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Agent Orange Vietnam Research Paper

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June 5, 1970

Melvin R. Laird, Secretary of Defense, United States of America Department of Defense.

Dear Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird.

The country deeply appreciates your steadfast loyalty and commitment to serving not just the American people, but the citizens of the world. It is with this loyalty in mind that I urge you to consider the immediate suspension of Agent Orange in the Vietnam War. The effects of continuing to administer this chemical concoction would be disastrous, and I plead with you to listen to the warnings of the scientific community.

The manufacturing process of Agent Orange often produces highly toxic byproduct 2,3,7,8-tetrachloro-dibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), especially at higher reaction temperatures (Frumkin, 246). The biological consequences of TCDD exposure are more than significant. The molecule is highly lipophilic, meaning that it will bind to fats within the body. As these fats are …show more content…
soldiers for generations to come. I implore you to weigh these dangers against the benefits of foliage reduction; are there other strategies that can be invoked? An easy answer to this letter is to replace Agent Orange with another pesticide, but how safe is this? Simply put, there is not enough reliable research on pesticide safety to justify exposing an entire country of innocent civilians to such chemicals. Pesticides were initially produced in the 1940s and research has been gravely limited (Fallon, 24). Without absolute certainty that toxic contaminants will not arise and without long-term studies that truly assess pesticide toxicity, it is not just irresponsible to continue to administer pesticides throughout Vietnam, but intentionally cruel. The reputation of the U.S. military, as well as the entire field of chemistry, would be rightfully

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