proves that...
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...no classic, but it's a special movie: spectacular and wise. Says Matt Zoller Sietz from RogerEbert.com If you’re looking for an action adventure, or a pure Sci-Fi you might be disappointed as the storyline isn’t after that. If you notice little backdrop details about the scenes of the movie and love an interesting storyline, that’s where this movie comes through very strong. It isn’t just about a father and son being shipwrecked on a planet, or even about them bonding together even though it does cover that pretty well. As far as movies go, it seemed to me to be a little predictable even watching it the first time, but I was still able to pick up on a little of what it was teaching me. Teaching? You ask, yes this movies is a Fable, and fables teach us. They show us how we cope with our fears and how we have preconceived ideas about our fears, whether taught to us from our parents or from life. But when...
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...on the environments that they placed on and all the cultures are in relation with each other. A Senegalese social scientist Cheikh Anta Diop has a theory about the roots of the civilization. He supports that Ethiopians and the Egyptians played a key role in the processing of civilization by their developments in science, art and religion. These developments were required for the adaptation of the people. The Greeks interiorized the elements of civilization which they inspired from Egyptians, continued to develop them and spread them to the Eurasians. The Greek philosophers and scholars thoughts were shaped by the Egyptians. Their style of architecture was similar with the Egyptians’. They also effected from Egyptians’ literature like fables. One of the French writers, La Fontaine, inspired from a Greek writer, Aesop. Diop also claim that Greeks impressed their gods from Egypt. He proved that with the foreign sources which were mostly written by Egyptians. Apart the theory of Diop, there is a big relation between religion and civilization. People had found supernatural solutions or explanations for natural problems like climate change, volcanic eruptions or darkness and lightness and they also have a supernatural solution for fertility – mother goddess which was a symbol of fertility – which was very important for the people who have...
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..."It's a common belief that positive thinking leads to a happier, healthier life. As children we are told to smile, be cheerful, and put on a happy face. As adults we are told to look on the bright side, to make lemonade, and see glasses as half full. Sometimes reality can get in the way of our ability to act the happy part though. Your hope can fail, boyfriends can cheat, friends can disappoint. It's in these moments, when you just want to get real, drop the act, and be your true scared unhappy self." -Meredith Grey "No matter how thick skinned we try to be, there's millions of electrifying nerve endings in there opened and exposed and feeling way too much. Try as we might to keep from feeling pain, sometimes it's just unavoidable. Sometimes that's the only thing left." -Meredith Grey "You never know the biggest day of your life is the biggest day. Not until it's happening. You don't recognize the biggest day of your life, not until you're right in the middle of it. The day you commit to something or someone. The day you get your heart broken. The day you meet your soul mate. The day you realize there's not enough time, because you wanna live forever. Those are the biggest days. The perfect days." -Isobel "Izzie" Stevens "Change, we don't like it, we fear it, but we can't stop it from coming. We either adapt to change or we get left behind. And it hurts to grow, anybody who tells you it doesn't is lying. But here's the truth: the more things change, the more...
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