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Alcoholic Anonymous Meeting Reflective Paper


Submitted By osymatt
Words 621
Pages 3
I attended an open AA meeting at a church on a Sunday evening. I was not sure what to expect about the meeting and especially the attendees and that was the main reason I choose a church venue. I felt that I might feel a little safer there since I feel comfortable being in church.
I got to the meeting early but I stayed outside around the venue to minimize the time I would have to socialize with the other attendees before the meeting commences. I was also concerned I might look nervous or very different from everybody else. The meeting was held at the basement of the church and when I eventually went in about two minutes before the proposed start time, I was greeted by an elderly man first just as I stepped in. According to him, he had seen me walking around outside before I came in. He asked if it was my first meeting, and I responded yes and explained my reason for the visit. He seemed to be used to having guests (especially students) come in very often. The meeting started almost on time. There was a short prayer and the man that said the prayer read the sign that said “The twelve steps”. After that, everyone was made to introduce themselves. The group was larger than I thought it would be and almost everyone seemed pretty regular and I was also glad I had decided to keep my dressing very simple and basic to at least fit in.
After the general introduction, a speaker was introduced. The speaker was a middle aged lady who looked very well dressed and she talked about her struggle with alcohol for years and how she was able to come out of the situation through God and the AA meeting. As she spoke, my eyes and mind wandered back to the twelve steps sign and I re-read it to myself and started thinking about how some of the steps applies to things I have been personally working on. I might not have ever being an alcoholic but points like those stated in #3 and #11

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