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Alexander Hamilton's Legacy

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Alexander Hamilton was an eccentric and brilliant man, but also one of, if not the most important rebels in American History. Hamilton managed to pull himself through a terrible childhood. Hamilton’s rebellious attitude is one of the main reasons why the Colonists won against the British Army, and why the United States is able to flourish today. While not all agreed with Hamilton, everyone cannot look at Hamilton’s legacy and not be completely awe-struck. Hamilton was a man able to overcome any challenge and outsmart any opponent by rebelling against the norm of society. To begin with, Hamilton’s life was at no point easy, especially when regarding his early life. Hamilton was born on the island of Nevis which is in the caribbean and part …show more content…
It wasn’t until Hamilton’s friend and fellow immigrant Lafayette convinced Washington that Hamilton was needed that Hamilton was needed on the battlefield. Hamilton and Lafayette brilliant strategical and rebellious minds is what lead to the victory at the Battle of Yorktown in 1781. This battle pushed the Redcoats out of New York and eventually lead to the colonies winning. As stated by, “Three days later, Cornwallis surrendered. As his men marched out to stack their guns, their bands played “The World Turned Upside Down.” In London, when Prime Minister Lord North heard the news, he cried: “Oh God, it is all over.” So it was.” Without Hamilton’s brilliant and rebellious mind, present day America would not be the same.
Not only did Hamilton help win the Revolutionary War, but he continued to help shape America after the war. After the war, Hamilton went back to New York to practice law with his friend Aaron Burr at his side. Even though Hamilton was an aspiring lawyer, he still cared for the nation as if it was his …show more content…
While Hamilton was a rebel, he was also a man that never thought what he was working was perfect, that it could always be improved. When Hamilton was recruited, he worked day and night to weave a tight knitted national financial system for the entire United States. This excerpt from sums it all up, “His aggressive support for manufacturing, banks, and strong public credit all became central aspects of the modern capitalist economy that would develop in the United States in the century after his death. Nevertheless, his policies were deeply controversial in their

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