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African American Colonialism

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As the main factors that that pushed the European into Africa were economic, political and social, and it is usually the main factors that motivate any of imperialist and colonizers. In this section, I will illustrate briefly the effect of European colonialism in North Africa especially in those main sectors.
Politically, the most important inheritance of European colonialism in Africa is the demarcation of the borders between the African countries, which essentially reflected European colonial interests in the region and did not recognize African interests. Thus, the inherited European colonial boundaries led to the division of ethnic groups between two or more countries, A history of hostility and conflict within a single regional border, which has encouraged the increase …show more content…
However, the African continent has witnessed violent border disputes, most notably: The Horn of Africa war between Somalia and Ethiopia 1977-1978, the war waged by Morocco against the Polisario Front on Western Sahara, the war between Libya and Chad 1973-1988, and finally the Eritrean-Eritrean conflict.
In terms of administration and governance in the colonial era, colonial governments have resorted to changing the ethnic map of the African colonies, both in terms of processes of deconstruction or composition. In certain cases, European officials created new ethnic units. For example, the 19th century Angala, which was launched by the Belgian colonialists to include all the peoples living along the Zaire River, was them extended to those who migrated from the river basin to the urban area.
European colonialism encouraged ethnic feelings among Africans, the differences between ethnic groups were emphasized, and nothing was revealed about similarities in order to divert attention from colonial

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