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Airplane Electrical System Research Paper

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Airplane electrical systems are important because they run all the stuff that warns the pilots that they maybe stalling out or if something is wrong with the airplane. Electrical systems are powered by two different powers and they are known as direct current and alternating current. The alternating current is the easiest one to produce that it is produce direct current. An alternating current generator utilizes a bundle wire that spins in a field of magnetism, and this field is created by invisible lines made up of magnetic flux between two pole pieces.

These two pieces ends of the bundle terminate in slip rings connected to external circuit through carbon like brushes. When the bundle is in a certain position one, both of the sides that are traveling in parallel to the flux, and the lines are absolutely not cut. Which means that there is no current being produced, and that there isn't voltage between the rings that slip. When the bundle spins to position two the current starts out as a zero and goes to the highest amount of the lines of flux that are definitely cut. Then as the bundle of wires spin again, this current that was reached is reverted back to zero. …show more content…
So in alternating current all electricity is created by generators that use magnetism. But before electricity is took from the generator is has to be converted to direct current. Its normally converted through a use of a rectifier there is two kinds of the rectifiers one is done mechanically and the other is done using a semiconductor. Direct current is done similar to an alternating current generator, except the bundle is terminated in two segments of a split ring

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